Part 89: Mardaneus Plaza, Part II

The Dragon Knight returned to the Ministry to confer with Augustus about the tree.
Video: Willy and the Runes
(Augustus) Yes, my friend? Can I aid you in any way?

I take it you have heard about that strange tree down on Mardaneus Plaza?

Quite so. I have not had the time to investigate, but it is rumoured that this tree kills all that comes near it.
Fortunately, that includes the undead as well.

Long as that keeps the undead at bay, Im fine with it. But if you could find a way to save Champion lives, I would be grateful.
Im working on it.

Best of luck, Dragon Knight!
If I dont talk to Augustus now, hell still want to discuss the tree much later on, when its no longer relevant. So Im dealing with this early when it makes sense.
(Willy) Guards! Guards! You have to help me! There are assassins in my house!
(Ferdinand) Ha! And a pair of spinster imps have taken up residence in my nostrils! Beat it, you sad little scamp!

Oh, Dragon Knight, its you! Youll help out your old pal Willy, wont you? Youll get rid of that Assassins Guild vermin, wont you?
(-7500 XP) This chap seems to be thinking about a trick he once played on travellers. Hahaha! How on earth could anyone fall for that?

I could
but I could also use some better armour and armour is ever so expensive

Oh, but allow me to give you some gold then! Go buy some fantastic helm and hurry back, yes?
Willy ran off.
500 Gold? Has he SEEN the prices in the market? This couldnt even buy me a fantastic helm from Broken Valleys two-bit shops!
(Shazy) Divine forgive me, but I wouldnt bother to save that weasel Willys life if I had but to lift a finger.
(Ferdinand) I hear you! Its been five long years and Im still paying debts for some run-down hovel he called a unique opportunity for a modest mansion in a prime locality. Bastard.
(Shazy) I bet my house is a smouldering ruin by now. Deodatus had better order the council to royally reimburse our damages!
(Ferdinand) Hail, Dragon Knight! This here corridor leads to Lanilor Lane. And further down lies Source Square. But thats inaccessible because of those walking dead, gods curse their souls!
(Shazy) You think Willy may have actually had assassins in his house?
(Ferdinand) Dont know. But if he tried to scam that lot as well, hes in for some serious tried and true torture.
You reckon we could watch?

A Swindler Swindled
I changed Behrlihns line, because it was this:
(-7500 XP) This chap seems to be thinking about a trick he once played on you. Hahaha! How on earth could you fall for that?
I find that mildly irritating because I didnt even fall for that trick the first time I played (all the loading screen references to a Battle Tower were clues enough). Yet no matter what you chose in Ego Draconis, things happen this way and this way only in Flames of Vengeance. If you side with Antumbra in ED, she doesnt show up here. If you let Jackal have the body instead of Clyde, he doesnt show up here.
Willy gives you 500 gold and runs off, in a reversal of what happens if you DO fall for his scam.

Were really high up. In Divine Divinity, which takes place 70 years earlier, Aleroth was not a big city on an island in a river.
In fact, the river was much smaller and farther away. This isnt actually a continuity error. The story section on the official website says that the causes of this happened about 50-55 years ago. The fights between the Divine and Damian were so vicious, and such power was released that it actually changed the geography of the world. Mountains became flat scorched plains and farmland turned into towering cliffs. Aleroth only was resettled because of the Source, the magical energy nexus that has great healing properties.
Its probably why the place was hit so hard, in fact, holding the Source would be a tremendous advantage to any general. The Black Ring can use healing magic just as well as the forces aligned with good.
Ill also take the time to note one other continuity issue. In Divine Divinity, I was under the impression that no one knew how to make new teleporter platforms anymore. Perhaps I was mistaken. In any case, the trick has clearly been re-learned, as there are six teleporter shrines in modern-day Aleroth, and back in Divine Divinity, there was only the one (and that one was a different type).
Ooh, a lever!
You have no idea what that even does!
As a former adventurer, I know all too well; levers, buttons, switches of all kind are irresistible.
Interesting. There must be more of those runes. They are of consequence somehow
(Valeri) Now then, youngster, was it you who made this rune here alight? Because I must warn you, tinkering with em may be dangerous indeed!

If I were as old as you, Id be afraid of that big bright light as well.

