Part 2: Getting Schooled
In our last chapter we were introduced to Mao, the protagonist of our story. We will now continue his search for a legendary hero.On his way to the Overlord's Castle, Mao passes through a Nether Academy Classroom.
Drama and Map- Tutorial One

But having your home on campus is quite strange. I don't know if it's convenient or the exact opposite.
Why is there a classroom in the way?
Huh!? Who's there!?
Enter a pathetic looking demon.

Excellent! I've been looking for someone to test my experimental electrolysis machine on.

I leave 'em to you. I'll go watch from a safe distance and cheer you on.
And when you're about to win, I'll come back for the killing blow.

I must obtain the hero's power, and beat Dad with my own hands!
Tutorial: Battle Basics:
This tutorial is on the basics of battle in Disgaea 3. The flow of battle in Absence of Justice is very similar to that of Hour of Darkness or Cursed Memories. We deploy characters from the base panel, move, and take actions while it's our turn, then the enemy takes a turn. The game's tutorials are most excellent so I'll let them explain and throw my own notes in as I go if there's something to add.

First, bring your cursor to the Base Panel, and press the 'x' button.

If you mistakenly pick the wrong person, move the cursor to that character and press the circle button to cancel.

And now, you are done commanding. However, you will not immediately begin your attack.

Here, we will select Execute.
And thus the flow of action is complete. Command -> triangle button -> Execute. Remember this carefully.

Team attacks are in general flashier in Disgaea 3. The cut in images are higher quality and the attacks themselves are longer and more impressive.

Combos occur when you focus attacks on one character consecutively. The more combos, the stronger each attack gets.

After executing Attack and Special actions, you will not be able to cancel them, so please be careful.

However, if all summoned characters are KO'ed, it will be Game Over. Please keep this in mind.

Well then, my role here is done… Best of luck to you, Young Master.
After the first tutorial we get access to the shops. Just as in Disgaea 2 we have a weapon shop, armor shop, and consumable shop. In order to unlock better items we need to purchase from the shops, and equipment makes up a substantial portion of our stats so keeping up to date is pretty clutch. Anyway, let's move on to the second tutorial, where we'll see one of the little wrinkles to the Disgaea system added in three.
Drama and Map- Tutorial Two

Before we start, Geoffrey has a little reminder for us.

Seriously, you're a demon, yet you meddle in my business all the time.
Just like… someone else.
Mao continues on through the classrooms towards his home.

Andale muchachos!

You can't move either, can you?

Hmph. I don't need any more of these random punks. Hurry up and let me go meet that legendary hero…
Tutorial: Lift and Throw:
Lifting and throwing behaves basically just like any of the previous games in the series. Disgaea 3 adds in boxes: stackable, liftable, and sometimes destroyable objects that can form steps or barriers. Elevation features much more prominently in maps in Disgaea 3 than previously in the series. Now let's let Geoffrey explain lifting and throwing for those not in the know.

You can use Lift and Throw to reach enemies in high, or far away places.
As you can see, when the enemy is too far away, your attacks cannot reach. You must throw and ally to clear the gap.
First we will use the Lift command to lift you up…

And now we throw the boxes into a step up to the upper level, allowing us to walk up to Cholo and punch his clock.

You can apply this in many ways, such as lifting multiple allies and throwing them to reach farther distances.
There are many other strategies, so please experiment, utilizing your 1.8 million EQ.

There's one more change that they don't mention. If you throw a character or stack onto a friendly monster, that monster will 'throw' them some distance in the direction they're facing. Monster characters being able to assist in moving across the map is one of the things that makes them much more useful in Disgaea 3.
After this tutorial the Evility Labs open up. This is where we really see Disgaea 3's new features. At the Evility Labs we can purchase skills, spells, and Evilities using Mana accrued in battle by killing enemies. Evilities are passive bonuses that characters receive. All characters have one set Evility and one empty slot for a second. Each character class has access to its own set of Evilities, skills, and spells. However, when we reincarnate we retain everything learned so far, which can allow characters easy access to abilities that would be a pain to get in earlier games. We can also boost the effectiveness of our skills and spells here, which makes them radically more powerful but also more expensive. It's the only way to increase the range and area of effect of spells, though, so it's pretty vital.
Drama and Map- Tutorial 3

In another of an endless series of classrooms Mao once again encounters a foe.

Even superheroes join teams these days. Why didn't you just come as an honor student demon trio?

A trap of your own design is mere child's play before me!
This is too straightforward compared to all the games I've spent month playing! You shall see a true honor student here!
Tutorial: Geo Panels and Blocks:
At first it seems as though Geo Effects are pretty much unchanged from previous Disgaea games. Panels on the ground take effects from symbols that apply to all of that color. There's a lot of new effects, but that's not the big change. Geo Symbols have been replaced by Geo Blocks. These can be lifted, thrown, and more importantly stood on. They provide their effect if stood on even if we're not on a Geo Panel. There's going to be maps later that will cover the floor in Geo Blocks to provide a Geo Effect that can be destroyed partially or in just areas. There's a few other properties of Geo Blocks as well but there's a later tutorial on them so I'll leave it at this for now.

These Geo Panels are land formed from the spiritual elements that structure the Netherworld.
And these cube-like blocks are crystals made from these spiritual elements, called Geo Blocks.
You must think more strategically during battles with Geo Effects.
Take a look at the colored panels on the map. These are called Geo Panels.

…I get it! I'm supposed to destroy all the blocks, right!?

For example, if you destroy this Change Green Block on this Blue Panel, all blue panels will turn green.

I can make use of the color changes to make all the panels the same color, and then destroy that Null Block!

Try putting the Green Geo Block on the Blue Panel first, and then destroy it.

The more color changes and nulling you do, the more you gain on the Bonus Gaugue.

This is the end of the tutorials for a while. The game does have more new things to tell us about, but it doesn't throw them all out at once.

…No, that doesn't matter to me. I must concentrate my every evil sense into finding the legendary hero for now.
When we get back another school facility, the homeroom, has opened. The homeroom is where we go to recruit new characters, pass proposals, and join school clubs. I'll go into detail on these subjects in a mini-update, they're a bit much to include here. Meanwhile it's time to get ready because the game is about to throw us right into the fire, as we'll see next time.
Next Time on Disgaea 3: The Delinquent and the Hero.