Part 118: The Five Orbs
Chapter 92 The Five Orbs
Barracks and Chapel
Secret Catacombs
Music: Champion Academy Chapel
Music: Dungeon Stealing
Video: Barracks and Chapel
(Yara) Ill try the right wing first.
Looks like the barracks.
Nothing here. Wait
That doesnt look like it belongs here. But how to get it?
I dont see anything special. Argh. Gotta take this off.
did the room just get smaller? Let me try the helmet again.
The walls are solid its not an illusion
but when wearing the helmet, I can walk right through? Strange
I think the best explanation for what the helmet does, is that if puts the user slightly out of phase with reality, so they can interact differently with certain special objects.
(Behrlihn) Well done! These orbs are key: spheres of liberation that will undo millennia of decay! Bellegar must have hid them all over the academy. You must find them all to unlock the vault that is my prison!
Boy. Hes sure trying his hardest
to stop me
Yes, he why are you sounding so thoughtful?
No, its nothing.
Now for the other wing.
Music: Champion Academy Chapel
Wow, thats a lot of them. Time for my own reinforcements.
seems to be all of them
for now
This small library has touchplates on the floor. Step on them in the right order and the plate glows, get the wrong order and the glow stops. Here, you need to step on two, then put on the Helmet of Secrets before you can trigger the third one.
Two down.
Match the colours in helmet-world to the colours in the real world.
Thats three. So far, so good.
theres no railing here. Strange.
Another orb retrieved! One more to go
I can only see this platform with the helmet on. What if I take it off?
(Lucian) Brilliant move, Dragon Knight.
Youve been watching me for a long time. You should know by now: high falls are just a way to get down faster.
Music: Dungeon Stealing
An empty alcove
the wall feels solid enough, but I bet it isnt.
Video: Secret Catacombs
I see hovering platforms
Up there
the last orb!
For this puzzle, you need to swap the helmet out repeatedly. Some platforms are only visible with it on, others with it off.
You have the fifth orb! We are ready. Ready for reascension!
Who put this down here? Zandalor? Howd they get this stuff through that stone wall? Or did Bellegar put in the wall after?
Here it is: the entrance. Zandalor took the shield and now you must solve the puzzle.
Barracks and Chapel
Secret Catacombs
Stop giving yourself a headache with that thing! I told you it is no use outside of the academy.
Reader Participation
Solve the puzzle. Dont worry, this doesnt lock us into an ending. That choice still lies before us.
Place the orbs. You can use the coordinates for your answers, or MSPaint or Photoshop if you feel like getting fancy.