
Welcome to Let's Play Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker!
What is this game?
This game is the fourth in the Dragon Quest Monsters series, released on the DS in 2006 in Japan and late 2007/early 2008 in the rest of the world. The series is all about collecting monsters and pitting them against other monsters. In this sense it's very comparable to Pokemon, but the way the monsters work is more similar to Shin Megami Tensei - instead of sticking with a group of monsters, you fuse them together to make stronger ones.
How familiar are you with this game?
I've played a good chunk of this game, but not all of it, so I'll be going in semi-blind. I have played the sequel, however, so I'm familiar with the mechanics enough that I can talk about them in relative depth.
Are you planning to 100% the game?
I'll attempt to obtain all the monsters in the game. There will be cheating involved due to some monsters being straight-up unavailable outside of special events, and the post-game grind will probably be too much in any case.
Will there be thread participation?
Yes. I'll be asking for names for important monsters and maybe some other things.
What's the policy on spoilers?
No spoilers, marked or unmarked.
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: The Adventure Begins (Sort Of)
- Chapter 2: The Adventure Begins (For Real This Time)
- Chapter 3: The Scout's Pledge
- Chapter 4: The Challenge Begins
- Chapter 5: Going (Desert) Bowling
- Chapter 6: Desert Roundup
- Chapter 7: Dungeon Diving
- Chapter 8: Gardens Galore
- Chapter 9: Palatial Progression (But Not Too Much)
- Chapter 10: Polishing Off Palaish
- Chapter 11: Dead Island
- Chapter 12: Metallic Madness
- Chapter 13: Praise The Sun
- Chapter 14: Make It Snappy
- Chapter 15: Northern Sights
- Chapter 16: Here Be Dragons
- Chapter 17: A Pirate's Undeath For Me
- Chapter 18: Jungle Japes
- Chapter 19: Shrine Time
- Chapter 20: The Final Battles
- Chapter 21: The Beginning of the End
- Chapter 22: To CELL And Back
- Chapter 23: Mr Euchre's Wildcard Ride
- Chapter 24: Loose Ends
- Chapter 25: Torturous Tartarus
- Chapter 26: Snap Snaps
- Chapter 27: Wildcard
- Postgame Chapter 1: Solitaire-y Confinement
- Postgame Chapter 2: Euchre The Librarian
- Postgame Chapter 3: Arena Antics
- Postgame Chapter 4: The Other Final Battles
- Postgame Chapter 5: The Eternal Grind
- Postgame Chapter 6: Dragon Quest Monsters Joker Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Cheat Codes
- Bonus: The Longest Synthesis Chain