Part 11: Game Mechanics: Enchantments
Game Mechanics: EnchantmentsA lot of this information comes from Lancet, the resident numbers guru on the Larian forums, who has put together (Link is full of spoilers, obviously) a guide of quite ludicrous depth. So thank him for compiling it.
In Divinity 2, you have 11 possible equipment slots:

From top-to-bottom, left-to right:
Amulet Jewellery type.
Ring (2) Jewellery type.
Right Hand A weapon goes here.
Left Hand Either nothing, a single-handed weapon, or a shield (Armour type) goes here.
Belt Jewellery Type.
Helmet Armor type, for the head slot.
Cuirass Armor type, chest slot.
Gauntlets Armor type, hands slot.
Leggings Armor type, legs slot (legs and boots are combined, theres no separate boots slot).
Bracelet Jewellery type.
Earrings Jewellery type.
The type of enchantments which can be applied to an item depends on the item type.
- There are 2 Weapons slots. Weapons - not fists, by the way - can have Fire Damage, Poison Damage, Magic Damage, Melee Damage, Critical Chance, and Life/Mana Leech bonuses.
- There are 4 or 5 possible Armour slots. Armour can have health and mana, and melee armour, ranged armour, or magic armour bonuses, as well as Magic Damage Aura and Retribution Aura.
- There are 6 Jewellery slots. But Jewellery has little variety. You can have a Healing Aura, or a damaging effect: Poison, Spontaneous Combustion (Fire), Static Charge, Damage Aura, Magic Damage Aura and Retribution Aura.
Each item can have only one enchantment of the same type. You cant have Life Line 4 and Life Line 7 on the same piece of armour. Higher rank enchantments are acquired by either finding a formula in a container, or by taking a piece of equipment to the Enchanter and having an enchantment slot Disenchanted.
Each enchantment has a gemstone associated with it. Some have more than one stone or ore required. All rank 10 enchantments require a Malachite Gem, which are of limited availability. Some ores are rare or not found at all in Broken Valley, so you'll need to find them from merchants or in random loot.
The auras which retaliate with magic damage (not including Retribution), launch an orb of energy back at the enemy who inflicted the damage. There will be only one orb even if multiple effects trigger, but the impact of the multiple effects will stack properly.
How Enchantment Stacking works
Each and every effect has its own individual separate chance to trigger. If multiple effects trigger, the damage is added together. Thus, it's best to put as many high-end enchantments on as possible, because those have the highest chance to trigger, and the highest damage, so the odds of stacking are greater, and the resulting damage will be greater as well.
Yaras current damage enchantments as of the end of Chapter 6:
- Magic Damage Aura: 5% chance of 1 shock of 2 magic damage +
- Magic Damage Aura: 3% Chance of 1 shocks of 4 magic damage =
- Damage Aura: 5% chance of 2 shocks of 2 magic damage
- Poison Aura: 7% chance of 4 poison damage over 3 seconds.
Jewellery Enchantments
I dont usually pay attention to the Enchantment effects on Jewellery, especially the damaging auras. Here, since I dont have a weapon to aid me, I will be focusing on Auras. Since this will be Yaras gimmick, Ill start here.
For enchantments with a % chance of occurring, multiple enchantments of the
same type (e.g., Damage Aura) will stack the chance, but not effect. So three
Damage Aura 1 enchantments (5% chance of 2 damage) will give a 15% chance of 2
There are 6 Jewellery slots, which can have 0-3 enchantment slots, so theres a lot of room to stack damage, especially if I stack the better ones.
Healing Aura

Gemstones Required: Sapphire, Malachite Gem
Healing Aura is very expensive, requiring a Malachite Gem for all levels, even level 1 (and there are a limited number in the game). The numbers might not seem like much, at max level, it adds only a third of a percent to your HP Regen, but it works all the time, and since its percent-based, it scales with your HP. Neither Malachite nor Fossil ore are found in Broken Valley, so forget harvesting Malachite Gems or Sapphires yourself.
- Level 1: +0.025% HP Regen
- Level 5: +0.125% HP Regen
- Level 9: +0.225% HP Regen
- Level 10: +0.300% HP Regen
Spontaneous Combustion