I have more days afore me than reckless rapscallions such as yerself! But Ill tell you what I know nonetheless. These symbols appeared here just a few days ago, just before the siege began, as out of nowhere. Tempting to fiddle with, but we didnt! And why didnt we? Cause we heard twas made by Bellegar and nothing good ever comes out of his schemes! I studied them and I understand their meaning. Gibberish if you ask me, but if you want to know which denotes what: I can help ye with that!
(-15000 XP) If only I could add that rare Raccoon Rune to my collection.

Say, how do you know this is one of Bellegars little puzzles?

A guard saw a man conjuring up the runes, all the while rhyming, saying the weirdest things! Didnt take long for Scholars to figure out who we were dealing with, so Deodatus banned all interference with these concoctions. Of course, youre a Dragon Knight and ye can do what ye please!

Why would Bellegar conjure runes now?

Your guess is as good as mine, Dragon Knight. Bellegar works in mysterious ways. Perhaps there is no reason. Perhaps there is something he wants to protect. Perhaps they can trigger a rain of hamsters. With him, who can tell?

How come you know so much about these runes?

Im a historian belonging to the Prancing Seahorse: the gentlemans club, you know. Home of the citys eternal students. Runes and their magical properties have always interested me, so I know what they depict. But in this particular case I have refrained from trying to establish their use. I know better than to mess with Bellegars tricks n traps!

What does the second rune depict?

Ah, that would be the goblin Red Hammer tribe rune for totem.

Good day!

And you, Dragon Knight!

Rune Handles
We have to track down four more red-glowing switches in Aleroth to activate all the runes. Who knows what reason Bellegar put them there, but its likely trouble.
I have more days afore me than reckless rapscallions such as yerself! But Ill tell you what I know nonetheless. These symbols appeared here a long time ago, as of out of nowhere.
Valeri actually says that they appeared a long time ago, but that is NOT true and I can prove it (but thats a mild spoiler, so I wont discuss it now). Aleroths history according to this game is just a confusing mess.

Mind over Matter: Valeri
Valeri wants a Raccoon Rune.
Music: Lanilor Lane
Music: Lanilor Lane Vocals
According to my map, the Prancing Seahorse is that building to my right.
Video: Trouble at the Prancing Seahorse
(Noa) Oh my word! Oh my lord, Dragon Knight, she cursed them all!

Come again?

No, never again! Ill never set another foot in the Prancing Seahorse! They can find another maid!
(-7500 XP) There is a mystery here that needs solving! We must make it into the library!

Shes turned them into Vegetables, all three of them! Oh, my word, foul magic!
The woman ran out.
That was less helpful than I would have preferred.
(Painting) Whats this? Seems she forgot to put one on courgette detail? You mustnt be a member of the club, then.

Hows it hanging, mister

Ha! Fine, thank you. Now then, I warn you to watch out for veggie rays, because she might curse you as well! Ursula upstairs, she did it: turned them into plants. But why? Couldnt tell you if you threatened to scrape my varnish.

Whos Ursula?

Oh, I dont know. Some girl. Normally you never see any women around here, though. She keeps blabbing on about the Forbidden Archives, but shes not allowed to visit em and this magical mayhem may be how shes getting rid of peering eyes and so force her way in.

Why didnt you try to stop this Ursula?

What, you think Im completely off the wall? Im a work of art and I shant risk to be suckered into the shape of spinach!

Tell me about the Prancing Seahorse.

Its a gentlemans club, a place where the scholars of Aleroth gather to share and improve their knowledge. Thats true for the most part, but theres many a toff here as well: welcome because of their heavy gold purses. That lot just comes here after being thrown out of Madam Eves to laugh like hyenas and drink like fish. Civilized people, though, will find here one of the three best libraries in Rivellon: a true hub of enlightenment.

What are these Forbidden Archives you mentioned?

It is where the official records of the city are kept in the strictest of secrecy, behind a magical barrier that protects its entrance. But dont think its just a bunch of old paper detailing fifty-year-old wheat stocks and Grisha Cart parking fines. Aleroth is a city of wizards after all, and the likes of Mardaneus and Deodatus have long since stored there, old and powerful incantations.

what are you really?

An experiment gone
wrong, hilarious, metaphysical? Whatever you want to call it, really. Not as bad as you might think, though, this life. My conscious can freely roam the depicted land. Of course, if I look the other way I see nothing but a big white void.

Well, this has been absurd enough. Im going.

Sure, sure, they always give me the brush-off.
That painting was used in the cinematics of Beyond Divinity.

