Part 77: Battle of Broken Valley

Chapter 59 Battle of Broken Valley
BOSS: Geshniz
Battle for Broken Valley - Village
BOSS: Rayhun
Battle for Broken Valley - Mine
An Alchemists Apparel
Dungeon Small Electric
Lets finish this.
Music: Return to Broken Valley
This is a rather energetic and depressing track for the ruined valley.
Broken Valley has been destroyed and the Flying Fortresses of THREE of Damians generals have landed. Sorry theres no flythrough of Broken Valley, I forgot to record one before my computer broke. The end of the Mine video does show a depopulated flythrough if that helps.
Im not going to show much of the ground combat. Even though Ive increased the difficulty from Normal to Hard, Im still really hard to kill for normal enemies. The bosses still pose a challenge, though.
Most of the small FF chunks arent interesting. To the right is the entrance to Needlemans storage. A portal to Razes FF is there. Needlemans storage is still password protected, and hes almost certainly dead. Or is he?

Fly to the very top of the tower and change back.

Doctor Needleman seems to be in a state of catatonic stupor and does not react to your presence at all. There is something different about him, though, from when he was still in the Black Boar before Damian came to the valley
(-800 XP) Needlemans mind is in as acute a state as his body, apparently. He thinks of nothing but getting to safety to his secret storage. What is strange is that safety seems to be strongly linked to his own name: Needleman, which he repeats over and over again.
We cant do anything to help him. I imagine hell die of dehydration or starvation, and even if he doesnt, theres no way down. There isnt even the teleporter pad we used to get up here anymore.
Heres the portal to Razes FF, and the entrance to Needlemans storage as well.
The contents of the storage area are just as uninteresting now as they would be at level 10. Not worth the wait at all. The only thing of note is a locked chest the key was in the Ego Draconis version, but is gone here. It probably contained nothing interesting anyway.
Theres a notable concentration of stuff by the Maxos Temple entrance. This is because this is where one of the bosses is: General Geshniz.
Music: Dungeon Small Electric
Video: BOSS Geshniz
A Word of Warning
(Geshniz) Ah, there you are! Now tell me, what do you think youre doing? Blowing up my fortress, trying to stop the Black Ring advancement; you might as well try to empty the oceans a bucket at a time, dear.
(-2400 XP) I dont care how Rayhun threatens, that collection of formulas is mine and mine alone.
(Yara) It goes quicker than you think, wielding a Dragon breath at a time.

You are mistaken. Even oceans are finite, but the Rings powers are limitless. Youre going to die here, Dragon. Pity you were never smart enough to choose the Damned Ones side.
The mind-read just produces another treasure chest of random loot. In Ego Draconis, it only contained formulas, I think, which youre almost guaranteed to have (or have better ones) by now. Not that the random loot in DKS is much more interesting.
With the difficulty on Hard, this was a refreshingly challenging fight. I had to run away twice to heal.
(Talana) And so we empty the black ocean, one fortress commander at a time.
I cant believe the Dragon Knight actually drank that. I feel sick.
Geshniz drops the Potion of Wisdom. If we had picked Allan as our Alchemist, wed need to give this to him to get our second upgrade. But since we chose Barbatos, we can drink this ourselves to gain a permanent +5 to Intelligence.
A chest in the boss room contains the final piece of the Hunter set, as well as the Plate Dragon Armour Claws (+1 Dragon Burst).
Music: Return to Broken Valley
Video: Battle for Broken Valley - Village
A pretty substantial force has landed where Broken Valley village used to be. Theres no trace of the place now.
A teleport at the far end takes you inside for the last side-quest General, Rayhun. He is totally fucking batshit. His sanity has fled the Fortress.
Music: Black Garden
Video: BOSS: Rayhun
Plant-juice-stained correspondence
(Rayhun) Ooh, what have we here? Never have I seen such a strange herb in my garden! And such an aggressive type too! Think of what fluids I could distill from you!
(-3600 XP) Delightful! Now I can add this variety to my unrivalled collection of rare ingredients!

Im not a plant, you freak!

It speaks! Unique! Pnenomenal! So. Youre not a plant, you say. A weed in denial. How fascinating!

Youre in trouble, gardener. I am a rare sort of meat-eating plant called the Damian Devourer!
Wait, that came out wrong.

