Part 3: Newborn
Chapter 2 Newborn
01 Isobel
02 - Farglow Trainers
Unarmed demo
Warrior Demo
Ranger Demo
Mage Demo
Priest Demo Summon Undead
Priest Demo Summon Ghost
03 - Departure from Farglow
Title Sequence
Mind-Reading and Merchant Trading
Bonus: Additional Farglow Conversations
Chapter 2 Newborn
Click for Video: 01 - Isobel
1. Think of what it must be like to face a dragon
2. Think of the delicious pork chops you had for dinner.
3. Think of how cute this girl looks.
XP Cost Discount: 0%->100%
Mind-Reading is one of the more unique features in Divinity 2. At the cost of some experience, you can mind-read people to learn their thoughts. You can usually only read a person once.
The farther in the game you are, the more it costs to mind-read someone. Experience debt doesnt reduce your current amount of experience; instead it adds an amount you need to pay off before you can gain experience again. Enemies dont respawn in this game, so mind-reading isnt free.
A lot of the time, the thoughts arent useful, but you can usually tell that from the cost alone. Mind-reading a merchant always results in a discount when purchasing (typically 25%). They also can reveal the locations of caches of items, or passwords to magical storage. But even better, some people can grant you extra stat or skill points for mind-reading them. Mind-reading non-humans is almost always worthwhile. . In Flames of Vengeance, its much more useful for solving quests and it is required to solve some quests, in fact.
Whenever I mind-read someone in the LP, Ill indicate it with a special icon
Mind-Reading is a permanent skill meaning that if we reallocate our skills with a skill trainer, we will always have one point in that skill. Further points past 1 reduce the XP cost to read minds. At Rank 15, its free. It also has no level requirements for putting points into it.
I personally never put points into this skill, but I do collect and keep any jewellery with +Mindread on it, and wear it if I know in advance about an important mind-read.
VIDEO: The Farglow Trainers
Fireball Ranged AoE attack with a (low) chance to set enemies on fire. Powerful, with a large radius, but a long cooldown (15 seconds).
Magic Missile Ranged attack of one or more missiles which automatically target enemies. Extremely short cooldown this is the spammable spell, and the wizards bread and butter. (1 second cooldown)
Magic Blast Ranged instant-hit single-target spell which has a chance to knock the enemy back. Long cooldown. (15 seconds)
Firewall A wall of fire centered on the caster burns all enemies inside. It lasts for five seconds and has a VERY long cooldown. (30 seconds) The damage is
That chest behind Alberic is locked, it requires Lockpick level 1 to open. But we dont have any skill points. So how can we open it? Hmmm Even if we could open it, the contents are random - all chests are the same way.
1. New-born and aching to learn.
2. Yeah, Im really thrilled Ill have the opportunity to do my training all over again.
3. Hey, Ive always had the looks and I wont apologize for them.
Also that line might not make sense because scarred is one of the face appearances you can choose.
Quests always give out a fixed amount of gold and experience (in this case, 50 experience and 200 gold) but you also can select from additional rewards, typically additional experience or gold, but they often include equipment, potions, and crafting components. The usual priority is Useful Equipment > Experience > Gold > Crafting Components > Potions > Everything Else.
I selected the 25 bonus experience reward.
You need to have one discipline on you before you leave Farglow.
The warrior discipline grants you Whirlwind and an additional 3 strength.
The ranger discipline grants you Poison Arrow and an additional 3 dexterity.
The wizard discipline grants you Fireball and an additional 3 intelligence.
Even if you arent going to use the skill you get, it might be worth choosing a discipline just for a stat boost which is ideal for your character.
The Dragon Slayer spent some time in the training area, but eventually decided on the discipline she wanted to pursue.
VIDEO: Departure from Farglow
VIDEO: Title Movie
01 Isobel
02 - Farglow Trainers
Unarmed demo
Warrior Demo
Ranger Demo
Mage Demo
Priest Demo Summon Undead
Priest Demo Summon Ghost
03 - Departure from Farglow
Title Sequence
Mind-Reading and Merchant Trading
Bonus: Additional Farglow Conversations
Farglow Battle
A Sense of Menace
There is more stuff in Farglow, but its not important so Ill leave it in video form only:
Video: Mind-Reading and Merchant Trading
You can use Mind Reading to get discounts when purchasing items from merchants. Its typically a 25% Discount. You still get the same price when selling items.
