Part 15: Oh, this was a GREAT plan, Laharl. Really.
Chapter 12: Oh, this was a GREAT plan, Laharl. Really.
Last time on Disgaea, Laharl came up with an idea that was a bit too successful. Today we'll follow the first half of his journey to the Heart of Evil.

Map 1: Calamity Woods

Anyways, what are we going to do about these guys?
There's not even room to walk.

One by one you say, Etna? We'll see about that.

Yeah, that's why Laharl's the Overlord. 'Cause he's an asskicker. This is his level 20 special, and it kicks quite a lot of ass. It doesn't require the open space behind that Winged Slayer does, which is nice. The stuff here is only level 12 and trivially weak honestly. Very easy map.
Map 2: Ritual Site

Trying to make a fool out of me? I'll make you moan in pain!!

So, Sardia, despite being a bullshitter, is actually reasonably tough. She's level 24 with good equipment, and is therefore stronger than any of the bosses in the previous chapters. She's all alone, though. Lure her out and combo the hell out of her. She'll kill a few people most likely, but the game AI preferentially targets weaker characters first, so use that fact to your advantage.
Map 3: Witches' Den

I'm the one who's supposed to kill the Prince!

Alright! Let's go, doods!!

And here comes the fun. You know how I said Prinnies explode when you throw them? Yeah, let's see that in action.

Not only do they explode when you throw them, but the explosion chains to other Prinnies in the radius. Yeah, it sucks to be a Prinny. Oh, another thing to note that makes this map even easier: Prinnies are, um, not terribly good. The higher ranks at higher levels can be decent (especially with their Pringer Beams) but Pvt. Prinnies at low levels are pretty damn awful. Even if you couldn't just beat the map by hurling all the Prinnies it'd still be a joke.
Map 4: Writhing Shadow

Oh shit.

Now that he's dead, I'll claim it for my own!
You are just one of the Overlords that I will crush on my way to becoming the "Supreme Overlord"!
Puny boy! What you see before you represents only a fraction of my power!

But, even so, a horrible death still awaits you!
Feel my wrath!

We cannot possibly lose to someone like that!

Okay. Okay. Calm down a minute. His love is divided by ten. He can't be THAT tough.

...Well shit.

...Oh for Christ's sake. Yeah, two Fiery Roars and my whole party evaporated pretty much. That... didn't go so well. Turns out he's got PLENTY of love even divided by ten.

It wouldn't matter how many puny boys like you there were, I'd crush them all!
I thought the son of Krichevskoy would be a lot tougher, but I guess I was wrong!!

Well, looks like we're doomed. I guess we had a good run.

Next time on Let's Play Disgaea: Unexpected appearances, cameos, and the cockroach that just won't die: Finishing up Episode 6.