Part 75: No Sanctuary
Chapter 55 - No Sanctuary
Music - "Whispers from a Council Past"
Download (Thanks to Grawl)

I didn't waste my energy trying to struggle.

Zandalor and I strained with our wills against the bonds of the cage. The cages glowed brightly, and then they began to flicker and dim. Soon both cages were badly flickering and nearing collapse - as were we. Suddenly, my cage vanished and I sprawled out on the floor, breathing heavily from the exertion.

I opened my eyes. Zandalor's cage was still around him, glowing strongly.

I was tired from the effort and drank a potion.

I felt the energy flow over me.

Thankfully, I once again had the ability to use my magic, so I left the Singing Blade behind and switched to my dagger and shield.
I walked through the circular archway into a truly magnificent room. My boots echoed on the floor. The chamber was huge, every surface was smooth. I had no idea how the ceiling was staying up without any supporting columns.

"About the Game" posted:
There are Ghosts, Liches, and Mummies in this level. Mummies are a new enemy type which are mostly found on this level, and one other level. All of these enemies are weak to fire, though, so there's not much strategy or thought required to deal with the enemies in this area.

The noise of fighting lured more mummies and ghosts from openings on the east and west walls.

I returned to the main room.

"About the Game" posted:
Actually, Any of the scrolls from any of the seven races will activate the teleporter. Once the Succubus is dead, of course. No running away. At least this upcoming boss fight doesn't force mages to fight half-crippled.

The door at the north end seemed to be important. It was flanked with bronze plaques with writing in Old Rivellon Runes.
I sensed the presence of the demoness ahead.

As soon as I entered, I was swarmed by hordes of mummies. There were plenty of pillars in this room; they might prove useful for cover if needed. Domating the center of the room was a large gong. Behind it was the Succubus, who was watching me with an amused smile on her face.

It didn't work. As the last of them fell, I felt stronger and fitter than ever.

I approached the center of the room.
BOSS: Succubus

I felt myself moving closer, against the will and commands of my mind. I struggled, but step by step, my feet moved of their own accord.

The Succubus prepared to give her dangerous, lethal kiss. At the last moment, my will overpowered her command. I was free!

I had to stop to prepare my next spell.

I summoned a wall of skeletons to hold the demoness off for a minute. I wouldn't need more.

I had spent hours studying various monsters and creatures when I was a student wizard. I remembered that a succubus...

...had no resistances whatsoever to Elemental magic.

I kept pouring the magic fire and lightning down until she shrieked, collapsed, and melted into a small puddle.

"Ahhh... It certainly is as far as the Black Ring are concerned," he said evasively.
After all the trouble I'd been through looking for him and his answers, I wasn't going to let him get away with that crap anymore.

I drew my blade and backed away from Zandalor.
"What are you talking about?"
"Calm yourself! I mean you no harm. ... Well, alright, yes I will have to kill you, but you should be fine."
I suspect that my expression could not have been any stranger at that moment even if Zandalor were to suddenly grow three multi-coloured heads, sprout butterfly wings, and fly around the room singing obscene limericks in Elvish,
I had more than I could bear. I dropped to my knees, my dagger falling from my numb fingers. I held my head in my hands and shouted, "In the name of Duna, Rhalic, Amadia, and all the rest, will someone please, TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!"
Next Time: Act 4 - Council
Next Time: Answers

Behind the Scenes
This concludes "Act 3". Next update, a bunch of talking, and we get our next main quest goals.
Originally, this was intended to be the first part of "Act 4", because once you enter the Council you can't leave until the Succubus is dead, but I decided to end an act with a boss fight instead of starting with one.
I intended to only put points into Skeletal Wall just to get screenshots of this. But I forgot to reload from before the fight, and instead I continued, so I ended up keeping the Skeletal wall points.
Zereth posted:
Oh yeah this thread, I should catch up on-
Man, Zandalor, you KNOW the admins can't catch everybody's parachute accounts all the time!
Damn you.
Because of that post, I had to spend an hour working on THIS.

What's fake in this update?
- Jeremiah was never captured by the Succubus. She only imprisons Zandalor and leaves the player free See the video below.
Here's the original video for what happens when you teleport to the Council.