Part 13: Game Mechanics: Level 3 and Level 6 Skills
Game Mechanics: Level 3 and Level 6 SkillsBecause you can select skills from any class as long as you meet the level requirement, Ive decided to group descriptions of skills by the level you an first use them, instead of by class.
Also, I was able to finish the last two videos:
Jacksons Farm
Folo and David
Divinity 2 Level 3 Skills
Upon reaching Level 3, new skills are unlocked to use.
Warrior Skills
Jump Attack

Mana Cost: Unknown, but present.
Bonus Damage (fixed): 9 -> 1494
Knockdown Chance: 10% -> 80%
This skill lets you increase the damage you do to an enemy if you perform a jump attack. It adds a fixed amount, not a percentage, and adds a decent chance of knocking an enemy down. The downside is that there is a hidden (if minor) mana cost, and the problem that if you sink a lot of skill points into this, youll feel obligated to use the same damn attack every single time, which gets boring. Im going to pass on this.

Mana Cost: 14 -> 63
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Kills Enemy below X% Health: 10% -> 52%
An interesting skill, but it takes 6 skill points to get this up to 25%, and 15 to get it up to 52%. Right now, its not worth it to spend skill points to save just one or two extra blows.
Ranger Skills
Ranger Strength

Damage Bonus: +5% -> 61%
This passive skill is the equivalent of the melee weapon specialization skills. It increases the damage your bow does by a moderate amount, topping out at +61%. Explosive Arrow doesnt use this skill, but Splitting Arrows does. I don't think Poison Arrow or Stun Arrows use this either.
Stun Arrow

Mana Cost: 14 -> 63
Cooldown: 20 -> 15 seconds
Duration: 4 -> 18 seconds
Not a great skill. It can take a single enemy out of the fight, but the duration is short, and until you get to skill to very high levels, the stun wears off before the cooldown does.
Mage Skills
Mana Efficiency

Mana cost: 90% -> 25%
A passive skill which reduces the mana cost you pay per skill. Characters with high Intelligence who use this are unlikely to run out of mana at all. It might be worth considering for Rangers. I might think about using this to lower the cost of Thousand Strikes.

Mana Cost: 30 -> 178
Cooldown: 18 -> 5 seconds
Duration: 10 -> 50 seconds
Number of Targets: 1 -> 4
Number of hits: 0 -> 4
Another return from Divine Divinity. Back then it was bugged and never wore off. Ever. This version doesnt have that problem. There is no enemy-below-level-X requirement on this skill, which makes even one point useful at the end. More points lets you hit the enemies more times before it wears off. Some enemies can cast this on you, and when it wears off, you are stunned for a few seconds.
Priest Skills

Mana Cost: 23 -> 149
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Duration: 10 -> 22 seconds
Distance: 4 -> 12
Enemy Level: 9 -> 51
The enemy level requirement means you have to keep pumping points into this for it to remain effective. But it isnt really needed often to make enemies take off. It also isnt likely to work on bosses. Demon-type enemies can cast this on the player, making them run and be uncontrollable for several seconds. There are no enemies higher than Level 12 in Broken Valley, so this might see some use if I get into trouble.
Hide in Shadows

Casting Cost: 6 -> 35 Mana
Mana/Second: 9 -> 7
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Duration: 10 -> 80 seconds
This is the invisibility skill. It lets you vanish for a short time to escape or drink a potion. In Divine Divinity, there was no limit to how long you could remain invisible, as long as you had mana remaining. Here, the spell will end after a set amount of time, starting at 10 seconds and increasing by 5 seconds per level. Somewhat useful, but it would take 20-30 seconds to start being able to bypass opponents. Not that you want to, they only give experience if you kill them.
Divinity 2 Level 6 Skills
Most of these skills are available at level 6, with two exceptions that are available at level 7. The next batch of skills comes at level 10, followed by 15 and level 20 for the final skills, thus giving us plenty of room to spend skill points improving skills.
Warrior Skills
The warrior skills at level 6 are a matched pair: An offensive and defensive buff skill. Each class save Ranger has a pair of such skills (Ranger only has an offensive boost), one boosts damage and subtracts defensive ability, the other boosts defensive ability at the cost of damage. Only one buff skill (Battle Rage, Defensive Posture, Way of the Wise Wizard, Way of the Battle Mage, Way of the Ranger) can be active at one time.
The problem with defensive skills compared to offensive ones is simple: Defensive skills provide a fixed number to your armour ratings, and offensive skills provide a percentage boost to your damage. Theoretically, the same character should have an equal chance of surviving if they used either one of the skills, but in practice, the armor boost falls short, so its the offensive skill which gives you the survival edge.
Defensive Posture

