Part 38: Showdown! Carter's Gambit! The 38th Defender is Born!
Chapter 33: Showdown! Carter's Gambit! The 38th Defender is Born!
Last time on Disgaea, we defeated Kurtis. Today, we track the nefarious General Carter down to his last stand!
Map 5: Bridge

That's right! I have installed a neural override device!

Jennifer! Go defeat Gordon!

I, the Defender of Earth, could never lose to such a delicate creature!

Jennifer is a master of the ancient martial art, Kung Fu!

No way can I use my full fighting potential against Jennifer!

Stand aside...! Let me show you MY defender spirit!

I... I looked up to you...
That's why I became a scientist in the first place... Funny, isn't it?
How did things end up like this? If only I had realized sooner...
No... It's enough that I realized it in the end. I bet they're smiling down on me from heaven...

Curse you all!! I'll just blow you all up and Jennifer, too!
In case of an event like this, I planted a bomb inside the neural override device!
Muhahahaha!! Now, die!


What am I saying... You ARE a true Defender of Earth!!

I won't forget the defender spirit... you showed... me...

Lead the soul of Kurtis, Defender of Earth, to his family's side...

That's all...

Because of me, Kurtis...

And now, his spirit will burn brightly in your heart.
Yeah... You're right.

Fight alongside me as an equal... a Defender of Earth!!

I understand. Let's forget about the past, and concentrate on the present.

I loved you, and believed in you...
But, we were never a true family to begin with...
You raised me only so you could manipulate me!
I'll never call you "Father" again! Prepare yourself, Carter!

And here's the last map of the Episode. It's a joke compared to Kurtis last map. It's also the first of many maps where we're fighting Angels. Angels are a class that's pretty much decent at everything. They're what Magic Knights in D1 want to be when they grow up. They have offensive spells up to Giga, heals, and Espoir. They're A rank in almost every weapon too, and have all around good stats, as you can see below.

The angels here have spears and bows. They're not really a problem if you got this far.

Now, answer. Who is behind this?

I'm innocent! I, I just wanted to save the earth!

Foolish human. You cannot save the earth.
How do you intend to save all of mankind when you cannot even save your daughter?
You have sacrificed the lives of others to satisfy your own ego.
Until you realize that... you will be plagued by nightmares.
We will be watching you.
(Oh... Why am I so awesome?)

...and to preventing others from becoming victims like you and your family.

And this is it: Etna's final episode preview!
Final Episode Preview!

Next time on Let's Play Disgaea: Heaven's Gate!