Part 30: The First Defender.
Chapter 25: The First Defender.
Last time on Disgaea, we got a challenge from a Defender of Earth. Today, we track him down in the Forest of the Dead.

Map 1: Ghostly Whisper

Kurtis calls himself the Defender of Earth and tries to steal work from under us.
But, as much as I hate to admit it, he has managed to save the earth on a few occasions.
That's why you could say that there are 2 Defenders of Earth right now.

I work for the earth, not the Netherworld!!

So, this Defender of Earth has an odd definition of 'testing our strength'. His definition of 'testing' means 'greatly increasing' it seems. This is the best leveling map until Episode 14, bar none. This is where we'll be training for the brutality to come in later Episodes.
Map 2: Rising Fear

Are you aware of who you're dealing with!? I am Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth!

What would the Defender of Earth be doing here in the company of the Overlord?

His new name is Slayer of the Netherworld.

Besides, you haven't even introduced yourself yet!

Hundreds of years ago, the first Defender of Earth left for the Netherworld to vanquish the Overlord, and never returned...

He probably couldn't rest in peace until he defeated the Overlord, so his soul remained behind.

The idea of him still struggling to fulfill his duty, transcending time! A true Defender of Earth!!
I'm proud to follow in his footsteps!!

Next time we run into him, let's lose on purpose.
That way, he'll finally be satisfied and his spirit will ascend to heaven.

Are you so selfish that you can't even save a poor hero's soul?

So, Flonne doesn't understand ANYTHING, as we'll see next update. This map has one major annoyance, three Skulls with one shot each of an Omega spell. Those hurt, really bad. Once they've blown their load, though, the map's not that bad. Just run out and combo everything down, as per usual. The crazy geo effects don't start until next map.
Next time on Let's Play Disgaea: The soul of a Defender burns brightly! Battle in the Forest of the Dead!