Part 64: Addendum VI: Botchcop Does A Night Autopsy, Desecrates A Corpse (Again), And Dabbles In Fascism
Addendum VI: Botchcop Does A Night Autopsy, Desecrates A Corpse (Again), And Dabbles In FascismHmm, that update title certainly bodes well!

Botchcop is going to start off by contacting Measurehead to get the body taken down.

I assume due to the lateness the dialogue referencing Cuno laughing at the body getting taken down has shifted to this. Hes still hanging out there, of course. As we will see today, he never leaves that spot.

Afterwards, Kim talks to us about calling it a day.

Then, we head to Garte.

Get the spinners from Kims motor carriage

SHIVERS: The Valley of Dogsand before it, a familiar dome, like a ladybug without the colours. The building has a designated parking place for *your* carriage.

...but before we head to the pawnshop, we inspect our ledger under the headlights.

KIM KITSURAGI: Oh yes. Coal City, Le Royaume, the Burnt Out Quarter

We put a point into Suggestion.

Then we head to the pawnshop and examine this

Apocalypse Cop. Copocalypse.

Oh boy. Its never a good thing when Endurance pipes up.

Ah, christ

ENDURANCE: Wö-Men. Men of Wö. You dont like them. Theyre insane. Their idiocy needs to be scrubbed off this world with rubbing alcohol. Wömen need to go back to the fucking kitchen.
I dont like where this is going!

Botchcop, you coward!

So now Botchcop is a fascist. Great.

We pass the check.

We immediately go pay our hostel bill.

SUGGESTION: Wow. Okay. *Fuck off*? Maybe we were wrong about you then

Now its time for our late-night chat with Kim.

KIM KITSURAGI: I apologize, but I only brought one with me. I have exactly one cigarette every night while going over my notes.

KIM KITSURAGI: Being sober tends to help with precision. But, moving on to the interviews "

KIM KITSURAGI: Then you will *adore* Martinaise. For many of these peoplethe Union especiallyvigilantes is exactly what we are. Personally, I dont enjoy it much." He looks at the roundabout.

We put a point into Inland Empire.

However, were not done for tonight yet. See, Botchcop wants those fuckin boots, and as it turns out, we cant get them without having done the autopsy first. Midnight autopsy time! Its like a sleepover!

As I mentioned earlier, Cuno and Cunoesse are still here for some reason.

We dont have the Interfacing required to get the instructions, but well still easily pass this check.

KIM KITSURAGI: The lieutenant kneels closer, running his finger along the dark red grooveuntil theres a gap. The rope rises to a point, leaving a *gap* in the ligature mark. The suspension poin is in the back of the neck.
PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT: [Medium: Success] As it ought to. This is where its grip on the curdled meat is gentlest, pulling up

THE HANGED MAN: The dead mans penis is average-sized, congested from the downward collection of blood. The testicles are uneven in length, hanging underneath. The genitalia is greenish, marbling is present around the crotch.

THE HANGED MAN: Doesnt feel like anything. Just cold flesh under your finger, unremarkable and un-alive.
CUNO: My pigs so *FUCKIN ILL* right now
CUNOESSE: Ya pigs pretty sick, I gotta say

KIM KITSURAGI: Kim looks relieved: Back is symmetrical and intact. Upper and lower extremities are intactbut asymmetrical. There are old combat injuries on the right hand, thigh, and hip.

THE HANGED MAN: You manage to suppress the contractions trying to empty your stomachall it takes is concentration. Through it, you see nothing but darkness. More meat and darkness
INLAND EMPIRE: [Easy: Success] Mute silence as always.

KIM KITSURAGI: Okay. So theres a spin-stabilized munitionfrom a Kiejl A9/90 muzzleloaderlodged in his lung.

KIM KITSURAGI: Well. We established probably cause of deathsome would say thats the *goal* of an autopsy.

After the autopsy, we question the corpse again and get a few new lines.

KIM KITSURAGI: There is no need. We have been thorough with the genitals The lieutenant looks worried.

We put a point into Perception.

Kim finally heads off to bed. Lets go get those boots!

THE HANGED MAN: The body is reluctant to let go of the bootsas though they were its last bit of dignity.
PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT: [Medium: Success] Youre going to need to summon all your strength for this undertaking.
CUNO: Whoah. Cunos little *sneak-pigs* back for the booty

Why are you children still awake?

THE HANGED MAN: Its heavier than youd think. Youre forced to drop it back down immediately. The corpse lands on the ground with a nauseating thud, looking even sadder than before.

CUNOESSE: Lookhes skinning the fucker up good. *Puukko* style.

THE HANGED MAN: The legs look like theyve been clawed at by wild animals. As for the bootsyou cant possibly do anything with them until you have cleaned and *disinfected* them thoroughly.
PERCEPTION (SMELL): [Trivial: Success] Yes. These absolutely need to be washed before. The stink is incredible.

Lets not tell him exactly why we need to go into the kitchen.

Well, we got those boots! Kims gonna be so mad! But that's something to worry about tomorrow. For now, we sleep.