Part 2: Lewton met a Lady
Funny you should ask!
Chapter up!
When we last left our protagonist, he was darkly monologuing about Ankh-Morpork and trust, and how there isn't any of the one in the other, as a mysterious figure approached his door.

So, let's begin Act 1!
(Note: I'm including a link to the voice acting from the first conversation these two have - I'll try to include a voice clip from the first interaction between any two characters, and one if any lines are particularly funny/good with voice acting. I'm also going to transcribe all the conversations, but I would highly recommend listening to them - the voice acting is REALLY top notch!)
Lewton and Customer

I expected someone more heroic.

What's a girl like you doing out in a night like this?

A tricky one is 20 a day.

Tell me about you and Mundy.

He's been away for a while, over in Tsort.
He came back to Ankh-Morpork a couple days ago, on the Milka. But he didn't come to see me.
I think he may be having an affair. You're wondering whether my husband knows about it.

I'd better get started on your case. Where can I contact you?

Still, it wasn't every day that a beautiful woman offered me a case.
Frankly, it wasn't often that anyone offered me a case.
And 200 would certainly help pay the rent. If I had anything left over from my bar bill.
(Note: Blue Lewton - Blueton - shows up when Lewton is narrating instead of speaking out loud)

And without another word, Carlotta turns face and walks calmly out of our office.
I want to take a second and really appreciate that first dialogue - it establishes Lewton as intelligent, a banterer, quite untrusting, and there's an edge of mockery to everything he says.
Carlotta, on the other hand, is established as somebody more than capable of holding her own - she got Lewton on the case without actually giving anything up. She's attractive but doesn't rely on simple seduction to get what she wants, and it should be patently obvious that she knows more than she's telling.
THIS is how you start a mystery.


Now's as good a time as any to explain the clues/map.
Lewton carries a notebook to keep track of his case notes.

Whenever we see that notepad icon, it means a new clue is inserted in the notebook.
The notebook serves a few purposes in the case. We get all our questions to ask characters from the notebook. Additionally, if we want to "help" Lewton make a logical connection, sometimes we select an item from the notebook, which changes our cursor, then apply it like an item to a person or item in the game.
One of the very few criticisms I have about the game is that we don't actually have to do that for a GOOD long time, and by the time it was necessary, I'd forgotten that you could do it, so I had to gamefaqs my way out of a particular situation.
Additionally, left-clicking each item means Lewton gives a short summary of why the clue is important and where you learned it. This is SUPER helpful for refreshing yourself on what all the plot threads are, and what needs to be done.
I'll give his description of each clue when we get it.
Additionally, the first few pages of the tablet provide quick access to different parts of the notepad, which is helpful, because this notepad is going to get FULL by the end. It's also quite nice that when a thread or clue is resolved, Lewton will cross it out.
Clues so far:
Mundy - Carlotta had hired me to track down Mundy. At the beginning, that was pretty much all I knew about him.
Milka - The Milka was the tramp schooner that Mundy had come in on, and I knew that it was berthed at the wharf.
Carlotta - Beautiful, seductive, and dangerous. Carlotta was worth a stare. She was trouble.
The map is simple enough - we use it to get around. I'll show it off when we're ready to leave.
So - we've got a case!
Onto in-game items!
Every item can either be interacted with (which usually means picked up) or examined.

"Unfortunately, I can't afford sapient pearwood. This is just regular wood. Still, it's a pretty good desk."
I won't waste a screenshot on every item description, though, usually I'll just put them in quotes. For example:

"I'd purchased the imp-powered coffee-bean machine from Cut-Me-Own-Throat dibbler, the man who's name was the by-word for quality. With CMOT Dibbler, you could say "bye" to quality. I'll say this for the ICBM, it made coffee strong enough to blow your head off. On the downside, the imp tended to use most of the beans to fuel its own addiction. Some days the poor thing was so jittery the coffee-bean machine would vibrate off the shelf."

"I had purchased a large, indexed scroll rack to keep track of all the cases I was going to handle. The Mundy case made it two."
I was going to talk about that earlier - Lewton talked about things being unusual, and how cases usually go. He's been a detective for a MONTH now. I guess you pick up the business quickly!
As far as inventory goes, we've got a purse

And that's about it. It's got a few coins in it, and functions as the "some money" item famous in adventure games.
There being nothing else to do here, let's head to the docks!

This is the city of Ankh-Morpork. You can almost smell the crime and excitement. And you can ABSOLUTELY smell the river

Locations will light up as they become accessible, but for now that's just the docks. Let's head there.

The Morpork docks on the other side of the river were not a place wise travelers disembarked at. But then again, wise travelers tried to avoid Ankh-Morpork altogether.
But if you travelled a lot, it was hard to miss. Like malaria.
I know it's dark, and a bit hard to see, but things to examine here:

Mr. Scoplett, a name that perhaps doesn't inspire much confidence...

A sub-area (arrows mean exits, either between whole locations or screens within a location)
And some bollards.

