Part 76: Patriarch

Chapter 58 Patriarch
Solving the Statue Puzzle
Keara and Velanir
Bonus: Keara and Velanir
We Three Trees
Traps in the Sanctuary
Video: Solving the Statue Puzzle. Whoopie.
(Entrance Statue) You still have not guessed my identity.
(Yara) I think I know who you are.

Do tell me.

You are Devastation.

You are correct
perhaps. Ask the door to Lady Kearas chambers to verify.

Im leaving.

Im certain well meet again.
(Green Room Left Statue) You still have not guessed my identity.
(Yara) I think I know who you are.

Do tell me.

You are Waste.

You are correct
perhaps. Ask the door to Lady Kearas chambers to verify.

Im leaving.

Im certain well meet again.
(Green Room Right Statue) You still have not guessed my identity.
(Yara) I think I know who you are.

Do tell me.

You are Chaos.

You are correct
perhaps. Ask the door to Lady Kearas chambers to verify.

Im leaving.

Im certain well meet again.
(Lava Room Left Statue) You still have not guessed my identity.
(Yara) I think I know who you are.

Do tell me.

You are Havoc.

You are correct
perhaps. Ask the door to Lady Kearas chambers to verify.

Im leaving.

Im certain well meet again.
(Lava Room Right Statue) You still have not guessed my identity.
(Yara) I think I know who you are.

Do tell me.

You are Mayhem.

You are correct
perhaps. Ask the door to Lady Kearas chambers to verify.

Im leaving.

Im certain well meet again.
Music: Black Ring Dungeon

Welcome to Lady Kearas chambers. Before you may enter, please inform me whether or not you have identified the five Statues of the Dark Lord Damian.

I have done so.

Very well. Then I shall verify their veracity.
Correct! Lady Leara awaits.
This book is lying on the ground in the next room.
Video: Keara and Velanir
(Keara) Ah, one who solved the puzzle! How novel. It astounds me the perseverance with which you sought to open the door to death!

To death indeed. Your friend there doesnt look so fresh anymore. Lets talk about that first.

This is my husband, Velanir. And you will show him respect!
(-1200 XP) Oh Velanir
How I miss you
I remember our walks in the woods, and the time that insolent youth threw me a kiss. You tore him apart with your bare hands and offered me his head
So romantic

It may be his body bar some anatomical instalments a healthy marriage needs, that is but his spirit is standing here with me.

How dare you proclaim such nonsense? You will suffer for these blasphemous words!
(Velanir) No, this is not going well! She needs some proof of my being here
something only she and I know. Tell her about the time we went hunting for human flesh and ended up eating an entire family, just the two of us. I nearly choked on the wedding rings.

That reminds me I havent eaten in ages.

What are you talking about?

Velanir just told me about your family-eating contest. The parents wedding rings almost took revenge.

What is going on? Is he really here? Velanir? Talk to me, my little monkey!

Ooh, I hate it when she calls me monkey! Now: try to break the news to her gently. Do not offend her or shell refuse.

Velanir wants to remain with you forever. In fact, he even suggests you two should be Soul Forged to strengthen your love!


Oh, thats a wonderful idea! He always was such an impassioned man! Ill Soul Forge us immediately!

There! And now for my visitor. Youre such a pretty little thing. Stuffed, youd make a great coatrack!

