Part 13: Electoral Combat
Last time on Disgaea 3 we found out that Raspberyl's been kidnapped by the School Board. Today, we don't give a damn!Drama- Blazing Firestorm Intro

We already know your weakness! Hope you're ready, homes!

(This kid grew up alone, with no one to rely on…)

First, I'll scribble on your forehead with a permanent marker! Muhahahaha!

(I wonder if she's okay…)
Map- Blazing Firestorm

This map gives us an opportunity to use Geo Effects to our favor against the enemy. There's large stretches of Yellow tiles and three Damage 20% Blocks lying around. We can easily stack Damage 40% and grind the zombies down long before they touch us, then throw the last Block on and get a big chain to raise the bonus meter. The opposition, by the way, are zombies, beast masters, and a Vato Brother. This isn't a hard map, and it's a good place to level because you can get large bonuses.
Map- Student Chaos

In this map, we have to advance into the face of some Enemy Boosted gunslingers. Luckily, the symbol providing their boost is easily accessible. Once we've destroyed it, it's a simple matter of killing the gunslingers and throwing ourselves over to the other side to finish off the Vato Brother there.
Map- Thrill

This map puts us up against a somewhat nasty Geo Puzzle. Two sets of skulls/mages are on either side of us with a new Geo Effect, HP/SP Switch. This lets them take damage out of their large SP pools and cast out of their SP pools, which is annoying to deal with. An island on either side holds both the Block that provides the HP/SP switch and another Block we can use to either Silence them or clear the panels entirely. On the first turn we need to throw someone over to each and deal with the Blocks. Once the Geo Effects are dealt with the map is relatively smooth sailing. The Vato Brother is in range to be killed on the first turn with no trouble.
Drama- Thrill Outro

We've prepared some awesome friends for today's Student Election campaign.
…You ready? You're ready, right? Show yourselves! Today's surprise guests!
Enter Kyoko and Asuka.

And without a rival, won't you be disqualified from being the main character!?

(But, demons aren't usually honest. Maybe…)
Hey Lord Mao, you don't like the way the School Board does things, right?

If you break the rules and destroy the School Board, the entire school will know how evil you really are.
And, if by any chance, someone is saved during the process, no one can blame you for doing something good.

A demon must never offer a helping hand! Giving help is for the naïve and dull! I cannot abide a true demon to do so!

Young Master, becoming the Freshman Class Leader is an important milestone. You mustn't lose focus now.

Do you really think crushing the School Board's gonna be easy, weddo?
Yeah, you're just gonna end up getting yourself brainwashed too, ese!

So now we've got to head to the Depar… bzzt…

…tment of Education okay what was that? I don't know who these guys are but they must have some serious juice to hack an LP. Anyway, there's a small issue to deal with before we can go to the Department of Education.
The Legendary Item World!

It doesn't matter which item. Just dive to the 10th level of the Item World to make it level 10.

Someone who wishes for your growth must have given you a gift of ordeals.

The Item World is a returning feature from previous installments of Disgaea. You dive into the random dungeon of an item, and each floor you pass through increases that item's level and power. A boss awaits every ten floors, and killing it will further increase the item's power. The Item World can allow us to create seriously powerful weapons and is the key to getting the best items in the game. We won't be using it too much in the main game but in the postgame we'll hit it hard. After we finish ten floors we sometimes to go Innocent Town. Here we can heal, go to the Item Homeroom, and meet strange people. People like this.

The Item Homeroom allows us to pass bills that strengthen items. It's sort of a waste of mana at this point in the game, though. When we go there you also see a little something I haven't talked about yet, the Homeroom Teacher. Every so often a new teacher arrives. The Homeroom Teacher gives bonus stats on level up to characters in the front row in class. What stats increase depends on the Teacher.

Anyway we've got a level 10 item now, so let's rock on out.

Next Time on Disgaea 3: Showdown at the DOE