Part 71: Not Making This Up

Chapter 53 Not Making This Up
Down the Hatch
Youre kidding me, right?
Bonus: Doing this at level 26
Music: The Dragon Terror Patrol Will Prevail
If you dont watch these videos, you are seriously missing out. Go ahead, theyre not very long.
Music: Dragon Cliff Castle
Video: Down the Hatch
(Jedediah) The Dragon Knight returns! I hope your search fares well.
(Dragon Knight Yara) The Chalice of the Dragon and some Drudanae. Here you go.

Finally I may behold its splendour again! And now for the most important thing: a drop of your Olympian blood.

Jedediah reveals a ceremonial knife and carefully draws a drop of blod from one of your fingers, which he catches in the chalice.

The blood of the Dragon shall free our lord!

Swa begnornordon Orobasa leode hlffordes hryre, heordgenetas ewaedon thaet he waere wyruldeyninga manna mildest ond mondwaerust, leodum lidost ond lofgeornost.

Magnus Orobas! Break the seal!
Ooh, a chest!
What crappy loot.
(Talana) So Orobas is dead then
Such folly
Theyre going to be disappointed. But that cant be helped.
See if you can spot the error in this scene! Okay, time's up: That skeleton of Orobas the Dragon Knight has 4 limbs, but Dragon Knight Yara only has two.
Oh, look at that its Arbens shield.
This is only here because we mind-read Arbens ghost waaaay back in Chapter FOUR. Even if we still had the sword, we couldnt equip both pieces because Arben was such a huge man that what he considered a one-handed sword, we can only use with two hands.
The book is a Dragon Skill book.
Hello, whats this?
Seriously, this next part loses a lot if youre not hearing it, so you really should watch the video.

Welcome, weary traveller! Within me are hidden many rousing treasures. But before you may penetrate my inmost parts, first you must play
Seduce me by proving the
strength of your memory, the
length of your recollection, the
potency of your mind.

Ready and willing!

Mmmm, wonderful! Lets begin.

Just look very, very carefully
Now tell me: how many stone skulls did you see?


Mmmm, correct!
Now remember the chest you first saw when you entered? You plunged its depths, Im sure you did. Tell me, what was in it?

One health potion, two apples, one Droxlerite.

Mmmm, correct!
Youre close, very close. My last question: In the first image I showed you, how many candles were burning?


Yes! Yes! Come get it now, I open myself to you!
Neat stuff
and whats this in the bottom? An old map of the Fjords. Some of these places are marked with old names, and there are notations
Malachite veins?
Theres a notation by the Grand Knight
Sanctuary of the Old Ones. The Old Ones?
That seems important, Dragon Knight. We should investigate.
I decided not to let you vote, a memory challenge is only challenging when youre doing it in real time.
The chest contains the Crystal Dragon Armour Helmet.
The book is another Dragon Skill book.
You should also seriously watch the next video. It is awesome.
Video: The Dragon Terror Patrol!

You returned from the hatch! Where is Orobas, master? Is he not with you?

Orobas is no more. He died during his imprisonment.

This cannot be! Our lord is dead!
(Gimm) Doom has befallen us!
(Beornia) I shall
shall jump off the cliff!

No! Wait! Orobas, our kind master, is dead and we shall honour his memory. But fate has brought another Dragon Knight! You are our living god and we shall worship you with fervour and zeal!
Im flattered, but thats really not necessary

Bow before your god now! Hail the Dragon forever!

Artemas just lowered his prices!
Down the Hatch complete! Quest Reward: 6000 XP, 1000 Gold.
Bonuses Chosen: 3000 XP, 10 Fanny Blossoms
Tibus and four others had gathered before the platform.
(Tibus) Not so fast, Dragon!

Excuse me?

Ye heard me right! Yere no god of mine, ye monstrous beast!

Easy, tiger. Have I done something to upset you?

Course ye ave! Yere a Dragon, and ye know what me and me partners ere do for a livin? Slay em!
(Brethar) Yeah!!
(Klet) Were the Dragon Terror Patrol! We slay em all!
(Markthum) And eat them!!
(Tobelisk) Uh
No we dont.

Dont tell me youre actually Dragon Slayers! Theyre the elite. Youre

Were Dragon Slayers! Used to be, anyway

Bastards sent us away cause of disciplinary issues.

But our thirst for Dragon blood never stopped!

So you were waiting for a Dragon Knight to come here?

Exactly. Hoped the ol Orobas would still be breathin so I could drive my sword through his throat meself, though!

And eat him!! Haha!

But yell do jus fine! Ill use yer tongue as me personal trophy!

Then Ill have yer toes!!

Shall I remind you Im the most powerful being in Rivellon?
Developing quite an ego, arent we.

Not now yere not! See, me friend Markthum ere is a skilled sorcerer.

I am!!

Hes crafted a little device to stop ye turnin into a Dragon when yere close by. And to make sure ye dont destroy it, he

I ate it!!! Heh!

