Part 222: Tosanu: Update 10

Now Old Mr Eiba had trouble all his own. Had this yellow cat, that would not leave him alone! He tried and he tried to get the cat away. He gave it to the elves going far away.
But the cat came back. the very next day. The cat came back, they thought he was a goner but the cat came back, he just wouldn't stay away.

The Dwarf around the corner swore hed kill the cat on sight! He loaded up his axe, with menacing spikes and lignite! He waited and waited for the cat to come around....

97 cats are what came around.......
So the CAT CAME BACK! The very next day. The cat came back! They thought he was a goner but the cat came back, he just couldn't stay away.

So the kitty army holds the fortress to its knees. The cat overlord could do just as he pleased! He called upon the mayor, and Hammerer to him, to free him from his chains, and let his reign begin!

And the cat came back! The very next day! The Cat CAME BACK! They thought he wasnt real but the cat came back! And now he will have his way!

Spoonboy went to stop the cat, though he was not sure why. Tosanu the mad overlord, clearly had to die! He knew the cat was the way to bring this to an end. But when he came the room was empty, the cat slipped past again.....
And the cat came back! The very next day. The cat came back! He wrote a note to order and the cat came back! Those against him will have to pay.....

ooc: somehow, what really amuses me is the number of badly hurt war dogs. Theyre the remnants of the last siege, but with war cats EVERYWHERE, it looks..........worrisome.
And when Autumn came, Markus' wound immediatly healed one step. This kid has serious healing powers. Is he the Wolverine of dwarves?