Part 52: 10:19-11:38: Fire Guy
Chapter 52: 10:19-11:38: Fire Guy
Oh? Whats this?

KIM KITSURAGI: The lieutenant crouches, touching the fuel oil with his finger.

KIM KITSURAGI: And blood. Some of it is even yours.

Would not have pegged Interfacing for a pyromaniac, but I guess it makes sense.

One of our side missions for today will be going around to everyone and seeing what they have to say about us getting fucking shot. If I dont cover someone, they had nothing to say.

CUNO: People. They say you kind of *died* for a moment. That you let your shit out already, but then came back. So I guess thats whats cool now. Just dont think coz you got half your dick shot offand youre an invalid nowCunos gonna treat you different. Cuno doesnt reward weakness, he says looking at your pathetic limp. Its business as usual with Cuno. Cunos cold like that.

Well goodbye, horrible nightmare children.

TOMMY LE HOMME: Man, what a day I missed out on most of the action, but I heard it was quite the encounter. He nods thoughtfully. Had a strong sense of *finality* to it.

TOMMY LE HOMME: Fuck it, he shrugs. Im a bad guy now. Theres things more important than holding a grudge. Its okayyouve been through enough.

TOMMY LE HOMME: Okay He seems a little apprehensive.
DRAMA: [Easy: Success] Is it *wise* to share information about the case like this, sire?
KIM KITSURAGI: The lieutenant throws you a quick glance.

ARIST: [Medium: Success] Fuck it.
TOMMY LE HOMME: Whooh good on her. And good on *you* too, my man. Thats He looks for the words *Merciful*. Downright mercifulyou cops keep exercising *that* muscle and people will be more willing to cooperate, you know.
EMPATHY: [Medium: Success] Hes clearly relieved.

The dockyard is locked down. Measurehead and his goons are absent, as is the racist lorry driver. That said, we can still go talk to Call Me Mañana.

CALL ME MAÑANA: He shrugs. There are types of danger. The one Im usually concerned with is lung cancer, or getting mauled by wildlife. Not bullets.

CALL ME MAÑANA: Ill be okay here, doing lookout. He surveys the red flags, draped from the harbour gates. Quite the sight, arent they? Getting to like that red, I am

I realize, looking over these shots, that I forgot to check if the Paledriver was out and had new lines, but not worth going back! She probably didnt anyway!

PLAISANCE: Oh my god, even the *police* cant take care of all this just look at that limp! Someone should do something about this. She rubs her pendant between two fingers, thinking. Maybe I should close the bookstore and open a *psychic studio*! Yes! She nods to herself. It makes sense. Crime is the sixth element, you see. The darkest element.

KIM KITSURAGI: Yes, what Martinaise really needs is more vigilantes roaming the streets.
ARIST: [Godly: Failure] Wait, shit, was that what she was suggesting? Man, you kinda zoned out there. Plaisance is exhausting.
PLAISANCE: Exactly. Its a brilliant idea. Thank you, officer! Im going to start drawing up business plans right away.
This should go well!

LOGIC: There isnt. If only you had more time more resources who knows what you could have come up with? Maybe if there had been more money and less speed
ELECTROCHEMISTRY: [Easy: Success] Or *MORE* speed!


COUPRIS KINEEMA: No reply. Only the mindless drone of static, crawling through the air.
KIM KITSURAGI: Its been this way for a while now. The lieutenant shrugs. My guess is, the Union is listening in on our conversationsand jamming outward communications to protect themselves from Krenel.

KIM KITSURAGI: No more dangerous than stepping between three armed mercenaries and eight Union men, I hope. He glances over his shoulder. I dont like it either, but thats the way it is. The streets seem safe enough to me. If anything, taking out the mercs made things calmer. For now He flicks off the radio. Silence. You can try calling againjust dont mention the tribunal. And remember, theyre listening in.
PERCEPTION (HEARING): [Medium: Success] Everything sounds okay. No drumbeat of total war yet. If anything, everything sounds *too* okay

WASHERWOMAN: Aye, even *I* can see that. I told you not to bring your trouble with you, policeman. Weve got troubles of our own here

WASHERWOMAN: She nods. Im not sure those were the last of the men with guns, either. There are always more coming for your kind, officer.

That it has!

Acele is the only person in the church who gives a single shit that weve been shot. And we have to bring it up first!
ACELE: Ouch. She looks at your leg. I did notice you limping, but I thought maybe it was your *thing* or something When I was sixteen I used to date this guy who had a limp. But it only showed when he was sober, so I guess it wasnt real or something. I dont know. She shrugs, eyes glazed over

Well, thats all the people we can talk to about that. Lets go head over to Lilienne and ask about that boat.

LILIENNE, THE NET PICKER: Doesnt look like nothing. Looks like you got banged up real good. What happened to you anyway? We heard gunshots from the town. They were closer than usual.

LILIENNE, THE NET PICKER: Thats nothing to brag about, officer.
KIM KITSURAGI: Its not serious. Hell be okay.

