Part 28: You just now realized that, Gordon?
Chapter 23: You just now realized that, Gordon?
Last time on Let's Play Disgaea, Mid-Boss stole our picnic basket, because that's how he rolls. Today we're going to chase after him.
Map 3: River of Lava

No drama scene for this one, just a map. Let's check it out.

There's also some Pucks guarding the Geo Symbols, but trust me when I say that the Galactic Demon's the problem. If you don't take out his Geo protection he's going to be impossible to kill. He won't move, though, so just skirt around the outside of the map using fist attacks to move Geo Symbols or throwing enemies onto them. Once the Symbols are all dead he's not too bad to take out.
Map 4: Searing Tyranny

Justice must prevail!!


Anyways, we have to get the basket back before Mid-Boss eats it all!

And another bonus map. There's green Exp +100% tiles and treants. It's not an idea leveling map compared to one next chapter, though, because it's hard to get the second wave of treants on the Exp + tiles.
Map 5: Inferno
Episode 10 Boss Battle and Drama

Very well! I shall demonstrate for you humans the elegant techniques of the Dark Adonis!

Alright, here we go!
As long as evil exists in the world, this elegant angel will soar the skies!
The people's cheers bring me courage!
The Warrior of Love, Guardian Flonne!!

So, Mid-Boss again. He's been preparing for this since last time.

He's got some buddies, too, Pucks and Fafnirs. This can actually be a very tough fight, because you can't really lure enemies one by one. You need some pretty decent brute force. Luckily, I've been powering up weapons in the Item World and have some serious beaters on my side, so we make it through this mostly intact.
Honestly, there's only a couple of boss fights in this game that are 'tricky'. Most of them are just straight level checks. The real 'trick' ones are yet to come. 11 and 13, oh god fuck episode 13's boss stage, and trying to clear all three of those enemy boost symbols in one turn.

We shall meet again! My compliments to the chef!

Which reminds me... I haven't had Pizza Shack's Teriyaki Pizza in a long time.
Now then, since this is all over, we'll be heading back to Earth.
There's no need to shed any tears. So long, people of the Netherworld!
(You go, Gordon. Take it nice and easy!
No one, not even a demon, can deny a man his Pizza Shack Teriyaki Pizza.
Now, if I can just return to Earth and act like nothing ever happened...)

Now that you mention it, our spaceship is in pieces!!
We have no way of getting home!!

Will we ever be able to return to Earth?
Who will defend the planet now? Will my duty as Defender of Earth go unfulfilled...?

Our duty is to safeguard peace, whether it be on Earth, or in the Netherworld.

*sigh* I'll try to tolerate that sexy body of yours.

Of course, it could just be that he started liking sexy bodies...

This is a dream! It must be a dream!
Somebody tell me it's a dream!!

And now for our Episode Preview, with special guest General Carter!
Episode 11 Preview

Next time on Let's Play Disgaea: We find out more of what the hell's going on!