Part 38: 18:21-20:09: Anodic, Anodyne
Chapter 38: 18:21-20:09: Anodic, Anodyne
ARIST: [Medium: Success] You are already beginning to regret entering the crowded tent full of youths.

ARIST: [Medium: Success] Talk to the leader. Thats probably the one who greeted you earlier, right?

ANDRE: His grip is strong, sweaty, and warm. Hes trying to project and inspire confidence. This is my posse: Noid

ANDRE: and Egg Head.

ANDRE: We have many in the pipeline, officer.

ANDRE: You see, weve been all over Jamrock North, prospecting for real estate to establish a new venue in
EGG HEAD: Also for talent!
ANDRE: Yes, thank you, Egg Head. And, while there is no shortage of raw, unfettered talent spinning tapes in Jamrock, weve had rotten luck with the real estate part.
NOID: Place is a shithole.

ANDRE: Which brings me to the problem of occupied ecclesiastical property. I bet youve noticed the derelict hive of *narcomania* on the coast?

ANDRE: Im talking about the church. And Im not exaggerating! Even a place of spiritual refuge can become a magnet for all sorts of *dopeheads* and *burnouts* if left unattended
EGG HEAD: Dopeheads!
NOID: Burnouts! He angrily spits on a screw, then starts cleaning it.
ANDRE: Well, Im sad to say, thats exactly what happened. Sad because we were just about to put Martinaise on the map with one of the maddest dance clubs in Jamrockno, strike thatin Revachol
EGG HEAD: Strike thatthe world!
ANDRE: And sadder yet because the dopeheads and burnouts holed up in there are *the worst* kind.
COMPOSURE: [Easy: Success] He leans back a little, watching you with a steady, serious gaze, letting you imagine just how bad those dopeheads and burnouts really are.

ANDRE: I was hoping you would be the judge of that, officer. All I can say is, their spookiness is the kind that keeps us from restoring this church into a community centre. And a place of spiritual refuge.
NOID: Also, they dont heat or clean the building. Shits gonna collapse.
EGG HEAD: People just wanna spin tapes without them spookin it up! Place has bad sines! No one can dance like that.
ANDRE: Thank you, Egg Head.

ANDRE: Oh, so you met her? Good, good.
EMPATHY: [Medium: Success] Hes not as glad as he would like you to think. Theres concern in his voice.
LOGIC: [Medium: Success] He doesnt know what she told you. This is a man whos desperate to control the message. But that just leads to the obvious question: what doesnt he want you to know?
ANDRE: I did ask Noid to install a measure against more drifters wandering in. Its a temporary fix. Just something to contain the situation.

ANDRE: Of course. Noid, give the officer the key.

ARIST: [Easy: Success] Cool Cop time!

Oh, what? You got a bogus fake health point back from the check failure, but then you took unhealed damage one text line later? Gaaaaaaaaaame!

ARIST: [Legendary: Failure] He hit you in the *eye*! He ruined Cool Cop! Hell pay for this!

NOID: Man, Im super sorry. That was totally my bad, I got overexcited. Threw them too hard. Im sorry.

NOID: I really am sorry man, just take this, okay? He pulls out some black paper from his belt-pack.

NOID: He is shifting in his spot uncomfortably, still feeling sorry for the mishap.

ANDRE: Im super sure theyre alive. I mean, cmon! Im at least 90% maybe 85% sure theyre still alive.

ANDRE: I dont know He pauses to think. What does anything mean, really?

ANDRE: Youre right. It *is* nonsense. Total garbage. I knew youd see through it, youre one smart cop!

ANDRE: Well he leans in for emphasis, theres also *the machinery*
INLAND EMPIRE: [Medium: Success] This machinery is of the deeply mystical variety.
ANDRE: When I first scouted the place, back in February, it was abandoned. Empty. Took some time getting the crew together, so about two weeks ago we came here hoping to set the stuff up. Suddenly there are all these strange *machines* lying around in there.
NOID: One of them has wires running into bowls of water. Wires. Into *water*. Never seen anything like it.
EGG HEAD: Andre, tell him about the feeling!
ANDRE: Oh, and it felt like there was some *thing* in there with us, watching us from the dark
EGG HEAD: No! The other one.
ANDRE: Uhm, which other one? Im not as in tune with my emotions as you are, Egg.
EGG HEAD: Felt like silence! Awful silence

ANDRE: Sure, why not! Yeah!

ANDRE: What Noid said!
LOGIC: [Easy: Success] So brown and older? Ruby might have dyed her hair? Though it seems like a stretch at this point.

ANDRE: Like you arent *alone*, you know?
NOID: It wasnt quite *human*if you know what I mean.
RHETORIC: [Medium: Success] *Not human*? As in a ghost? *Do* you know what he means?