KIM KITSURAGI: Of course, maam. Its only for a day or twoofficial police business.

LILIENNE, THE NET PICKER: Mhm, used to be some kind of fortification there before the warfor the communards. An anti-aircraft gun, I think. Bombed to bits in the landing I havent been there myselfalways steered clear of it.

LILIENNE, THE NET PICKER: My husband used to drink there. Him and his drinking buddies. Always seemed like a bad place to drink to me. People died there during the landing, you know, my mother told me
ENCYCLOPEDIA: [Medium: Success] This must be one of the many fortifications that was used in the dying days of the Revolution. Against Coalition forcesbefore they took this city.

KIM KITSURAGI: Can we maybe ask your twins about that placebefore we go? Would that be all right?

LILIENNE, THE NET PICKER: Wellmost of its sunken. Underwater. That means concrete under watercut your boat if youre not careful. Be sure to enter from the south side, waters deep there.

Lets talk to the twins again.

LILIENNES TWIN: Thats uhm nothing? The boy pauses to think with his finger in his mouth. Its just a sea fort and some plants. You can take a raft there. Its great.
LILIENNES OTHER TWIN: And! And! the other one butts in. We make a fire. We make a we make a fire.
LILIENNES TWIN: Mhm, his brother nods. Gather the sticks for the fireand bullets. Or not real bullets, empty bullets.

LILIENNES TWIN: There are lights. The fire guy comes and asks us to put the fire out.
REACTION SPEED: [Medium: Success] Your nerve endings *sting* from the mention of a *guy*.

LILIENNES TWIN: No, the boy answers, shaking his head vehemently.

LILIENNES TWIN: Because because The boy pauses to think.

LILIENNES TWIN: Uhm I dont know. He doesnt like it. He doesnt like people to be there. You shouldnt go.

LILIENNES TWIN: I starts one of themits hard to tell which one now. I dont know.
KIM KITSURAGI: Did you mean there are *electrical* lights? He points to the streetlight.

LILIENNES TWIN: No, he doesnt live there. I dont think.
LILIENNES OTHER TWIN: No, he lives there. The other nods. Hes been there twice, two times.
LILIENNES TWIN: Huh The first one pauses to think, then comes to some kind of conclusion. He doesnt live there. He isnt there sometimes.
KIM KITSURAGI: Anything else? What does this guy look like?

LILIENNES TWIN: Our father killed himself.

LILIENNES TWIN: I dont know The boy who made the claim finds himself unsure of it. He looks around.
LILIENNES OTHER TWIN: The other watches him, brows knitted. It doesnt even have anything to do with this, you. Father isnt the fire guy.

ARIST: [Challenging: Success] Okay. Theres a fire guy. Youre going to the island, where a fire guy may or may not be waiting for you. Another piece of the picture puzzle falls into place. Hopefully the result is what youre after.

INLAND EMPIRE: [Easy: Success] Once you get in, thats itone pull of the starter handle and youre off into the bay. A strange trepidation comes over you: are you sure you want to go *now*?
SAVOIR FAIRE: [Easy: Success] Have you made all the necessary preparations? Closed all your accounts?

KIM KITSURAGI: Fine. He gives you a resigned shrug. Lets *blast* Sad FM then.

Boat Ride (Watch this)

PERCEPTION (HEARING): [Medium: Success] In the silencea sputter of wings. A flock of quails takes off in the distance

And so, weve made it to the island.

KIM KITSURAGI: For bringing munitions to the island, maybe? And supplies. You could also *lock* the bay, when you raise the chain.

PERCEPTION (HEARING): On the islet? There is almost no wind, just the light movement of air through the reeds. Bulrushes swaying on the waterline, long dried leaves chafing against each other.


KIM KITSURAGI: Insulindian Citizens Militia. Its the official name of the communards army. The Black and White Army of the Revolution.

KIM KITSURAGI: Its impossible to say. He looks toward the darkened doorway. It was chaos after the war. The name was good for getting people to join usRevachol West was mostly workers and criminals
RHETORIC: [Medium: Success] nice *political* thoughts rush through your neocortex.

KIM KITSURAGI: No. He looks at it. An *upside down* star.

KIM KITSURAGI: No. Thats the *uninhabited archipelago.*

KIM KITSURAGI: After He thinks. 44 years? Thats not nearly enough to hide what happened here, lieutenant-yefreitor.

From here, our only option is to head inside through the nearby door.

KIM KITSURAGI: The lieutenant puts his hand on the metal barrel, checking for warmth

KIM KITSURAGI: Liquid carbon, I would imagine it takes *mazut*. He points to the open fuel cap on the side of the dynamo. The kind thats favoured by vagrants and fuel thieves. Its been a long winter Long and cold.

KIM KITSURAGI: Someone with basic electrical skills has restored it in order to keep the room warm. Maybe its the *fire guy*

PAIN THRESHOLD: [Medium: Failure] A flash of pain interrupts you, making you wince instead of letting the words out.

ARIST: [Easy: Success] Some sleep might be nice