Seahorse Salad
Playing this now, Im surprised at how little information they give you about this. You dont even know what to look for except some vegetables. Basically, if we want to get into the Forbidden Archives and advance the main plot, were going to have to find three vegetables somewhere in the city of Aleroth. The video has hints where to look.
It wants some kind of code to get in there. Hmmm
there are two other doors up here, though.

This is Gardeners room. What is the password?

Rake? Wheelbarrow?

Nice try, but alas

This is Thomas room. What is the password?

Not a clue.

Just like Thomas.
I saw a door downstairs, too.

This is Ashrafs room. What is the password?

I have no idea.

You could have at least guessed.
Damn. Looks like Ill need to find those vegetables, or whatever. Why does everything have to be such a pain in the ass?
(Aulus) Im your elder and you will listen to what I say!
(Minius) My elder maybe, but you do not outrank me so you cant give me orders! Dont be so stubborn! Why would you risk your life when I will go in your stead?

I am not risking my life, you are risking yours! You cant even grow a beard, let alone best undead warriors!

Forget it, Minius, you do not have the necessary experience. I am going down there and thats the last Ill say on the subject.

Be reasonable, Aulus! Im a Champion, trained as arduously as you have been. Not to mention Ive but half your years!

Now, now, children. Lets play nice, eh! Your commander wants to see some results!

No need to act so condescending, Dragon Knight! We have been ordered to clear an abandoned crypt, called the Temple of Nimir, of lingering undead and Im just telling this pip-squeak here hes not up for the job and would be a fool to risk his life!

Now listen, old man, you know very well that if one of us has a chance of surviving, its the chap who, until someone corrected him last week, thought arthritis was a feared imp chieftain!

Heres a thought: why dont you both go?

Logic dictates you are right, but as I said before I wont let Minius risk his life.

I am of the same mind. Aulus will die should he go and I shall not allow it.

Judge for us, Dragon Knight, and we shall listen.
Yay, more voting! See the Reader Participation bit at the end. Minius and Aulus only appear here if you have entered the Circle of Trust Inn, but you do NOT have to have talked to Messalina or gotten her quest for them to appear.
(See top of post.)
I messed the map up, the path to Crows Nest is in the northeast corner. Serves me right for not checking.
To Boldly Go Where Rhode has gone Before: Rhode went to the Prancing Seahorse on
Lanilor Lane to search for information on Behrlihn.
Bark up the Right Tree: Theres a strange tree on
Mardaneus Plaza blocking our way. A soldier thinks we might find a dictionary in the Prancing Seahorse on
Lanilor Lane.
Seahorse Salad: A woman called Ursula has turned some of the members of the
Prancing Seahorse into vegetables, and shes locked herself into the Forbidden Archives. We need to find the vegetables so we can get in.
Damsel in Distress: Servus in the
Ministry wants us to check up on his wife at their house in
Crows Nest. (backburner)
Trail of Deceit: Hansel in the
Great Market wants us to retrieve his diary from his house in
Lanilor Lane.
Spectre at the Feast: Caracalla wants our assistance to avenge his death in Crowells House in
Crows Nest. (backburner)
First Aid: Peter in
Mardaneus Plaza wants us to get a Healing Orb from the basement of
Healers House.
Old Dog or New Tricks: Messalina in the
Circle of Trust Inn wants us to tell her soldiers to hurry up and clean out the Temple of Nimir in
Lanilor Lane.
A Swindler Swindled: Willy, the con man wants us to deal with assassins in his house on
Lanilor Lane.
Mind over Matter: - Virginius in the Great Market wants a compass.
- Cesca in Mardaneus Plaza wants a toy zeppelin.
- Doctor West in the Circle of Trust Inn wants a new type of limb
- in the Circle of Trust Inn wants her special Bellegar coin returned.
- Valeri on upper Lanilor Lane wants a Raccoon Rune.
Persons of Interest
There are no quests associated with these people at the moment, but theyre worth remembering. There will be more later.
- Laniel Lives in Hansels house on Lanilor Lane. Weird guy, a loner, mysterious chanting is heard in his room occasionally.
- Kenzo A Black Ring spy who infiltrated Aleroth. Whatever his plan is, it cant be good for the city.
- Halliwell A holy man, a General in the New Order, with a disfigured face. Behrlihn thinks hes worth keeping an eye on. Hes staying in the Circle of Trust Inn, but isnt there now.
(Kenzo) No! Youve got the wrong man! Dont hurt me! You there! Please stop them, Im innocent!
(Furius) Dont be fooled by this insolent imposter! Hes a Black Ring spy and were going to perform a spot of speleology in his gut!

