Part 11: Oh, not HIM again!
Chapter 8: Oh, not HIM again!
Last time on Disgaea, the Netherworld's Greatest Detective cracked her most difficult case yet. This time, we've got a pendant to track down.
Map 1: Road of Flames

Let me see!

This feather belongs to a high-level angel...

Why would another angel be here...?

I don't care what kind of trouble those Celestians stir up for themselves.

So, this map is awesome. Let's take a look at it.

The green panels make the targets in them worth double experience points. This makes the map a very good place to grind for a few Episodes, especially for casters who can take out the square formation by the Base Panel in one combo. The scarecrows and Blade Knight on this map hit pretty hard but go down pretty quickly themselves. Let's move on.
Map 2: Parched Ground

I'm gonna kill you if you say that angels don't sweat or have to go to the bathroom.

Prinnies aren't that nice. ...You must be hallucinating.

This map is incredibly generic. Kill a bunch of scarecrows and armor knights. No Geo Panels to deal with or anything, and about the same levels as the previous map. Let's just move on.
Map 3: Blazing Field

I'm looking for your pendant. The least you could do is tell me.

He loves flowers and poems.

Enough of this! Let's find that pendant!
So, this is one of the first real 'tricky' maps. The entire map is covered in Enemy Boost +50%. This is what we like to call a Bad Thing. The Geo Symbol that provides it isn't that far away, though. So we just do a quick Tower Throw like so...

And we're at the symbol. But how best to deal with it? Why, we do this:

In Disgaea (but not Disgaea 2) you can destroy Geo Symbols by throwing them on top of enemies or throwing enemies onto them. It's a very handy way to dispose of high level Geo Symbols that might otherwise be difficult to kill. If we really wanted there's a Damage 20% symbol we could put on Red, but it's not really necessary. Let's just move on.
Map 4: Molten Labyrinth
Boss Fight 4 Video

*grunt* That fool.
No one can stop me now...
W, What!? The pendant's shining...!

Hmmm? This is a beautiful pendant.
It must be a gift from the heavens, a reward for my good behavior.
I thank you, o god...

I found this pendant.
Therefore... It belongs to moi!

If you don't let go soon... you'll...!

Unfortunate, is it not? The heavens would never punish such a pure heart as mine!
And to match such a beautiful heart, I was graced with the name "Dark Adonis"!

But, do not foolishly think that I am an ordinary mid-boss.

Since I last lost to you, I mastered an incomparable technique. I have trained arduously for this moment!!
Now, prepare for your inevitable defeat!!

So, Mid-Boss is back, and he's been grinding levels too.

He's got a new special and a fair number of Armor Knights, Scarecrows, and Deaths (magic using monsters). He's also got a lot of health for his level. Luring enemies into you a few at a time is your best bet on this map. You ideally want to have only Mid-Boss to deal with by the time he decides to mosey over, because he hits pretty damn hard. Anyway, beating him triggers a drama scene with one of the best sprites in the game.

(This all went by so fast it was hard to capture an image of it, but Laharl jumps into the lava after it)

That's good to know.

The reward! Give me the "something good" you promised me!

I already gave it to you.

Can you feel it? The warmth inside your heart...
You faced great danger to find this pendant.
You pretend to be only evil, but there is definitely kindness in your heart.
To give you the opportunity to realize that kindness...
That is my reward for you.

Dammit! I'll remember this!!

And if there is love inside him, that means that there is love in all demons.
One day, angels and demons could be friends. I couldn't be happier.

But, you're bound to be disappointed if you keep expecting things to turn out so cheery.
Most demons would choke you from behind without a second thought.

You'll find out soon enough. *giggle*

I must return to Celestia and devise a new plan...
Consider yourself lucky this time...
But I, Vulcanus, shall emerge victorious in the end!!
Got that!? Don't forget it, even if I don't make an appearance for a while!
Promise me!!

And now for Etna's Episode Preview!
Video Version

And that's Episode 4. Next time on Let's Play Disgaea: Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal! It's Episode 5: Etna's Secret!