And Ill make sure youre properly ripped open before she stuffs you, then!
Keara (or Velanir)
Velanir rejoins his body and helps Keara try to kill us. But the Soul Forging has a useful side effect.
Thanks to the Soul Forge, kill one and they both die. As I noted in the thread, the reason why this is different from what were trying to do with Ygerna is that the Soul Forge was cast on her at the very moment of her death.
(Talana) One less skeleton fetishist in the world. Heres hoping there are very few left.
Close to the Bone complete! Quest Reward: 8000 XP, 1200 Gold.
Bonus Chosen: 4000 XP, 600 Gold.
Im thinking that at least one works for Larian studios. Theres THIS quest, plus the female skeleton in Divine Divinity that hits on the player, and in Dragon Commander, one of your potential wives is a skeleton princess with melons stuffed in a corset.
To lay waste to an entire Flying Fortress by yourself is an act unprecedented, but at this hour unnecessary. None of these castles shall fly anymore if you travel to the Hall of Echoes and resurrect Ygerna!
Youre absolutely right, enough delays. I must find a Dragon, and then claim the Sigil in Broken Valley. But one thing is bothering me, though
Velanir was already dead when he was Soul Forged with Keara, but she didnt drop dead instantly. I thought that was what was supposed to happen. Isnt that what Im trying to do?
I understand your confusion, Dragon Knight. The reason why resurrecting Ygerna will kill Damian is that the spell was cast at the very moment of Ygernas death.
I think I understand?
Its understandable if youre confused. There are very few who fully understand the complexities of Soul Forging.
At present, there are only three who do, by my count.
Talanas first line is real, but taken from later in the game. It makes more sense to put it here because clearing this castle wasnt even remotely necessary. There wasnt even a Platform Operator quest associated with it.
Music: Majesty of the Fjords
Video: We Three Trees
Past the Champions you must travel, but not past the goblin tribe. That tree looks special.
(Irminsul) You have been sent to obtain seeds from Irminsul, the Mighty Pillar, but you must prove yourself first.

How may I prove myself?

Show me that your mind is as swift as your wings. Answer a riddle correctly and you shall have what you seek.

Tell me a riddle.

Strange creatures, we cannot speak, though we have mouths and broad bellies. We sail on ships crowded with kin. What are we?

Correct! Your wit pleases me, so I gladly grant you the seeds craved by Dragon beak.
The Third Hungry Statue complete! Quest Reward: 3500 XP, 500 Gold.
Bonus Chosen: 1750 XP.
Near the ruins of Dragon Cliff Castle he challenges wind and rain.
(Jieveras) You have been sent to obtain seeds from Jieveras, Lord of Harvest, but you must assist him first.

How may I help you?

Long have I been blessed and blesser of crop and farmer. But the wyverns here have no empathy for the powers of ancient earth. Three of them harass me every hour. They pick my wooden arms, scar my stout trunk. Let them taste the wrath of the Dragon and you shall have the seeds.

They are larger and more powerful than the eagle, yet, like vultures, they circle me as if I were dead. Slay them. So that I may be free.

Your tormenters are gone.

Long may yours be the sole dominion of the skies. Here are the seeds that will nourish hungry stone.
The First Hungry Statue complete! Quest Reward: 3500 XP, 500 Gold.
Bonus Chosen: 1750 XP.
Alone he stands, surrounded by water.
(Yggdrasil) You have been sent to obtain seeds from Yggdrasil, the World Tree, but you must assist him first.

How may I help you?

I have stood here since the dawn of time, an oracle for the beings wise enough to consult me. But now no one even remembers my name and a goblin has made a home among my branches. I would bear it all with solemn melancholy, would not the little infidel dishonour my pride every day. He has the audacity to
to pass water over my bark! My patience is gone. Kill this defiler and you shall have what you came for.
(Charlie) What is the sneaky human doing on Charlies island?
(-3600 XP) She is beautiful and mine alone, the goddess in my Star Stone!

You need to know but one thing, Charlie, and that is that youre going to die!

Wrong, long-legs! No one kills the great Charlie!
Mind-read Charlie and it spawns a chest containing two fantastic items: A Malachite Gem (the goblins call them Star Stones, and the Aleroth Archmage Belt.
The belt on its own is nothing special, but its set bonus is a HUGE boost to mana regeneration: 5% from just the belt and one other piece. That might not seem like much, but typical bonuses from rings or belts are only 0.7% Being able to recover 5% of your maximum mana a second is incredible. Even with only 270 mana, thats 13 a second. With Yaras current 761, its closer to 40 mana a second.

The little leaker must die. Do this and you shall be rewarded.

Your unsanitary trespasser is no more.