Well spoken! Go ahead and kill this Damians creep!
(Furius) With pleasure! May all who are caught with letters signed by the Black Ring end like this!

I found those on the street! They must have slipped out of somebodys pocket!

Good lord. If you cant come up with a better excuse than that, your inanity warrants your death!
(Furius) That it does! And his treachery warrants it ten times more.

Maniacs! Blackguards! Is there no justice left in Aleroth?

Damn Champions! Why did you let them off the leash? I was just defending myself, you saw it! Thank the Divine my father was a Mage and taught me the tricks of the trade.

Look here, Dragon Knight, what I said is true. I found those documents on the street.

You see, my friends, this fellow is probably as loyal to Damian as Richard of Aleroth is to his women.

I cant say I agree, though I recognize my superior in a Dragon Knight. This citizen is free to go, but Divine help us all if you were wrong!

Thank you, my friend. Those rogues would have murdered me with as much a crisis of conscience as theyd suffer when swatting a fly. Goodbye and thank you!

Look here, Dragon Knight, what I said is true. I found those documents on the street.

It does seem weird to me that you would keep epistles written by the enemies of Rivellon.

I wouldnt. Honestly. I wouldnt. Not normally
But I thought Id take them to Augustus in the hope hed spare me a few coins, you know.
If you didnt mind-read him and picked the kill him (NOT the I have read your mind you fool option, he still kills the guards, but claims he had to do it in self-defense. Then he runs off. In retrospect, I should have revealed that Kenzo was a spy, and then asked you how to handle it.
(???) My word! The Dragon Knight! It is an honour to meet you indeed.

People keep saying that. With good reason, I might add.
(Halliwell) Your confidence is inspiring! All should follow your example in this terrible hour. I am Lord Halliwell, General of the New Order and unwavering flame in the holy army of the Divine. I pray that we may soon meet our enemy on the field, so that the error of their ways will dawn on them when their bodies lie crushed beneath our boots.

And I hope you will have the chance to make that vision come true.

Divine grant that it is so.

Oh, Dragon Knight, its you! Youll help out your old pal Willy, wont you? Youll get rid of that Assassins Guild vermin, wont you?

All right. Tell me where you live and Ill be on my way.

Bless you, my friend! My house lies next to Madam Eves on Lanilor Lane. Ill meet you there!

Oh, Dragon Knight, its you! Youll help out your old pal Willy, wont you? Youll get rid of that Assassins Guild vermin, wont you?

Take a hike, Willy. I dont intend to help you, so run along!

how can you not help me? After all Ive done for you! Theyll kill me, or worse: steal my money!

Forget it, Minius, you do not have the necessary experience. I am going down there and thats the last Ill say on the subject.

Be reasonable, Aulus! Im a Champion, trained as arduously as you have been. Not to mention Ive but half your years!

Am I interrupting something, gentlemen?

Not at all, Dragon Knight! We have been ordered to clear an abandoned crypt, called the Temple of Nimir, of lingering undead and Im just telling this pip-squeak here hes not up for the job and would be a fool to risk his life!
Reader Participation
1. We can send either Minius or Aulus into the Temple of Nimir. Something will happen to the one we send in, but exactly
what depends on who we send.
Which one? If youre looking for a hint, the video provides one.
1a) Minius, the newbie.
1b) Aulus, the geezer.
2. A pompous man wants to give us the honour of fetching some of his healing potions from a dungeon. He pretends to be a healer, but hes a fraud, his only ability is a secret formula he found to make his potions. Hes the only one who can make them, but he wants to take the formula to his grave so people will mourn his loss.
What should we do?
2a) Fetch the man his potions.
2b) Fetch the potions for Healers House so they can reverse-engineer the formula. (Default = 1 Vote)
3. Freeform Questing Time! There are more quests we could pursue, but I can pursue those in the course of the other choices.
Vote for the quest you want us to tackle first.
3a) First Aid Technically, this isnt time sensitive, but it sounds like it should be.
3b) Old Dog or New Tricks? Assist whoever we sent into the Temple of Nimir.
3c) Seahorse Salad Track down the vegetables. But where to look? (Post a suggestion or three.)