Part 23: Aside: Etna's Room
For those interested, this is the Etna's Room update from Episode 8 that I did not include earlier because it was enough of a spoiler for the Episode that I decided to save it.

I remember the time...
...the time the King and Queen first met.
A demon falling in love with a human...
I felt like the King was going somewhere out of my reach...
His happy face...
The first time I was his smile...
My heart ached...
As I watched the King smiling, I felt my hatred for the Queen grow...
My loyalty to the King...
I felt like all my feelings were being ignored because of that woman...
And then, the Prince was born...
The son of the King...
The son of that woman...
I was torn by opposing feelings back then...
Things have started to change recently.
But, my feelings toward the Queen ended before I could deal with them...
Hopefully, this will help disabuse some people of some notions about Etna. Etna's not, like, really evil or anything (the whole point of this is that demons aren't inherently evil) but you've got to remember that a lot of the things she does that seem pretty 'nice' or 'good' are directed at Laharl, who she wants to become as good an Overlord as the King was, and Flonne, who she has in an odd way become friends with (what with them being polar opposites).
Just wait for her appearances in certain later games by NIS if you want to see how she treats people she doesn't like or doesn't really give a shit about.