
Dragon Warrior?
Dragon Warrior is a role-playing game released by Japan in 1986. In Japan, however, it is called Dragon Quest, but was called Dragon Warrior here due to copyright issues with another game already released here, named DragonQuest.
1986? This game doesn't look like it's from the 1980s.
This is actually the Gameboy Colour version, released in 2000 here in North America. It is a compilation of Dragon Warrior 1 and 2, with updated graphics, sounds, and new translations. They are also quite easier than their NES counterparts. An SNES version also exists, with even better graphics and music, but I've never played it. Nor the NES version, actually.
That's great, but what does this game offer?
Dragon Warrior was released in 1986 in Japan and 1989 in North America, a year before Final Fantasy, in 1987. It set a precedent for console role-playing games or something like that. It has an overworld, turn-based combat, menu navigation, equipment, magic, and other neat stuff like that!
This game seems like a cheap knock-off of Final Fantasy!
Dragon Warrior came out over a year before Final Fantasy, actually. In Japan, Dragon Quest is a gift from the Divine itself. In the United States however, Final Fantasy is much more prominent, with Dragon Quest being quite neglected from the public eye.
A is to interact with objects and people, as well as selecting things in menus.
B is to cancel out of things when interacting or within a menu. It opens the menu when you're not in battle.
Start allows you to record your data to a temporary Field Log that may only be loaded once per Field Log save; use this if you're in a dungeon and need to stop playing.
Select, L, and R do nothing.
Table of Contents
- Post 01: Appearance of the Descendant
- Post 02: Exploring Tantegel
- Post 03: Tablet of the Ancestor
- Post 04: Exploring Garinham
- Post 05: Exploring Kol
- Post 06: Exploring Rimuldar
- Post 07: The Stones of Sunlight
- Post 08: The Shiny Harp and the Staff of Rain
- Post 09: The Dragon and the Princess
- Post 10: Spelunking
- Post 11: The Drop of the Rainbow
- Post 12: The Final Battle