We start the game with this book, which we can do nothing with, and if we Mind-Read Barbara, we discover that she wants to get Gerald a new book. That gives us the conversation option to give Gerald the book. He not only gives us a 25% discount (which stacks with the mind-reading one), but he also pays us 50 gold for the book.
Gerald has little worth buying, but you might want to take advantage of the prices and get some cheap potions, or pick up slight upgrades to your equipment.
Merchants actually do usually have plenty of things worth buying. Enemies tend to be stingy with loot drops. A merchants inventory changes each time you level up, so check back often.
Video: Illusionist
Illusionists change your appearance. This is free, but it is cosmetic only. It doesnt actually prevent people from recognizing you. After you leave Farglow, you wont find another illusionist until the halfway point of the game, so I hope you like your looks.
Video: Additional Farglow Conversations
There are a lot of little extras and I couldnt possibly cover everything, but here are a couple more Farglow conversations. One thing I didnt include was that theres a guy Tom sitting on a bench who has a different line for when you first arrive, and after you see Morgana, and after you see Isobel. Thats a nice detail.
DKS has internal achievements. Most are just for completing various stages of the main quest. All of them are cosmetic, and they don't do anything.
When there are things substantially different from DKS in the original version, I'll point them out.
- In Ego Draconis, the bonus experience for completing "The Farglow Connection" is 50, not 25.
- The Farglow illusionist has a drab brown robe instead of the purple one.
- It's MUCH harder to dodge projectiles in Ego Draconis, they move too fast.
- Items have attribute requirements in addition to level requirements.
This will be a reader participation LP, Ill let you vote on quest solutions (where applicable)
Characterization Choices (vote on any or all of these, theyre optional):
This game doesnt have character alignments or karma meters, and the rewards for good and evil behaviour are generally identical. There will be a lot of voting on approaches to quests, but I dont want to stop the thread for votes on every possible response to an NPC. The winning Alignment choice will automatically grant one or two default votes to the appropriate option when quest voting happens (if applicable).
1. Alignment - In general, is the main character a:
1a. Noble Hero (2 default votes for noble quest options) = 1 Vote
1b. Reluctant Hero (1 default vote for reluctant assistance quest options) = 3 Votes
1c. Slightly Jerkish (1 default vote for jerkish quest options) = 4 Votes
1d. Complete and Utter Bastard (2 default votes for bastard quest options)
2. The main character will generally be snarky because its funnier and more interesting than generic hero type responses. For the purposes of this question consider that the target of the snark will be an ally or friendly NPC. Enemies I snark at bosses will get whatever is funniest. But will he or she be
2a. Snarky UNLESS it makes you seem like an asshole. = 4 Votes
2b. Always snarky, and if there are multiple snarky options, choose the one which makes you seem like a bigger asshole.
2c. Always snarky, and if there are multiple snarky options, choose the one which is less nasty than the other. = 3 Votes
3. What is the heros opinion on himself/herself?
3a. Egotistical / Narcissistic = 1 Vote
3b. Humble / Modest
3c. Confident, but not a braggart = 5 Votes
4. When youre about to be rewarded for completing a quest, are you
4a. Greedy = 4 Votes
4b. Gracious = 4 Votes
(This DOES NOT AFFECT the reward quality.)
5. How does the hero feel about dragons?
5a. My blood burns with the desire to slaughter the betrayers!
5b. Their crime of murdering the Divine is unforgivable slaying them all is just! = 3 Votes
5c. Our duty is regrettable, but it must be carried out for the protection of all! = 2 Votes
5d. No Opinion. = 2 Votes
6. Gender and Appearance
Given that 90% of the time my character's appearance will only be the size of the headshot below, it might not be worthwhile to ask people to choose an appearance.
6a. No Opinion. (Ill use the same portrait Im currently using.)
