Part 44: Extra- Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
Extra- Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
Now we're going to move on to some substantially harder extra stages. After 40 hours of play we unlock the ability to pass an assembly bill to fight Laharl again if we're in Episode 12 or 13. Then after we beat him, someone will propose that we summon him again, which must be done with Adell as a senator. Let's just get right to this.
Drama- Overlord Descent Intro
I've been thinking about why I, Laharl, the most terrifying Overlord around, lost. And I figured out the problem.
So, I've decided to take this world by force and steal your spot as the main character!
Main characters have it so easy. They get a huge spread after work every day. And free refills on beverages!
I'll either persuade you to come back by force, or just take over this game myself!
Map- Overlord Descent
This is a most difficult map. You are faced with a Bahamut, Zombie King, Fallen Angel Flonne, and Laharl. The enemies are in the 500-600 range. Laharl is by far the largest threat here. We want to lure single enemies away one at a time and deal with them in as big a combo as we can. This is very much a slugfest, do your best to hit Laharl as hard as you can as much as you can while you still have lots of characters. Avoid keeping your characters in positions that make them vulnerable to his Meteor Impact or Winged Slayer attacks, these are much more powerful than his melee and will likely kill them. Flonne's pretty weak because she fortunately doesn't have any offensive spells learned, although her Flonnezilla attack can do some serious damage if you have people too grouped up and provoke her to use it. You'll either be high enough level with strong enough equipment for this or you won't. You can do this at surprisingly low levels if you do it right.
Drama- Overlord Descent Outro
Gaaahh hahahahaha!!! Perfect! For the next minute and a half, I shall tug at the heartstrings of the entire universe!
Oh, I know! How about an anime segment?
If I become the dashing hero of an awesome anime, I could kill them off and take over as the main character! I'm a genius!
You're ruining the shot! Go stand over there, out of my light.
Let this go down as the defining moment in the history of anime... A revolution in entertainment!
Anime Scene
Tch! Nevermind! I don't even wanna be a part of this stupid world. I wouldn't stay if you begged me!
I'll go find a better world, with heaps of food and cookies! And they'll love me! Let's get outta here, Flonne.
You go ahead by yourself, Sir Laharl.
Hmph! Fine, do whatever you want! I might be alone, but I'll never be lonely. I am the greatest of all Overlords, Laharl!
Aahh hahahaha!
System Message: You've adopted [Fallen Angel Flonne]!
Flonne is the best healer in the game, as she gets a bonus to amount healed. She's also just in general got very good caster stats, and is best used just as she was in Disgaea as a relatively tough caster. I mean she's no Magic Knight but she's pretty good.
Drama- Summon Overlord Laharl Intro
I'm wasting away here...
Map- Summon Overlord Laharl
This is a much harder map than the previous. You face 2 Kunoichi, 2 Magic Knights and 2 Clerics at level 800 and Laharl at level 1000. If you have long enough magic range, you can actually nuke the Kunoichi and Magic Knights from outside their range. If you're really slick you can even do this with Laharl, but it's hard to pull off. The strategy to this is pretty similar to the last one. Deal with everyone else so you can deal with Laharl alone. He's got a huge pool of health and is very likely to kill someone with every attack he makes, so this is a matter of doing as much damage as you can as quickly as you can while you can still manage big combos. The video comes down to the wire, I get lucky and have Flonne left able to nuke him with Omega spells outside his range.
Drama- Summon Overlord Laharl Outro
I took special care to hide it waaay in the back of the fridge, behind the baking soda. But that dirty Prince found it and ate it!
Sweets are a girl's best friend. I can't forgive him. You understand, right Rozalin?
Haa hahahahaa!
System Message: Under the agreement of 3 meals per day, [Overlord Laharl] has joined the group!!
Laharl's definitely the best special character in this. He's got a huge ATK and does extra damage versus monsters. He's awesome with swords, which are still incredibly powerful in Disgaea 2. He also comes at level 1000, which is a nice little jumpstart. All in all he's very worth your while to use.
Anyway, next time I'll have another couple little Extra Stages.