Part 26: Lalala! Picnic at the Sea of Gehenna!
Chapter 21: Lalala! Picnic at the Sea of Gehenna!
Last time on Disgaea, Captain Gordon and his crew joined us! Today, we continue the adventures of Captain Gordon in the Netherworld!
Episode 10 Intro Drama

(What humiliation! The Defender of Earth working for the Overlord! I can't apologize enough to my predecessors!)

Don't tell me that a hero would break his promise, now.

(A hero never breaks a promise!
All I can do is endure this!
As long as my faith does not falter, hope remains!!
I've got it! I'll just pretend to obey him!
And when he lets his guard down, I'll escape back to Earth!
Alright! I just need to have patience! Good thinking, Gordon!)

Etna and Flonne are going to show me around the Netherworld, and we're gonna have a picnic.
Why don't you come along, Harlie? We made a great lunch!

You must be joking, Jennifer! I, the Defender of Earth, am working, and you, my assistant, are picnicking?

It's not like we'd be going on a picnic, going lalala. Someone has to protect them!

I'll sneak off and escape during the picnic!)

Next time on Let's Play Disgaea: A new low: the mighty struggle over the pic-a-nic bas-ket.