Well, let's try the sub-area first.

There's a sailor, some crates, and one crate in particular (a good sign it'll be important later!)
Trying to interact with the sailor gets you

And he won't let us look at the crates, so Mr. Scoplett it is, I guess!

(Please listen to this one - it's so great)

So, welcome to the first true dialogue screen!
We can reference to our notebook or inventory (top right), we can generically Talk (mouth icon), or we can leave (hand icon)

Now we have a few more subjects to talk about. Most of the important dialogue comes from inventory items or clue dialogue, but sometimes just regular talk uncovers something useful, and sometimes presenting people with a number of clues opens up more dialogue options here.
The Milka's Passengers

NEW CLUE: Mysterious Passengers

I said that we WERE advertising ourselves as offering an "exciting tour of the circle sea", but he pointed out that most people would expect the tour to be ABOVE the water.
If I'd had my way, we would have thrown some people off the last voyage.

With our regular dialogue options exhausted, we turn to the notebook.
NOTE: I will (obviously) only be posting interesting responses. Most dialogue options mean nothing to most characters -
and you don't need to read fifty "IUNNO"s for every character.
Mysterious Passengers


I picked up a bad case of philosophy in Ephebe a couple years ago, and I haven't been able to get rid of it since.
Just can't seem to shake it off.
Normal as anything one minute, next moment I'm wondering if anything can truly be said to "exist".
Bit of a drawback when you're supposed to be navigating.

If it exists, of course.
Author's note: Little touches, like the unfortunately philosophical first mate, really spice up this game - this guy could easily have been just a gruff mug, but now he's a MEMORABLE gruff mug.

I don't think he was from 'round here, though.

But for a man who came on board pretty happy, he seemed pretty unsettled when he left.
Not that I blame him, something was definitely amiss on this last voyage.

No. Like I said, I don't pry into the passengers business.

What are you inferring?

I'm implying that you might have had a look at their luggage at one point.

It's not good to make accusations like that.

Anything you say is strictly between you, me, and anyone else I decide to tell.
NEW CLUE: Inquisitive Stranger
Well, that was a shockingly fruitful conversation! We got two new clues, and the distinct sense that Mundy's voyage over here wasn't a simple transport. It sure has the sailors spooked - they just want to load up their ship and get out of town.
Let's review the new clues:
Inquisitive Stranger
The first made said that there was a dwarf had been asking questions about Mundy before I had. That raised my suspicions that there was more going on than Carlotta was telling me.
Mysterious Passengers
The first mate hadn't been able to tell me much about the other passengers on the Milka, but he did note that there was something distinctly foreign about one of them.
Combine inquisitive stranger with Milka:

Well, after that conversation, a new location's opened up, and one that's intimately familiar to Lewton, as it turns out. Let's go see the Cafe Ankh!

Smoky saxophone jazz and a rainy night lit by neon lights. What could be finer?

Not spending that night in Ankh-Morpork, for one. But we haven't any choice. We've just got a case.
Before we go in, let's check under the archway to the right.

A cart, a trapdoor, and...

Lewton really needs to talk to the Golem Trust. After the events of some of the more recent books, the average Ankh-Morporkian might have a slightly more nuanced version of the personhood of Golems (though maybe not), but it's possible that Lewton is either conservative as regards Golems, or simply unaware of developments. More on that in a second.

Wordlessly (not surprising - I didn't see a mouth on that Golem, and they aren't much for idle chitchat) it returns to the basement.
We march forward and do what adventure game heroes do best -

Liberate stuff.

You're a cold man, Lewton. As an aside, a golem almost certainly doesn't need a crowbar. They're tremendously strong, and anything that they couldn't accomplish with their hands certainly would also bend a crowbar. This crowbar is more likely for humans to open the wine casks with, when they get where they're going.
Speaking of, where ARE they going?

That seems promising! So we know some of the cargo from the Milka is headed to the Patrician's palace (for non-discworlders - that's the ruler of Ankh-Morpork).
You can use the crowbar on the trapdoor (I certainly did), but you just get

And examining the trapdoor

Perhaps if they ran out of drinks at the bar I'd have been more inclined to investigate."
Huh. Well, in we go.
Samael's Song

We're greeted by some beautiful piano music, at the hands of a slick-looking vampire. And we aren't happy about it.

If the whiskey knocked you flat
Or if everything was a blur
When you met her
All that you remember
Are the tunes of a vampire
A melancholy tune
About impending doom
I'll fetch your tankard
Fill it to the brim
A cask of stale
Broken drum ale
Wondering how long 'till you me-et again
On the bank of the Ankh
Too much to drink
You could barely even think
Too muuuuch -

But that's what made him special, I guess, that he'd take almost any kind of abuse from the clientele, and he'd still be there at the piano, playing better than anyone else in Ankh-Morpork.
This is Samael - an old, old friend of ours, and a heck of a vampire. This sort of establishes Lewton as a free-thinking individual, opinions about golems aside. And frankly, if you've never heard a free golem speak, it'd be easy to mistake them for machinery.
Lots of people feel uneasy around the undead, but Lewton apparently has no such compunctions.
Samael seems like he'd be good for information, but if we try to talk to him...