Gemstone Required: Diamond
Sets things on fire nearby the player. Friendly NPCs are immune, but rabbits, ducks, and chickens: beware.
- Level 1: 5% Chance of igniting enemies, doing 2 damage over 1 second.
- Level 5: 9% Chance of igniting enemies, doing 24 damage over 1 second.
- Level 9: 13% Chance of igniting enemies, doing 48 damage over 1 second.
- Level 10: 15% Chance of igniting enemies, doing 54 damage over 1 second.
Poison Aura

Gemstones Required: Aquamarine, Venom Stone
Enemies that approach have an X% chance of suffering Y poison damage over 3 seconds. Hard to increase in the early game because Aquamarines are only harvestable in Malachite Ore veins, which aren't found in Broken Valley. Venom Stone is also hard to come by early on.
- Level 1: 7% chance of 4 damage over 3 seconds
- Level 5: 11% chance of 48 damage over 3 seconds
- Level 9: 18% chance of 96 damage over 3 seconds
- Level 10: 20% chance of 108 damage over 3 seconds
Retribution Aura

Gemstone Required: Spinel
Enemies that harm you have a chance of instant-hit, automatic retaliation of damage done.
- Level 1: 10% chance of 10% damage
- Level 5: 18% chance of 16% damage
- Level 9: 25% chance of 22% damage
- Level 10: 30% chance of 24% damage
Static Charge Aura

Gemstone Required: Tiger's Eye
Enemies who harm you with weapons or magic have a chance of suffering one shock of magic damage. Damage can be increased with the Destruction skill, and the Confusion skill synergizes with this to give a chance to stun. Venom Ore is the harvestable source of this gem, which makes it hard to find in Broken Valley.
- Level 1: 12% chance of 2 magic damage
- Level 5: 20% chance of 24 magic damage
- Level 9: 28% chance of 48 magic damage
- Level 10: 30% chance of 54 magic damage
Damage Aura

Gemstone Required: Topaz
Enemies that harm you with weapons have an X% Chance of suffering Y number of shocks of Z magic damage each. Damage can be increased with the Destruction skill, and the Confusion skill synergizes with this to give a chance to stun. Fossils are the harvestable source of this gem, which makes it hard to find in Broken Valley.
- Level 1: 5% chance of suffering 2 shocks of 2 magic damage
- Level 5: 9% chance of suffering 2 shocks of 12 magic damage
- Level 9: 13% chance of suffering 3 shocks of 24 magic damage
- Level 10: 15% chance of suffering 3 shocks of 27 magic damage
Magic Damage Aura

Gemstone Required: Topaz
Enemies that harm you with magic have an X% Chance of suffering 1 shock of Y magic damage. Damage can be increased with the Destruction skill, and the Confusion skill synergizes with this to give a chance to stun. Fossils are the harvestable source of this gem, which makes it hard to find in Broken Valley.
- Level 1: 3% chance of 4 magic damage
- Level 5: 7% chance of 36 magic damage
- Level 9: 11% chance of 66 magic damage
- Level 10: 12% chance of 72 magic damage
Armour Enchantments
These enchantments are generally defence oriented. There are two which are seen also in the Jewellery category, but because there are fewer armour slots, theyre more powerful.
Life Line

Gemstone Required: Pearl
Increases your maximum health. Life Line is difficult to use in the early game, because Pearl can never be found in any ore type. It has to be bought or found.
- Level 1: +10 HP
- Level 5: +20 HP
- Level 9: +40 HP
- Level 10: +100 HP
Increased Mana

Gemstone Required: Opal
Increases your maximum mana
- Level 1: +10 Mana
- Level 5: +20 Mana
- Level 9: +60 Mana
- Level 10: +100 Mana
Melee/Ranged/Magic Protection