ARIST: [Impossible: Failure] CRAB MAN!
ANDRE: Yeah, you know. The way it was climbing up and around the ceiling. Like a crab.
NOID: The other one agrees. It was stalking Acele. Exhibiting ambush behaviour.

ANDRE: Yeah, totally. I mean I didnt *personally* see itAcele was alone that time, but I believe her. If she comes out running and days theres a crab in there, theres a crab in there.
REACTION SPEED: [Medium: Success] So he hasnt even been in there lately? Is he afraid?
NOID: You should ask her about itbut be nice. Dont tell her you dont believe in the crab.
ARIST: [Impossible: Failure] But I *do* believe in the crab!
INLAND EMPIRE: [Challenging: Success] The implications of this are too numerous to consider. Proceed with caution. Learn all you can before entering that dark building.

ARIST: [Impossible: Failure] Shut up, you!!!

ANDRE: Well, honestly, I cant. But I am.

ANDRE: Hey now! He furrows his brow. Im 70% sure theyre substance abusers.

ANDRE: Oh yeah, thats a Meteoran name for the Founding Party. Thought itd be cool to use it.

ARIST: [Challenging: Success] Dont ask about Meteo. Hes gonna think youre a huge loser if he knows you have no idea what Meteo is. Whatever that is.

ANDRE: Totally. There isnt a trace of doubt in his voice.
EGG HEAD: The Perikarnassian Chruch is about *love*! Anodic music is about *love*! I got love for my Perikarnassian posse, *love* is the relay out of death! WE DANCE!!! He violently shakes the tape player, to see if he can break it. Love is HARD CORE!
NOID: Unity.
EGG HEAD: Make some noise for my Insulindian posse! He turns the volume up, then looks at you with a knowing nod. As if its obvious you will now break into dance.

EGG HEAD: Your posses like your people, man! Like you got your cop posseyou look out for each other and you party together. Thats a posse!

ANDRE: Are we? He looks at you mysteriously.

EGG HEAD: Oh yeah, it can!

EGG HEAD: YEAAGH! Yakokataathe place to be!
EMPATHY: [Medium: Success] He seems ecstatic that you share his vision of Perikarnassianism.
NOID: Do it for the masses, do it for the crew. His friend forms a fist with a screwdriver still in his hand. Approvingly so.
ANDRE: I didnt want to say it, but it *was* pretty lame of you to imply otherwise. Anyway, you got more questions?
EGG HEAD: The one with the large head is still looking at you, nodding his head, waiting for your body to start moving

ANDRE: Oh? He doesnt know what to say. Its the one they sell at the fuel station.

ANDRE: It does, doesnt it?

ANDRE: Ether? I dont smell ether. Do you, Noid?

ANDRE: He sniffs the air, then shrugs.
LOGIC: [Medium: Success] It doesnt take a forensic scientist to guess its drug-related. They look and act like the kind of guys whove done their fair share.
PERCEPTION (SIGHT): [Easy: Success] Unlike the girl outside, however, the boys breathing is regular, their jaws stay put and their pupils arent dilated. So theyre not under the influence *currently*.

ELECTROCHEMISTRY: [Easy: Success] Sup?

ANDRE: Oh! The old Ultra we uhm
DRAMA: [Medium: Success] Hes like an actor looking to the souffleur for his line.

ANDRE: Yes! He nods energetically. Thats all Nosapheds doing. Without the Nosa Id be drowning in shit right now.

We immediately down that Nosaphed to heal our illegitimate 1 point of health damage.

LOGIC: The gist of it is: they want to turn the church into a club, but a suspicious element has overtaken the building. Its very important to understand what the *gist* of things isalways consult the gist before making up your mind. This is going well. Plusand it has to be consideredyou cant invent the future of dance music in this smelly old tent. Imagine if you had the church! That settles itanalysis complete, their story checks out.

ARIST: [Challenging: Success] You cant possibly be this stupid. Ugh.

ARIST: [Medium: Success] Okay, whatever you do, *dont* start talking to the big-headed oh goddammit.

INLAND EMPIRE: [Medium: Success] though youre supposed to be sharing some tremendous, evangelical secret

ARIST: [Challenging: Success] You are clearly not equipped to deal with this at this juncture. Just talk to the last-and-somehow-least-weird one.

NOID: It is cool. But its also more than that. *Much* more.

NOID: He defeated History. We are living in the age of History, and in the eyes of History we are always already dead. How can we ever smile, then? Because History is a lie, and so are its deaths The present moment and life are the hard core. The hard core expels death.
ARIST: [Medium: Success] Thats some hot nonsense.

NOID: He cringes. Weird stuff. Specialized. There was a data processor and some sort of long-wave machinery.

NOID: Nothings wrong with it. It should definitely be researched. You can still do sick shit with it, though.

