Part 92: New Game: Flames of Vengeance

New Game: Flames of Vengeance

Dragon Knight Saga thoughtfully included an option for those players who had already finished Ego Draconis and just wanted to get to the new content without playing through the 30 hours of the original game. (Saved games from Ego Draconis are not compatible with the Dragon Knight Saga.)

You get to build your new character with the Hall of Echoes background.

While working on the expansion, Larian asked players to submit information on their stats at the end of Ego Draconis. From that, they came up with an average character level of 35 with 136 Attribute Points (exactly 34 levels worth, with 0 points from bonuses - not even the mandatory +1 to all from the end of the Maxos Temple), and 64 skill points (most of the bonus skill points).
However, you get gypped in terms of Health and Mana. A level 35 Ego Draconis character with 1 Vitality should have 309 Health, not 207! Given how much damage enemies can do at this point, thats a huge difference. Also something to note, at level 35, your base damage is 55-68.
To contrast, Level 35 Yara, who played a pretty complete game of Ego Draconis first, has 162 Attribute points and 78 skill points.
Any skill points you allocate ignore the training caps for Ego Draconis, although you cant raise anything past Rank 13. You dont have to allocate any points at all, and can save them for later.
Preset Classes
There are four Preset classes, although youre free to play around and mix things up (picking a warriors preset stats and a mages preset skills, for example). You can freely customize your attributes and skills during character creation. The presets are not your only choice, they are a quick guide. Each of the presets (except the mage) deliberately leaves you five free skill points to use as you please.

Whirlwind 13
Rush Attack 6
Defensive Posture 5
Life Leech 10
Bleed 5
Mana Leech 2
Regenerate 5
Thousand Strikes 8
Reflect 5
Spare 5
Not a bad allocation of stats, I probably wouldnt increase Strength much at all from there.
The default skills are a little questionable in my opinion. Defensive Posture instead of Battle Rage is a poor trade-off, I feel, and Reflect is also a poor skill because enemies have a few thousand HP and any blows that you can survive arent likely to do much to them. Regenerate at 5 skill points is questionable, you dont get that big a bonus for the extra four. Whirlwind up that high is okay I guess. It can do 450 damage every two seconds - on top of the normal damage you do - but Id have to try it out to see if thats really enough to be more effective than spending those points into Battle Rage.
EDIT: The 10 points into Life Leech is also odd, because the skill caps at 13, and a set item for the Warrior gives +5 to Life Leech, so with it, you only need 8 points and the item to max it out. The other two points could have gone into Thousand Strikes (which also has a +5 item, but its cap is 15).

Poison Arrow 10
Ranger Surprise 5
Ranger Strength 10
Ranger Stealth 5
Hide in Shadows 1
Potion Efficiency 3
Splitting Arrows 5
Evade 5
Explosive Arrows 10
Way of the Ranger 5
Spare - 5
The Rangers stats reflect the higher need for mana and lower need for health compared to a warrior.
But seriously, 10 points into Poison Arrow? 150 damage a second is something enemies sneeze at. 5 points into Ranger Stealth is also a waste, there are almost no places where youll be engaging enemies at long range in FoV. The extra 4 points into Evade also arent great, nor is Ranger Surprise.

Magic Missile 10
Mana Efficiency 5
Polymorph 5
Confusion 5
Magic Blast 10
Destruction 6
Firewall 10
Healing 5
Way of the Battlemage 8
A Mage has the same HP as a ranger, but a lot more mana.
The mage preset spends all the points, instead of leaving five to spare. The biggest issue I have with the Mages preset skills is the 10 each into Magic Missile and Firewall. I suppose you can use both, but Magic Missile is a low-damage spell only effective when used at a distance, and Firewall is a

Magic Missile 10
Summon Ghost 12
Hide in Shadows 4
Mana Efficiency 2
Charm 5
Blind 6
Life Tap 5
Healing 5
Summon Demon 10
Spare 5
This is new, there wasnt a Priest trainer in Ego Draconis, and there was no good template for building one. A Priests stats are basically the same as a Mages except for 5 less Spirit and 5 more Strength, making him SLIGHTLY less terrible at hitting things (by that I mean he does 1-2 extra damage. Maybe more if he has a weapon.) I dont see the point in investing that 5 extra in strength, just use a Magic-damage based weapon instead, itll work better with your Intelligence score.
The Priests skill line is a mix of skills from the Mage and Priest lines. Magic Missile is the offensive spell, and again theres 5 points into Healing. The 5 points into Charm, and Blind seem like an odd choice to me.
EDIT: I have to correct myself on Charm, thanks to Joram from the Larian forums. You might only be able to put 5 levels into it in the FoV Character Creation, but there is a trainer in the Ministry who can raise the cap to 7.

You start out in the crystal prison, then Berlihn frees you to Aleroth. But you have only two items, your Crystal Skull, and Dragon Stone. You have the same terrible armour you started out in Farglow, and 45,000 gold. Thats enough to give you a complete set of semi-decent random equipment and a few potions, but forget getting the good unique stuff. Itll take a lot of work to be able to afford the unique items.
The Battle Tower is outfitted with randomly-selected platform operators, and I believe they start out with both upgrades as well. You also start out with all if the Rank 8 Alchemy formulas, and most of the Rank 1 Weapon formulas, a few Rank 1 armour formulas and no jewellery formulas. Your creature also has the default limbs from the first creation in Broken Valley.