Then I shall live in peace once more. Here are a handful of my seeds so you may feed the stone Dragon.
You should have asked the tree for guidance on your current course, Dragon Knight. Then perhaps you would realize the futility of your quest.
The Second Hungry Statue complete! Quest Reward: 3500 XP, 500 Gold.
Bonus Chosen: 1750 XP.
Music: Ancient Presence
Video: Traps in the Sanctuary
(Dragon Statue) Bring me seeds of Jievaras, kindest of trees, and my blessing you shall have to pass.

I bring you what you asked for.

Then you may pass as soon as you have done the same for my brothers.
(Dragon Statue) Bring me seeds of Irminsul, wisest of trees, and my blessing you shall have to pass.

I bring you what you asked for.

Then you may pass as soon as you have done the same for my brothers.
(Dragon Statue) Bring me seeds of Yggdragsil, mightiest of trees, and my blessing you shall have to pass.

I bring you what you asked for.

Then you may pass as soon as you have done the same for my brothers.
Reaping the Seeds complete! Quest Reward: 8500 XP, 1200 Gold.
Bonus Chosen: 4250 XP, Blessed Melee Charm (+8 Melee Damage)
The game auto-saves when entering here, which is good, because..
this next section has a bunch of traps and even with my huge amount of health and regeneration they CAN (and did) kill me. Dont get careless.
That chest at the end contains a lever well need. Obviously, opening it starts some traps going.
This chest is empty and explodes. It does a ton of damage, certainly much more than 600 HP worth.
To the right is a chest and a Dragon Skill book.
This place is really well protected.
Hopefully that will be the last obstacle I have to clear.
Just a few of the weak level 23 enemies left. To the right is a key for a chest, hidden on a platform.
Just offscreen to the left is the chest the key unlocks, and also in this area are two Malachite Veins, which I farmed to get 4 Malachite Gems from. And inside the chest
Thats it, I now have the full and complete Scorpion Set, although I cant use the entire thing, I have to leave out the two-handed sword.
Music: Patriarch
Video: Patriarch
(???) They are my sworn enemy, those with that specific ocular shade. But bright though such silver shimmers may shine, they are outshadowed by the Draconic essence that pervades your soul!

With whom do I have the honour?
(Patriarch) I am the Patriarch, of the Old Creator Race, true Dragon, one of the few within the universe beyond the Great Chaos. I bid you welcome in this lair. May it be a haven to you, away from the spear and fire that hunt our kind.

Long have I searched for one such as yourself, because I seek entrance to the Hall of Echoes.

Truly? May I ask why?

My business there will see the end of Damian, curse of Rivellon.

Ah, yes, the Damned One. How insignificant his role is within the fabric of the cosmos, how decisive in the lives of the ephemera that is mankind. Nevertheless, I shall give answer to your query, as I did for Maxos when he asked me the same. The Hall of Echoes is a place of memory and marvel, physical in shape, but ethereal in nature. It is unreachable if one has not the means to enter, but immediate and everywhere if one has. Go from here and I shall make a gate materialize beneath the roots of Irminsul. The old riddler will like the attention.
You have what you came for, Dragon Knight, and time is of the essence.
Its a Dragon
a real Dragon. I have so many questions
He could talk for a thousand years and still not answer all. Do try to contain yourself, Dragon Knight

Is Patriarch your real name?

No, it is merely what I was called by the people of this earth. My name cannot be uttered here, for it is itself a spell of creation that would give different shape to these surroundings and would spawn new unheard-of species. Even dwelling on it in my mind may topple nearby statues or push new breeds of flowers from the ground.
(-3600 XP) The Patriarchs mind is a whirl of power too strong and overwhelming to grasp. With sharp pangs of pain you hasten to leave this great ocean of knowledge, but not without a much desired effect: You can feel that, no matter how infinitely small a part of it you have understood, your Dragon form will be the stronger for it.
Mind-reading the Patriarch grants us two Dragon Skills.

Why are you hiding in here?

Hiding? Oh, no, that is not what I am doing. I am merely resting here for a while. Another year, perhaps, or a thousand. What are millennia to me anyway, but the blink of an eye?

Why is it that Maxos wanted to reach the Hall of Echoes?

