Part 44: The Flower of Happiness.
Chapter 39: The Flower of Happiness.
Last time on Disgaea we kicked the crap out of Archangel Vulcanus. Today, we see the exciting conclusion of Disgaea: Hour of Darkness!
Final Map- Sacred Altar
Sacred Altar-Final Map

She is a traitor who has come to take over Celestia with her abominable troops of demons!


It was fortunate that it failed, but I discovered that angels were involved in the invasion.

All that she has said is a lie!
Angels using humans to invade the Netherworld!? That is simply absurd!!

My friends, here, have convinced me of that!

You, a Celestian, refer to demons as friends, and defend their behavior?

Demons may not be perceived as good.
As a matter of fact, they are rather selfish, rude, and cynical.

But, I have also discovered that they have love and kindness in their hearts.
Master Lamington, I remember you telling me...
...that there is no such thing as absolute evil, that even demons have love.
As I spent time in the Netherworld, I came to realize that you were right.

Refusing to try and understand our cultural differences, they instead chose to label demons as "evil"...
They convinced themselves that they were the avatars of absolute good, and branded demons as absolute evil.
Vulcanus' choices have been the result of such misconceptions, and his concern for the future. I should have been more mindful of these things.

I am well informed of all that has transpired.

However, the fact remains that you have harmed other angels. You are to be punished for your sin.

Why does Flonne have to be punished!?

I beg of you to forgive my companions. It is I who drew them into all of this.

I knew I could trust in you.
You taught me that demons do have love in their hearts.

We're done here, aren't we!? Let's go back to the Netherworld!

...Hey, something's wrong. It's not doing anything...

Good-bye, everyone. Thank you so much for everything.

Hey, Flonne... What are you doing...? I didn't say you could do this...!
You're going to abandon me? Like my mother did?
I didn't give you permission!
Is this what you call love!? If it is, then I'll never believe in love! Ever!!
I'll kill you!!

And here we are, the final map of the main storyline of Disgaea: Hour of Darkness. It has its own music special to the map (Disgaea, as a matter of fact). We're fighting against Seraph Lamington and level 75 Angels, one for each of the weapons Angels are good at i.e. everything but guns. They're easy to lure to the Base Panel and kill, which just leaves the Big Papa himself:

You're not reading that wrong, he's got 20k HP. He's by a long margin the most powerful enemy in the main game, and his Ultimate, Armageddon, can really wreck you if you don't have healers:

There's no tricks, no cute little ways you can beat this guy. It's all about raw power. Pound him down before he can do the same to you.
If you've gone through the game without killing an Ally, you're rewarded with the Good Ending after completing this map.

...Besides, if that Love Freak was here, she would have stopped me anyway...

I never knew I could shed tears...

We'll call this your victory, so don't bother me.

You should thank your companions for teaching you the importance of love and friendship.

Here... Look.

I was supposed to be punished, and...

He sent Angel Trainee Flonne to the Netherworld, to begin bridging the gap between the two worlds.
Laharl, Flonne... You are the knot that binds the two worlds together.

And now, the credits, featuring some great pictures and The Flower of Happiness.
Credits Feat. The Flower of Happiness

And that's it for the main game of Disgaea: Hour of Darkness! I hope you've enjoyed watching it half as much as I've enjoyed playing it.
New Special Edition Content: The Legend of King Krichevskoy:
Now, the game never spells this out exactly, but by this point we've got a pretty good idea what exactly happened to the old King. The Netherworld was under attack from Baal, the Supreme Overlord. King Krichevskoy was unable to defeat Baal, but managed to seal him away. This cost him almost all of his power, leading to his seeming demise. With the help of Seraph Lamington, Krichevskoy returned as the Dark Adonis Vyers. The two of them planned to bring the Netherworld and Celestia closer together by manipulating events such that Laharl and Flonne meet. This naturally led to the events of Disgaea. Their plan seems to have been mostly successful, given what we've seen.
Next time on Let's Play Disgaea: Ordeals and Warrior Maidens: It's the Disgaea Postgame!