The odds are turned agains ye, beast!

Die, monster!
Music: The Dragon Terror Patrol Will Prevail
This music is unlike anything else in the game, its kinda fun. Listen to it. And watch the bonus video of the more entertaining version of the fight.





In Ego Draconis, this fight used to be a complete joke, but it got much harder in Dragon Knight Saga
except this time. I normally do this sooner, but for purposes of the narrative, I put it off, and now Im 10 levels higher than them. So it is once again a joke. I felt so bad that I loaded a game from when I was only 3 levels higher and recorded the fight again. It was much harder.
The Dragon Terror Patrol
What else will they come up with?
Music: Dragon Cliff Castle
The bodies have lots of good loot, but the most interesting thing is on Tibus corpse

The Dragon god returns! All hail!

Goodbye for now, Jedediah!

I bow before your might, Divine Dragon!
(Gisele) We have been given the honour of witnessing a new age.

The Dragon will rid us of Damian and restore the powers of old.
Not likely.

Hail our living god, greater than the Divine!

Ever shall I revere thee with unwavering passion, my god. Bless me if it pleases you and let me kiss your divine hand.
(Paine) Hail, my Divine overlord! Only the Dragon god Oroboros excels your magnificence.

I am your humble servant, my god! Please have mercy on my unworthy soul!
Alright, thats quite enough of that, I think. There are still some Flying Fortresses menacing the Fjords. I think I should discourage them some more.
I estimate that were 12 chapters from the end of the act.
Down the Hatch
Youre kidding me, right?
Bonus: Doing this at level 26
Music: The Dragon Terror Patrol Will Prevail
Yaras Current Auras / Equipment Updates
Before I head off to Razes Flying Fortress, I did some upgrading, and I switched my gear to wear as much of the Scorpion Set as I have (except the sword). This reduces the damage Im doing by quite a lot, but it doesnt matter too much.
- Static Charge Aura Enemies have an 28% chance of suffering 1 shock of 48 magic damage. (Ring 2)
- Poison Aura 20% chance of 108 poison damage over 3 seconds. (Ring 1)
- Poison Aura 13% chance of 72 poison damage over 3 seconds. (Earrings)
- Magic Damage Aura 10% Chance of 1 shocks of 58 damage (Ring 1)
- Magic Damage Aura 10% Chance of 1 shocks of 58 damage (Belt)
- Magic Damage Aura 10% Chance of 1 shocks of 58 damage (Bracelet)
Current Scorpion Set Bonuses:
Necklace: +7 Heightened Reflexes
Ring: +64 Hitpoints
Belt: +0.44 HP Regeneration
Helmet: +4 Vitality
Cuirass: +9 Melee Armour Rating
Leggings: +7 Ranged Armour Rating
Bracelet: +10 Strength
I upgraded some of my Dragon Skills as well.
Dragon Burst
Increased to Rank 2
Mana Cost: 83
Damage: 276
Cooldown: 28 seconds
Fire Sphere
Increased from Rank 4 to Rank 5 (+1 Bonus)
Mana Cost: 40 -> 44
Damage: 290 -> 320
Cooldown: 5 -> 4seconds

Welcome, weary traveller! Within me are hidden many rousing treasures. But before you may penetrate my inmost parts, first you must play
Seduce me by proving the
strength of your memory, the
length of your recollection, the
potency of your mind.

They frown on relations with chests where I come from, you know. No matter how alluring their locks.

Dont be like that! Give this game a try, why dont you?
Bonus Video: The Dragon Terror Patrol at Level 26
Tibus and four others had gathered before the platform.
(Tibus) Not so fast, Dragon!

What a bold way to address your new god!

Yere no god of mine, ye monstrous beast!

Watch your tone or Ill show you I am a god indeed!

Ye dont scare us, Dragon. Ye wouldnt be the first one we slaughtered!
(Brethar) Yeah!!
(Klet) Were the Dragon Terror Patrol! We slay em all!
(Markthum) And eat them!!
(Tobelisk) Uh
No we dont.

Who or what are you, exactly?

Were Dragon Slayers! Used to be, anyway

Bastards sent us away cause of disciplinary issues.

But our thirst for Dragon blood never stopped!

You blended with these people and waited for me to show up?

Exactly. Hoped the ol Orobas would still be breathin so I could drive my sword through his throat meself, though!

And eat him!! Haha!

But yell do jus fine! Ill use yer tongue as me personal trophy!

Then Ill have yer toes!!

Then I hope you have a solid plan, because Im not the easiest target to hit.

Course we do! Weve been plannin it for years! See, me friend Markthum ere is a skilled sorcerer.

I am!!

Hes crafted a little device to stop ye turnin into a Dragon when yere close by. And to make sure ye dont destroy it, he

I ate it!!! Heh!
This fight is much more challenging, and therefore more entertaining.