Knowledge was his answer to that question, power was the truth his eyes betrayed. But I opened a gateway for him too, deep beneath the scorched wastelands of Yuthul Gor. He was successful, as he almost always was. Though now
But that is of no consequence. Nothing that humans do really is.

You said those with silver eyes are your mortal enemy, but how could the Slayers possibly hurt you?

I could destroy armies of them, but it is not my place to do so. I shall still live when all their bones are dust and their very civilization lies forgotten. Nonetheless, I hate them for their blind attempt to eradicate all that is Draconic. They destroy so many of the phenomena given unto them by our mediators, the Dragon Knights. Heedlessly they crumble great sources of wisdom and beauty. That is why I despise them.

You are perhaps the rarest creature I shall ever meet. But still, doesnt Damian employ Dragons?

He does, the cunning devil. But they arent real Dragons anymore. They are empty husks, soulless shells bereft of all that made them part of the Ancient Race. Pity them if you meet them, and give them a swift death.

I must leave, great Patriarch.

My Ouroboros, the Dragon god, watch over you.
X Marks the Spot complete! Quest Reward: 8500 XP, 1200 Gold.
Bonus Chosen: 4250 XP, 600 Gold.
Yara turned to leave, then hesitated, and turned back.
I am the last Dragon Knight. I do hope my actions will in part redeem the good name of Dragons, but I fear it will be a long struggle, and I do not know if I can do that alone. True Dragons gave Maxos the power to create Dragon Knights. Perhaps after Damian is defeated
There hasnt been a lot of information on Dragons until this game, but in Divine Divinity, the Patriarch was considered to be a powerful and dangerous being, not a wise member of the Ancient Creator Race.

And it was pure black and had four legs and wings, not two legs and wings. Yes, he is certainly powerful enough to change his shape, but Im still calling that a continuity error.
Excerpt from Last of the Dragon Knights, by Zixzax the Almost-Wise:
The Dragon Knight started to leave the presence of the Great Patriarch, but then sensed something was wrong
a presence that shouldnt have been there.
(Damian) Well done indeed! The old lizard didnt want to open the Hall of Echoes for me, but it would seem I shall find it after all.
I broke your little toy forts, Damned One. Im so sorry about that.

Your quest is futile, Dragon. War cannot be avoided, only postponed! Realize that all you do is in vain: the pieces are set and the game is about to begin.
The game hasnt started yet and youre already down four pieces? I didnt think it was even possible for someone to play that badly.