NOID: Most of it doesnt exist, but theres also stuff that isnt *allowed* to exist because the moralists think its too *dangerous* for the plebes.

NOID: He picks up some sort of widget. The hard core aesthetic is esoteric. It is not meant to be discussed with the law at this moment.

ARIST: [Challenging: Success] Well you should probably just try to figure out this Egg Head situation, huh?

And repeat. 19:30.

DRAMA: [Medium: Success] This young man adds a capital *G* before the *H* in his *YEAGHs* and *AAGHs*. This produces a guttural, *Gottwaldian* accent and makes him sound more animal, more *in it*.

EGG HEAD: You know about him He moves his mouth, but sound doesnt come out. His eyes are the size of saucers. Looks like youve rendered him speechless.

ANDRE: Good, good.

19:34. Ive already started to skip paths I did not deem sufficiently interesting to show here. But dont worry: were gonna see most of it.

EGG HEAD: The Y to the E to the A to the A to the A to the A to the A to the G to the H to the hyphen mark YeaaaaaGH!


NOID: The skinny wraith looks at you with some disbelief.
EGG HEAD: So am I! SO AM I! He begins to shake his head so everyone would understand.
ANDRE: Oh! Andre almost falls over backward from the realization. Is *that* why they call you Egg Head, because
EGG HEAD: Eyck-Head to the mega! The K became the G! The boy became the man!


EGG HEAD: Yekokataa is a hard core place!



EGG HEAD: He furrows his brow as his very large head traces the sublime invisible movement of the music in the very real air of the stuffy tent

EGG HEAD: But is it? I mean, really? He tilts his head to the other side, like an owl.




ARIST: [Easy: Success] OH MY GOD, THANK FUCK, ITS OVER. I would have helped, but I think I blacked out somewhere around the eleventh hard core!
If it wasnt clear what that even was, we needed to navigate the maze of Egg Heads dialogue tree to find the absolute dumbest, most inane response possible and then turn it around on him at the perfect opportunity to break out. Its a lot.
SHIVERS: [Medium: Success] The skin on your back is crawling. For a second you cant even hear the music any more. There is a hawthorn tree on Rue de Saint-Ghislaine, right next to the canal.

EGG HEAD: Theres nothing wrong with it. Im still in love with the hard core. He turns pensive all of a sudden. Sometimes I just feel like anodic music is in its infancy, you know? For example, take this Arno van Eyck jam Ive been pumping for the last month and will continue pumping for the rest of 51 Isnt something holding it back? From being hyper? He thinks for a moment, then his expression clears Its like its only *ultra*.

EGG HEAD: It is, isnt it?! He nods in agreement. I knew it!

EGG HEAD: Whaaaat?! He looks at you with customary amazement. Guys, theres something happening in his head!

EGG HEAD: Oh yeah! Hes DOING it!

ENDURANCE: The abstract shapes swelling in the foreground have done so in vain. This is a core matter. The answer, in the double-kick that moves the millilitres through your mind. The dark thud is the source of all rhythm, the inspiration behind mathemathics

NOID: Hes not a communnist. Thats just something he likes to yell. He picked it up from a tape-jockey at The Paliseum *she* was a communist though.
ARIST: [Challenging: Success] You sense an opportunity.

EGG HEAD: I can be a communist! He nods. If you want thatdo you want me to be a communist?!
NOID: Please dont turn him into a communist.

ARIST: [Easy: Success] Sounds like a tie, so dealers choice!

ARIST: [Easy: Success] Fuck yeah.
NOID: Dont be a lunatic. Of course he isnt. Germaine here just yells random things. Odds are, sooner or later one of them will come off as thought reading.

EGG HEAD: Daccord hard core! Germaine Egg-Head.

EGG HEAD: Im sorry, I dont know anything about anodic music, Im just the party boy. I get the people going and say its hard core

ANDRE: Basically what you need to find here is a tape with some banging music on it, so that Egg Head could use it to remix van Eycks jam.
NOID: Yeah. Maybe that streethawker across the pawnshop has some tapes to sell? Thats just an idea.

EGG HEAD: Oh, I know! I know this! I can tell you where it is!
ANDRE: Saint-G is the boulevard before the canal bridge. The one that takes you to the Whirling-In-Rags and the Industrial Harbour. Its got the lanterns and the
EGG HEAD: I knew that! I could have said that!
ANDRE: And the mosaic sidewalk.

ANDRE: Anyway Thats all yours to figure out, copman.

ARIST: Huh? What tape?

ARIST: Oh, lord no. Why are you doing this!?

ARIST: [Easy: Success] Nothing else to do in here right now. You should leave. Kims been waiting out there for almost two hours.

ARIST: [Challenging: Success] Actually, he probably does. Why else would he not make any effort to go in with you?