Gemstone Required - Melee: Pyrite
Gemstone Required - Ranged: Quartz
Gemstone Required - Magic: Ruby
Increases your armour rating.
- Level 1: +2 Armour
- Level 5: +6 Armour
- Level 9: +10 Armour
- Level 10: +11 Armour
Retribution Aura

Gemstone Required: Spinel
Enemies that harm you have a chance of instant-hit, automatic retaliation of damage done.
- Level 1: 10% chance of 20% damage
- Level 5: 18% chance of 32% damage
- Level 9: 25% chance of 44% damage
- Level 10: 30% chance of 47% damage
Magic Damage Aura

Gemstone Required: Topaz
Enemies that harm you with magic have an X% Chance of suffering Y number of shocks of Z magic damage each. Damage can be increased with the Destruction skill, and the Confusion skill synergizes with this to give a chance to stun. Fossils are the harvestable source of this gem, which makes it hard to find in Broken Valley.
- Level 1: 5% chance of suffering 1 shock of 2 magic damage
- Level 5: 9% chance of suffering 2 shocks of 24 magic damage
- Level 9: 13% chance of suffering 2 shocks of 48 magic damage
- Level 10: 15% chance of suffering 3 shocks of 54 magic damage
Weapon Enchantments
Completely useless for Yara. We cant enchant our fists. These work the same on any melee or ranged weapon, even the Life/Mana Leech ones.
Life Leech

Gemstone Required: Amber
A chance to convert damage done to the enemy into hitpoints for you. Life Leech is the only instant-heal ability in the game. When dual-wielding, the chance to trigger stacks, but not the amount healed.
- Level 1: 5% chance to heal 5% of damage inflicted
- Level 5: 9% chance to heal 13% chance of damage inflicted
- Level 9: 12% chance to heal 21% of damage inflicted
- Level 10: 15% chance to heal 25% of damage inflicted
Mana Leech

Gemstone Required: Emerald
A chance to convert damage done to the enemy into mana for you. Mana Leech is the only instant mana recovery ability in the game. When dual-wielding, the chance to trigger stacks, but not the amount recovered. Venom Stone is the harvestable source of this gem, which makes it hard to find in Broken Valley.
- Level 1: 10% chance to recover 2% of damage inflicted
- Level 5: 14% chance to recover 6% chance of damage inflicted
- Level 9: 25% chance to recover 10% of damage inflicted
- Level 10: 30% chance to recover 12% of damage inflicted
Fire Curse

Gemstone Required: Crystal
A chance to set your enemies on fire. When dual-wielding, the chance to trigger stacks, but not the amount of damage inflicted.
- Level 1: 8% chance to do 4 damage over 1 second.
- Level 5: 12% chance to do 48 damage over 2 seconds.
- Level 9: 20% chance to do 96 damage over 3 seconds.
- Level 10: 30% chance to do 108 damage over 3 seconds.

Gemstones Required: Aquamarine, Venom Stone
A chance to poison your enemies on a successful hit. When dual-wielding, the chance to trigger stacks, but not the amount of damage inflicted. Hard to increase in the early game because Aquamarines are only harvestable in Malachite Ore veins, which aren't found in Broken Valley. Venom Stone is also hard to come by early on.
- Level 1: 11% chance to do 2 damage over 3 seconds
- Level 5: 15% chance to do 24 damage over 4 seconds
- Level 9: 16% chance to do 48 damage over 5 seconds
- Level 10: 20% chance to do 54 damage over 6 seconds
Increased Normal/Magical Damage

Gemstone Required - Normal: Moonstone
Gemstone Required - Magic: Diamond
Increases your normal or magical damage. When dual-wielding, this stacks with itself TWICE because of a bug.
- Level 1: +2 damage
- Level 5: +16 damage
- Level 9: +75 damage
- Level 10: +100 damage

Gemstone Required: Obsidian
Increases your critical hit chance.
- Level 1: +1% critical chance
- Level 5: +5% critical chance
- Level 9: +9% critical chance
- Level 10: +11% critical chance