Oh no! No, no, no, that wont do at all! Naughty, naughty flower! Ill tame you and put you firmly in a pot. Cant risk that you grow wild!
In Ego Draconis, that mind-read produced a chest with common ingredients you could send your runners for. Not worth it at all. Now its just random loot.
The dangerous part of the fight is that Rayhun can cast Polymorph. When it wears off, youre stunned for a couple of seconds, which is really dangerous (see the next shot).
That hits me for 105 damage and knocks me down.
And someone hit me with a Stun Arrow. Interestingly, the stun didnt take, probably because I was already knocked down at the time. If the stun had worked, I would have died, no doubt about it.
I just think this is a cool shot.
The damage I take while polymorph-stunned almost kills me.
Dead and ready to be planted in the ground. Lets hope he doesnt sprout.
This is the item we need for Barbatos for the final upgrade to our tower. Its pretty terrible, so giving it up is easy.
In the boss room chest is the final piece of the Aleroth Archmage set, and the Crystal Dragon Armour Tail piece (+1 Dragon Burst).
Music: Return to Broken Valley
Video: Battle for Broken Valley - Mine
The only thing left are the areas around the mine. This is where you REALLY do the rescue of the miners, although it seems obviously pointless because once outside, theres nowhere for them to go.
Level 36! Every time Ive done a Flying Fortress section, Ive gained at least one level.
Life Leech
Increased from Level 12 to Level 13
Leech Chance: 32% -> 34%
Life Leeched: 30% -> 32% of damage done.
Down below
I see theyve uncovered the secret entrance to the mine. This is it. One last time to the tower to prepare
Video: An Alchemists Apparel

Here you go, Barbatos: the Amulet of Alchemy.
(Barbatos) Wonderful! Your powers must be unparalleled, my Dragon liege! Please inform Sassan the amulet is in our possession. Your alchemy garden will soon reach its full potential.
An Alchemists Apparel complete! Quest Reward: 8000 XP, 1200 Gold, Skill Book.
Bonus Chosen: 4000 XP, 600 Gold.
Music: A Sense of Menace
(Sassan) Yes, my liege?

Barbatos told me my alchemy garden is ready for improvement.

It is, Dragon Knight! You will soon find it to be the greatest garden in Rivellon.
Unfortunately, I wont have much time to use it. Call everyone to the throne room, Sassan. I have an announcement.
Everyone assembled in the throne room.
The time has almost come for me to enter the Hall of Echoes. I need the sigil that the Demon Lord Baal has to unlock the gate. The only reason Damian hasnt seriously tried to kill me is that he needs what I carry to safely enter the Hall of Echoes. Once I have the sigil, Im going straight for the entrance. After I leave the tower, I wont be coming back until either Damian, or myself, is dead. With any luck, Ill be inside before Damian even realizes that Baal has lost the sigil.
I have to go now. I dont know when, but I promise this: Ill be back!
No, Dragon Knight. Only a fate worse than death awaits you.
BOSS: Geshniz
Battle for Broken Valley - Village
BOSS: Rayhun
Battle for Broken Valley - Mine
An Alchemists Apparel
Yaras Current Auras / Equipment Updates
- Static Charge Aura Enemies have an 28% chance of suffering 1 shock of 48 magic damage. (Ring 2)
- Poison Aura 20% chance of 108 poison damage over 3 seconds. (Ring 1)
- Poison Aura 13% chance of 72 poison damage over 3 seconds. (Earrings)
- Magic Damage Aura 10% Chance of 1 shocks of 58 damage (Ring 1)
- Magic Damage Aura 10% Chance of 1 shocks of 58 damage (Belt)
- Magic Damage Aura 10% Chance of 1 shocks of 58 damage (Bracelet)
Current Scorpion Set Bonuses: (Updated!)
Necklace: +8 -> +9 Heightened Reflexes
Ring: +66 -> +68 Hitpoints
Belt: +0.46 -> +0.48 HP Regeneration
Helmet: +4 Vitality
Cuirass: +10 -> +11 Melee Armour Rating
Gauntlets: +9 Indomitable Will (NEW!)
Leggings: +8 -> +9 Ranged Armour Rating
Bracelet: +11 -> +12 Strength
Earrings: +11 -> +12 Conditioned Body
This update brings the final pieces of the Aleroth Archmage and Hunter sets, but Im moving that to a separate update just because its a lot of images.
I dont know if theres any variation in how Rayhun can respond, but Im too tired to find out now.

Ooh, what have we here? Never have I seen such a strange herb in my garden! And such an aggressive type too! Think of what fluids I could distill from you!

The image of you distilling fluids from me must be the most disturbing one I've had the displeasure of picturing in a very long time.