Part 33: Fubuki Strikes!
Chapter 30: Fubuki Strikes!
Last time on Disgaea 2 we started chasing after the Prinnies. This time, we meet their new benefactor.
Drama- Rebelling Spirit Intro
Their disloyalty has brought them even closer together, zam.
20 hour work days, with no holidays or compensation. No insurance, or retirement fund. They get a 1-fish bonus, twice a year.
See? It's a standard Prinny contract. It builds character.
Map- Rebelling Spirit
This is a very annoying gimmick map. The entire map is covered in No Lifting and Fusion. Fusion will take two enemies on the map and combine them, leaving an enemy of their total level. The enemies are all level 40 prinnies. If you let them sit long enough, you will quickly get a prinny that's too powerful for you to kill. There's a couple of ways to deal with this. You can lift one of your prinnies off your base panel and throw it at the uber-prinny after the fusion is done. Alternatively, you can push through to the No Lifting panel while the prinnies are still of reasonable level and kill it, allowing you to throw any that get out of hand. The prinnies are unequipped so they're actually much weaker than you'd expect for their levels. You should be able to kill level 80s without much problem.
Oh and I guess I should talk about Etna's specials. She has the same specials as in Disgaea. Her first is Prinny Raid, which hits a single target for a large amount of damage at a medium range. Her second is Sexy Beam. This hits a heart-shaped outline, with Etna at the base of the heart. Any target hit takes heavy damage and it also causes Deprave, which reduces the stats of the enemy. It also has a hilarious animation.
Drama- Rebelling Spirit Outro
There are all kinds of screwed up couples out there. I even know of an Overlord who married a human woman.
Essentially, Adell and I are enemies! The only reason we're together is because we are bound by the summon ritual.
Uh! Why are you all looking at me? Let's go! Hmph!
Etna is of course referencing some of Hour of Darkness' backstory. As a quick summary, one of the characters in said game is the son of an Overlord and a human. Oh and Rozalin and Adell's team attack rate has gone up to something like 60-70%. Just saying.
Dead Breath- Intro
You understand, don't you? She is the daughter of Overlord Zenon...
I want to find Zenon too, but I would never even think of using such underhanded tactics!!
Map- Dead Breath
Make sure you take advantage of the leveling opportunities replaying the earlier maps give you, because this map is a real bear. You are fighting a large group of Samurai and Fubuki the Ninja Master. The edges of the map are covered in ATK+50% and Warp panels you can use to assist your attacks. The Samurai hit very hard but are also very fragile. Make sure you kill them in one turn because at low health they have a chance of killing their targets in one hit. Fubuki is the real threat though. He uses axes, so he's got very powerful attacks. He's got the same Setsugetsuka special Yukimaru has that hits adjacent tiles with heavy ice damage. Replacing her Nadarejin is Shunsetsuzan, a crushingly powerful ice attack that hits my Red Mage for a thousand points in the video. He also uses a unique weapon, the Niflheim. It's not exceptionally powerful, but it does look cool, so you can steal it if you like. Oh, and one last thing about Fubuki: His attacks do 20% of their HP damage to your SP as well. He's not got a huge amount of health, so pour the gas on him and take him out in one turn.
Drama- Dead Breath Outro
Dong so will make you the same as Zenon! I don't want that from you, zam!
Die!! Daughter of Zenon!!
Just when things look bad for Rozalin, there's a flash of red!
So Overlord Zenon has appeared again. This could be bad for Fubuki, and the rest of us, but we won't find out until next time, because that's how Episode 10 ends.
Episode 10- Ending
Next Time on Disgaea 2: Awakening