Part 19: - Granite
1st Granite 1052
Region one sanction three: no illicit drink in region one. I separated elf beast to region two for multiple violation.
4th Granite 1052
The deer is magnificent creature. I should reward deer creature so elf beast can look and think what a horrible elf beast I am to violate the sanctions I should be more like deer creature to get reward and not fluster Timd.

5th Granite 1052
The miners breached deep caverns. I became worried if there is deep cavern creature.

6th Granite 1052
I snoozed with deer creature on region one grass. If dreg snoozed on grass it would think what magnificent sky fires at night I should snooze on grass and not on bed.
8th Granite 1052
Hyte inquired on region status. I reported elf beast is troublesome. Elf beast is responsible for multiple violation with illicit wandering and illicit noise and illicit staring at me when I snooze.
10th Granite 1052
I detected illicit wandering in region one. I fired warning shot to return elf beast to region two. The bolt pierced elf beast meat. Elf beast can think my blood falls out I should follow sanctions to avoid more blood that falls out. That is what elf beast would think if elf beast would think.

13th Granite 1052
Tor inquired on turtle status. I reported no violation. Turtle creature thrives in region one pond so no harm is done upon turtle creature from horrible elf beast. He was thankful. There are no troubles separating turtle creature for Tor.
14th Granite 1052
I detected illicit wandering and illicit drink in region one. I returned groundhog creature to region two. I did not fire warning shot. I warned groundhog creature return to region two or dirt holes will become illicit. Groundhog creature likes dirt holes.

17th Granite 1052
Region two sanction six: no illicit startling Timd when Timd eats food in region two.
18th Granite 1052
I gave head rubs reward to deer creature. The deer is magnificent creature.
21st Granite 1052
I detected illicit wandering in region one. I did not have bolts to fire warning shot at elf beast. I became flustered.

22nd Granite 1052
Region one sanction four: no illicit rotting in region one.
23rd Granite 1052
I delivered elf beast meat to Dett for butching. She informed me she would look for problems. I reported problem is there is elf beast somewhere that is unpunished and violating sanctions and uncaring how flustered I become.
28th Granite 1052
I detected illicit wandering in region two. I reported to Hyte. They are not brothers.