But first I shall finally remove the pawn that is blocking my offensive. Farewell, then. It has been a pleasure.
Damian teleported away.
Shrewd of Damian to eavesdrop, but it is we who will prevail! The Hall of Echoes draws ever closer.
I was wondering why he hadnt just killed me. Now I know.
You do?
He was playing me. And hes not done yet. He knows this pathetic handful of soldiers arent capable of stopping me. And he needs to get his hands on the spell and shield.
Only the Sigil remains, guarded by the Demon Lord Baal. We must make haste to retrieve it.
Yes. Its time to take back Broken Valley.
Solving the Statue Puzzle
Keara and Velanir
Bonus: Keara and Velanir
We Three Trees
Traps in the Sanctuary
The Map
No luck finding out if theres a way into that mystery room.
Yaras Current Auras / Equipment Updates
- Static Charge Aura Enemies have an 28% chance of suffering 1 shock of 48 magic damage. (Ring 2)
- Poison Aura 20% chance of 108 poison damage over 3 seconds. (Ring 1)
- Poison Aura 13% chance of 72 poison damage over 3 seconds. (Earrings)
- Magic Damage Aura 10% Chance of 1 shocks of 58 damage (Ring 1)
- Magic Damage Aura 10% Chance of 1 shocks of 58 damage (Belt)
- Magic Damage Aura 10% Chance of 1 shocks of 58 damage (Bracelet)
Current Scorpion Set Bonuses: (Updated!)
Necklace: +8 -> +9 Heightened Reflexes
Ring: +66 -> +68 Hitpoints
Belt: +0.46 -> +0.48 HP Regeneration
Helmet: +4 Vitality
Cuirass: +10 -> +11 Melee Armour Rating
Gauntlets: +9 Indomitable Will (NEW!)
Leggings: +8 -> +9 Ranged Armour Rating
Bracelet: +11 -> +12 Strength
Earrings: +11 -> +12 Conditioned Body
Dragon Skills
Fire Sphere
Mana Cost: 40 -> 45
Damage: 290 -> 320
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Dragon Shield
Mana Cost: 61 -> 67
Mana Drain: 41 / second
Duration: 20 -> 25 seconds
Damage Absorbed: 312 -> 342
Cooldown: 56 -> 54 seconds
Heres the complete Scorpion Set. The only non-Scorpion Item I have equipped is a ring.
Total Bonus (not counting armour):
Heightened Reflexes: +9
Conditioned Body: +23
Indomitable Will: +11
Vitality: +9 (+63 HP)
Hitpoints: +111 (+63 = +174)
Health Regeneration: +0.55
Spirit: +16
Mana Regeneration: +0.05
Strength: +12
+1 Wisdom
+1 Death Blow
+1 Whirlwind
Next Chapter, I finish off the other two sets and the very last side quest in Ego Draconis.
Solving Kearas Logic Puzzle
The KEY clue is Kearas mind-read, or from reading the note by the skeleton and entrance statue:
All the statues lie. So you first have to translate the clues.
1. Mayhem is in the same room as Havoc. (Entrance Statue)
2. Devastation is not in the same room as Chaos. (Entrance Statue)
3. I am neither Devastation nor Chaos. (Green Room Left Statue)
4. Waste is not in the same room as Mayhem. (Green Room Left Statue)
5. Mayhem is not alone in his room. (Green Room Right Statue)
6. Havoc is not in this room. (Green Room Right Statue)
7. I am either Chaos, or Havoc. (Lava Room Left Statue)
8. Chaos is either in my room, or in Wastes. (Lava Room Left Statue)
9. I am not in the same room as Waste. (Lava Room Right Statue)
10. I am either Mayhem, or Waste. (Lava Room Right Statue)
Clue 9 and 10 say that Lava-Right can only be Mayhem. From there
Clue 1 says that Lava-Left is Havoc. From there
Clue 8 says that Chaos is a room with one other statue, so he is in the Green room. From there
Clue 2 says that Devastation is not in the same room as Chaos, which means the Entrance statue must be Devastation. From there
Clue 3 says that Green-Left isnt Chaos, therefore Green-Left must be Waste and Green-Right is Chaos.
Youre going to die, Charlie is a clear reference to the TV series Lost.
Bonus Video: Keara and Velanir alternate conversations

Ooh, I hate it when she calls me monkey! Now: try to break the news to her gently. Do not offend her or shell refuse.

Your little monkey wants me to tell you
He never even remotely liked you. In fact, he quite fancies Damian.

Are you insane? What the hell are you doing?

Such horrible infidelity! He used me to get to Damian? Ill smash this body of his! And yours as well!

No! She cant do that! Help me, Slayer! Help me stop her!
Velanir rejoins his body and assists us in the fight against Keara! Not that we need much help, shes not hard at all.

Ooh, I hate it when she calls me monkey! Now: try to break the news to her gently. Do not offend her or shell refuse.

Velanir wants to be reunited with his body, but then move on to the Hall of Echoes where he will wait for you.

Fat chance.

Oh, if only I had known my little monkey was unhappy here as his undead self. And hell wait for me there? Then Ill let him go at once.

Shell do it! Shell let me go! Thank you, my friend!

Of course I shouldnt let my dear Velanir leave in search of that mysterious realm alone, so Ill just send you along as company.
Velanir rejoins his body and just stands there, not helping either side.
(???) They are my sworn enemy, those with that specific ocular shade. But bright though such silver shimmers may shine, they are outshadowed by the Draconic essence that pervades your soul!

If that is so, you and I have similar souls, I think.

In a way, yes, and more than that, even. All who have Dragon blood in their veins are partly one and the same being. But before we continue our conversation, please allow me to introduce myself.

I was under the impression that I was the last living Dragon Knight.

Rest assured, you are. None can take that title from you now. But before we continue our conversation, please allow me to introduce myself.