No dice.
Well, looking around, there are two more things to do here. Well, three I guess.

One - We can go right, to the bar area. But there's really nothing to do here.
Two - Ah! Here's Captain Jenkins!

Of course not. He's drinking alone with any free time he has. I think this place is supposed to be kind of a dive, but it looks pretty nice and even a bit swanky to me. Of course, I guess that outs me as a peasant.
Onward, to JENKINS!
You and the Cap'n make it happen

No special dialogue options at the moment, so let's go with
General Talk

Some new options now!
Let's ask about
Previous Voyage

Boarding the Milka

Boarding the Milka (2)

Mysterious Passengers

Mundy, and two others.

Oh, and one was a woman, and one was a man.
I think.

I'm not sure what.

Gods-forsaken place. All there is to do there is drink and eat fish sandwiches with no tops on.

It's easy to mix up port and starbord when you've drunk too much port.
(mixing up LEFT and RIGHT? That is a LOT of port!)

And before you ask, I have no idea what they were doing here.
That's not my business.

Where are you going, and how much money have you got?

She looks like exactly what she is. A run-down tramp schooner with no future.

I don't need people snoopin' around onboard.

We picked him in Tsort a couple of weeks ago and we brought him here.
That's about all I want to know about him.

Hm. That's all he knows about.
Sort of a dead end, really.
Oh well, time for, regrettably, option 3: Nobby.

A human weasel speaks.
For non-discworlders, Nobby is a member of the watch, and a worse one you'd be hard-pressed to find. Questionably human, unquestionably immoral and petty, and utterly beyond-questionably unhygienic, he manages to be a decent copper under it all. He frequently works with Sgt. Colon, and, apparently, Lewton.
Lewton used to be a member of the watch, which is sort of unexpected!
I really, really like the choice for Nobby's voice actor. It would have been too simple to have it just be a squeaky, weasel-y guy. Having him sound dark and conspiratorial gives some credence to this character, who is actually quite useful in this game.

em... How've you been keepin?

Of course, I've been better too.
And I've been a hell of a lot better, and not much worse.

I mean we was friends and all, but...
It's just, well...

Lots of options. Let's start with
General Talk

How's the rest of the watch?

Been working with Sergeant Colon.

I'll tell him I saw you.

The Old Days

When you were serving as quartermaster under the duke of Pseudopolis, it was widely known that several items from the stores
were found in your kit.

I just think Vimes had a grudge against me.

thinks that a bit of petty theft ain't something to get excited about - I ain't admitting anything mark you, nothing has ever been proved - compared to some of the stuff that goes on in this city.
But someone who's take a bribe, well, that's like allowing the rich to avoid justice.

This totally fits Vimes' personality. He is a BIG believer in justice for all, and hates bullies and the aristocracy, and, uh sort of morally inflexible. If he had a grudge against, say, bribery, he might STRONGLY persecute it, even if it wasn't SPECIFICALLY the kind he hated. His moral inflexibility has served him very well during his adventures (See: The summoning dark), but for a guy like Lewton, it could be sort of annoying.
This also gives some depth to Lewton - he's not just "Mr. Heart of Gold pretending to be dark", bribery is no joke. I bet we'll find out more about it later!
It would be very easy to imagine Vimes not getting along with a sardonic, morally-malleable guy like Lewton. And if Vimes was off the sauce, and Lewton a heavy drinker, well... the watch might not have been the place for Lewton.

He was only ever married to his job.

He married into the nobility.

Huh, that'd drive him crazy.

And we've got a great new premises down on Pseudopolis yard.
They're full of paintings and vases and all sorts.

You'll have to call around sometime.

AND, we've got a new dartboard.

Do you seriously think it's a good idea for me to call around?
I mean, Vimes isn't going to like it.

I can't say he'll welcome you with open arms, but he won't stop you.
Mysterious Passengers

(This isn't good info, but I thought it was funny enough to include. Nobby sounds outraged and officious, not self-deprecating, in that last line.)

It arrived in town a short time ago.

New Location: Pseudopolis yard
New Clue: Mysterious Murders - "Nobby had told me that there were some mysterious murders in Ankh-Morpork in the last few days."
Hmmmm. The plot thickens.
Mundy is pretty clearly involved in a lot more than just a jilted lover. The captain and crew were badly shaken by his passage, enough that they don't want to talk to us, and are trying to stonewall us getting on their ship.
Additionally, as soon as he showed up, there were a series of "odd" murders in Ankh-Morpork.
And odd for Ankh-Morpork, has to be... odd.
We're into something DEEP now, goons.

Let's head back to our office to think a little, and next time, we'll investigate Pseudopolis yard to get some more FACTS!