6b. Male
6b1. Face
- 5 Oclock shadow = 1 Vote
- Scarred
- Beard
- Goatee
- Mustache
6b2. Hair Colour
- Blonde
- Brown
6b3. Hairstyle
6c. Female = Pretty much everyone else
6c1. Face
- Natural
- Seductress
- Sorceress
- Slayer Tattoo = 0 or 1 votes
- Freckles
- Dragon Tattoo
- Scarred
- Scarred Sorceress = 1 Vote
- Scarred Slayer Tattoo = 1 or 2 Votes
- Scarred Freckles = 1 Vote
6c2. Hair Colour
- Blonde
- Brown
- Black
- Red
6c3. Hairstyle
Character Build
I have a few ideas for characters with a specific direction, but I could also build a custom character (see below).
7. Preset or Custom Character
7a. Preset
7b. Custom
Preset Character Ideas
These characters are gimmicky not the standard power build I normally use. If you want a more standard build, vote for a custom character. You can suggest names as well, but I will veto ones along the lines of Dongs or other stupid shit.
Pyranus/Pyrania Fire-Specialized Battlemage
A hybrid Mage/Fighter, specializing in Fire. Pyrania dual-wields swords enchanted with Fire Curse, and wears jewelry enchanted with Spontaneous Combustion. She opens fights with a Fireball, and then blasts enemies with a Firewall once they foolishly come too close. Dual-wielding is overpowered, so this character might be played on Nightmare difficulty, it depends on how hard I find that. She may use +Melee Damage and +Magic Damage enchantments, but no others, and no other damaging auras. This is the default choice. If there is no clear consensus, this is the character Ill use.
Xargen/Xargeena Dark Wizard = 1 Vote
He/she specializes in some of the darker aspects of magic, summoning undead and demons, cursing his enemies, striking fear into their hearts before turning them into a bug and squashing them. (Summon Undead/Demon, Curse, Fear, Polymorph) (I couldnt really think of a wizard gimmick.)
Veniror/Venira Hit-and-Run Ranger
She wears Poisonous Aura enchantments in her Jewelry, Has Poison Damage enchanted into her bows (and possibly uses Poison Arrow liberally). She uses stealth to approach her targets, before hitting them with a Stun Arrow, a Rush Attack, and a point-blank Splitting Arrow. Then she turns invisible and runs away to do it all again. (Ranger Stealth, Hide in Shadows) This build might have too many skills, I might have to leave out Explosive Arrow. Poison Arrow is ineffective against undead, which means I might want to leave it out or reallocate the points later.
Grigori/Anastasia Priest
He/she seeks to cleanse the world with his trusty mace and priestly spells. (This is a debuff-based class, these spells are usually only used for "support", which translates to "I never use these worthless things." Straight-up blasting enemies seems so much faster and simpler. Also, most debuffs are not going to work on bosses. ) WARNING: I have never tried a character like this; it could be ludicrously hard or boring as fuck. There is a priest preset class for new characters starting the expansion. This character will use mostly Priest skills, with the exceptions of Lockpick, Healing, Mana Efficiency, and Magic Missile. I probably wont use any summon spells except Ghost, as to not tread on the gimmicky wizard.
Yarun/Yara Monk = 3 Votes
This man/woman of peace refuses to fight with weapons. Hands, feet, knees, elbows, those are the only weapons a warrior needs. He/she specializes in stacking damaging aura enchantments so that enemies die around him/her with minimal effort. This character will use a mostly standard warrior build, with heavy use of skills like Evade and maybe Fatality later on. WARNING: I have never tried a character like this; it could be boring as fuck.
Custom Character Build:
While you get a lot of skill points, you dont get enough to try and do everything (until the late game), so I wont let the thread vote on where I put attribute and skill points. The custom characters will use the most ideal skill set for that class type.
8. General Class
Weapons which have a higher magic damage than normal damage are pretty common. This is why I offer you the choice between normal (strength/dexterity-based) and magic (intelligence-based) weapons. Please specify which attribute will be the primary focus of the character.
8a. Warrior (Strength-based or Intelligence-based) = 1 Vote
8b. Ranger (Dexterity-based or Intelligence-based)
8c. Mage (Melee Spells or Ranged Spells)
8d. Priest (Debuff-based class) (Strength-based or Intelligence-based)
9. Melee Weapon Skill (if applicable)
9a. Unarmed
9b. Single Weapon
9c. Single Weapon + Shield
9d. Dual-Wielding = 1 Vote
9e. Two-Handed Weapon
(9f. If you voted for a Ranged Mage, you can vote for a bow here.)