Mana Cost: 27 -> 195
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Duration: 30 -> 240 seconds
Conditioned Body Bonus: +3 -> 45
Melee Armour Bonus: +3 -> 45
Melee Damage Penalty: -20% -> +18% (Rank 14)
Ranged Damage Penalty: -20% -> +18% (Rank 14)
Boosts your Melee armor and conditioned body ratings, lowers your melee and ranged damage. Points increase the bonus and reduce the penalty. With enough points, eventually the penalty becomes a bonus. Magic damage is unaffected, which might make this the preferred choice for Intelligence-based warriors. Also, at Rank 15, this skill is broken and you lose an 18% bonus to melee and ranged damage (it goes to 0).
Battle Rage

Mana Cost: 27 -> 195
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Duration: 60 -> 180 seconds
Melee Damage Bonus: +20% -> 160%
Melee Armour Penalty: -42 -> 0
A powerful boost to your melee damage at the cost of melee armor. Points increase the bonus and reduce the penalty. With enough points, eventually the penalty becomes 0. This is a buff Ill try to have up all the time, and I should be able to keep it up most of the time, since the cooldown is short compared to the duration.
Ranger Skills
Ranger Stealth

Enemy Detection Radius: -14% -> -26%
Level 7 is required to use this skill. This is a passive skill which only works if youre wielding a bow as your current weapon. It reduces the distance at which enemies can see you. You need two points to reach the point where you can see an enemy hit bar before they can see you. More are optional. Useful to get the first hits in, but only take this if youre a ranger or a mage who wont engage in melee. Despite the description, this doesnt make you virtually invisible. Once you engage, enemies will know youre there.
Potion Efficiency

Potion Effectiveness: +10% -> +75%
This increases the benefit you get from potions of all types. Useful, but not flashy.
Mage Skills

Stun Chance: 5% -> 13%
Stun Duration: 2 -> 9 seconds
Level 7 is required to use this skill. This passive skill also works with some of the damaging auras which fire retaliatory orbs. The chance to stun is low, but with all the magic you can fling, it can get triggered fairly often in battles.
Magic Blast

Mana Cost: 32 -> 134
Cooldown: 15
Number of hits: 3 -> 7
Damage/hit: 20 -> 176.55
Total Damage: 60 -> 1235.85
A powerful single-target, instant hit spell, its very useful. The instant-hit nature means you can target enemies through the Tactical Pause cursor even with other targets between you and them.
Priest Skills

Mana Cost: 42 -> 186
Cooldown: 30 -> 20 seconds (At Rank 6, it then jumps up to 25 then down to 24 seconds at Rank 7)
Duration: 20 -> 70 seconds
Targets: 1 -> 3
Enemy Level: 13 -> 49
An interesting skill with a huge drawback. It has a hefty mana cost, is limited by enemy levels, and worst of all, damage done by Charmed enemies counts against the experience theyre worth to you, so if an Charmed enemy kills one of your foes, you get no experience from it. Damage done by one enemy is not likely to wear down the health pool of another enemy, though. And on the up-side, fewer experience from enemies means slower leveling, which means more experience from enemies, so maybe it works out to be the same anyway.
Summon Mastery

Damage Boost: 10% -> 30%
The ONLY thing this does is increases the damage the Priests Summon Spells do, from 10 up to 30%. At the time you can get it, you have only two summons, and one of them does negligible damage, and the other does very low damage. It does not work to boost the Crystal Skull Creature . This skill is worthless.