Part 29: Archangel Vulcanus' evil plot revealed!
Chapter 24: Archangel Vulcanus' evil plot revealed!
Last time on Let's Play Disgaea, Gordon realized they're stuck in the Netherworld. Today, we get to discover Archangel Vulcanus' nefarious plot!
Episode 11 Intro

If your information is correct, then there is no way we can lose.

No, now is not the time for second guessing! The earth is breathing its last breath.
All ships prepare for takeoff! Earth Defense Force, move out!!

Hmmmmm. Is there any way...
Oh, yeah! The EDF!! When I don't return according to schedule, they'll surely come to rescue me!!
Alright! A ray of hope!!

That's strange... I don't remember writing a challenge...

Rejoice, Gordon! It looks like you'll be meeting a new friend! Haaahahahaha!!
Next time on Let's Play Disgaea: The game is officially starting to play rough.
I'm also going to start the Unfair NIS Trivia Challenge here very soon. I'll come up with questions on ridiculous minutiae and see if anyone can actually manage to answer. It'll be fun, or some close approximation.