Part 73: The Sanctuary Lock

Chapter 55 The Sanctuary Lock
Sanctuary of the Ancients - Entrance
High Hall: A Bunny Too Far
Music: Ancient Presence
Video: Sanctuary of the Ancients Entrance
(Yara) That map in Orobas bunker seemed to say there was something here.
(Talana) There is a presence among these cliffs, the waterfall
Theres a cave back behind it.
Old pillars
Dragon Elves
havent seen many of those since Sentinel Island.
This looks important.
I wonder what that paper on the desk says?
Its badly faded. Only one part is still legible.
Ancient Parchment
(Dragon Statue) Bring me seeds of Jievaras, kindest of trees, and my blessing you shall have to pass.

Where may I find him?

Near the ruins of Dragon Cliff Castle he challenges wind and rain.
(Dragon Statue) Bring me seeds of Irminsul, wisest of trees, and my blessing you shall have to pass.

Where may I find him?

Past the Champions you must travel, but not past the goblin tribe.
(Dragon Statue) Bring me seeds of Yggdrasil, mightiest of trees, and my blessing you shall have to pass.

Where may I find him?

Alone he stands, surrounded by water.

The (First/Second/Third) Hungry Statue
This quest will have us flying around and talking to trees. Those quests are easy and simple, though. But Im putting them off until finishing the fourth Flying Fortress.
Jievaras is the name of a Lithuanian household spirit who protects grain.
Irminsul is the name for a great/mighty pillar or tree in Germanic paganism.
Yggdrasil is the name of the Norse World Tree. The game spells it differently, though.
Yara headed back, but noticed another tunnel branching off.
Music: Chicken
Whats this? A chicken run and a chicken rune?
The book on the table at the end is a Dragon Skill book.
Runes, runes
why is the subject of runes familiar?
Perhaps it would job your memory to associate them with trolls?
Oh yes, Mundus the mad mage of High Hall. I wonder if this rune would interest him.
Video: High Hall: A Bunny Too Far
Music: Troll Village / Dungeon Heat
(Mundus) Ah, youre back! Still rooting for a rune?

I found a chicken rune. What do you think?

A chicken rune? But thats
thats excellent!!! Thank you! You can tell the people of High Hall Ill not bother them again! Hahaa! Time for some Aleroth Fried Chicken!
A village saved by a rune that brings forth chickens
Only in Rivellon!
(Quintus) I hope you can persuade Mundus. These trolls are a menace.

Good news! I was able to convince Mundus. Hell bother these people no longer.

Splendid work! Im glad you were able to convince him to lay down his weapons! And on top of that, my men survived the ordeal. Im sure Lieutenant Brutus mentioned a reward? Well, youre more than eligible to collect it now!
The Runes of Wrath complete! Quest Reward: 6000 XP, 1000 Gold.
Bonus Chosen: 3000 XP, 500 Gold.
In Ego Draconis, this quest was special because it offered your pick of several Legendary-quality items as a reward.
According to Lancets guide, the reward for losing one or both of Quintus troops was reversed with the reward for not letting them die, but that guide also says that the maximum reward is 4500 XP, and I got 6000.
Well, I guess Id better go and

The Killer Bunny. I hate to say it, but you had it coming.
Its not my fault, its this all these enchantments piled on my jewellery!
You trigger him after you're responsible for the deaths of 20 bunnies. This can happen as early as Broken Valley, which is an extremely bad thing for you. This guy has a LOT of HP and hits very hard.
Im sorry my updating dropped off so much in November and December, but Im hoping to do better. This page is getting pretty image-heavy, though and were 11 replies from a fresh one.
I cant guarantee when the next update will be, but probably Monday or later. I basically can make no progress on updates during the weekend, I never have enough time then.
Whenever I post a new update, I update the top of the OP with a fresh link, so infrequent readers can check there every once in a while.
Sanctuary of the Ancients - Entrance
High Hall: A Bunny Too Far
Music: Ancient Presence
The Map
The thing I am most intrigued about on this map is that it shows a corridor past the door that I have no memory of ever visiting. Ill have to see if I can find it. I am most intrigued about on this map is that it shows a corridor past the door that I have no memory of ever visiting. Ill have to see if I can find it.
Yaras Current Auras / Equipment Updates
- Static Charge Aura Enemies have an 28% chance of suffering 1 shock of 48 magic damage. (Ring 2)
- Poison Aura 20% chance of 108 poison damage over 3 seconds. (Ring 1)
- Poison Aura 13% chance of 72 poison damage over 3 seconds. (Earrings)
- Magic Damage Aura 10% Chance of 1 shocks of 58 damage (Ring 1)
- Magic Damage Aura 10% Chance of 1 shocks of 58 damage (Belt)
- Magic Damage Aura 10% Chance of 1 shocks of 58 damage (Bracelet)
Current Scorpion Set Bonuses:
Necklace: +7 Heightened Reflexes
Ring: +64 Hitpoints
Belt: +0.44 HP Regeneration
Helmet: +4 Vitality
Cuirass: +9 Melee Armour Rating
Leggings: +7 Ranged Armour Rating
Bracelet: +10 Strength
Total Bunnies Killed: 20.