Part 20: Game Mechanics: Level 10 Skills
Divinity 2 Level 10 SkillsWarrior Skills
Life Leech
Chance of Leech: 10% -> 34%
HP Drained: 7 -> 32%
This passive skill lets your hits in melee replenish your own life. Im not sure if that damages the enemy as well. The chance for leeching is only 10%, and it doesnt replenish much at first, but this skill is worth investing in. Leech is the only ability which is an instant heal. During combat, a successful Life Leech will show up as green numbers. Ill probably max this one out.
Duration: 10 -> 4
Bleed Chance: 10 -> 33%
Damage per second: 10% -> 47%
This passive skill adds bleed damage to your attacks. Its based on a percentage of your total damage, so as your damage goes up this skill gets better. At first level it does 10% of your total damage per second for 10 seconds. With more points, the bleed time decreases and the damage goes up, making it kill faster. At the highest levels the Bleed basically doubles the damage over four seconds. Ill probably get some points into this.
Ranger Skills
Splitting Arrow
Mana Cost: 29 -> 89
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Arrows: 2 -> 16
This skill doesnt auto-target enemies, it shoots multiple normal arrows shots out in a cloud in front of you. In effect, its basically a shotgun. Multiple arrows will hurt the same target, so get up close and let this loose for massive damage. The cooldown is low, and youll probably end up using this a lot, so it will chew through your mana incredibly quickly. This is one of the better Ranger skills.
Evade Chance: 10% -> 50%
This passive skill gives you a chance to evade melee attacks. At first level its a 10% chance, but it goes up at 2% per point after that (except for the 15th point, which increases the evade chance to 50%). Its only really worthwhile to put in that one point for the 10% evade chance. Maybe later (like level 40+), if I have a lot of free points Ill max it out.
Mage Skills
Mana Leech
Leech Chance: 80% -> 92%
Mana Drained: 10% -> 34%
This is a very useful skill for melee fighters. It doesnt work with ranged or magical attacks Even at the first rank, it has an 81% chance to draining 12% of the damage done and adding it to your mana. You only need one point. This only works with melee attacks, but it does work with most special attacks.
Damage Boost: 10% -> 20%
This passive skill increases your magic damage by 10->50%, and is worthwhile for mages. It also increases the damage from some Aura enchantments, but Ill probably have trouble finding the skill points to spare.
Priest Skills
Mana Cost: 11 -> 35
Cooldown: 1 second
Duration: 20 -> 120 seconds
Distance: 20 -> 20
Enemy Level: 13 -> 60
Enemy Damage: -20% -> -70%
Enemy Stats (CB/IW/HR): -20% -> -70%
The low cooldown and damage reduction on the afflicted makes this one of the more useful debuffs. But debuffs arent that great, so its not saying a lot.
Mana Cost: 17 -> 59
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Duration: 60 -> 146 seconds
Enemy Level: 20 -> 47
Ive never used this. The duration is good, but the cooldown of 90 seconds between uses makes this a once-per battle spell. Its unlikely to work on bosses, and anything else wont need 60 seconds to blind someone.