Part 15: Lament of the Third-Strongest Mole
Part 13: Lament of the Third-Strongest Mole
The mine was dark and unbelievably large. Winding passageways led us around in circles, and hissing snakes lurked in the darkness.

Our footsteps echoed in the expanse of the cave. This was unbelievable. Trapped in some kind of ancient labyrinth, beneath the surface of the earth, hunting monsters for a guy we barely knew. At least the cave was relatively cool compared to the baking heat of the desert above. I was brought out of my thoughts by a loud clattering noise as I kicked something in the path and it slid into the rocky wall. Bending down, I picked it up.

It was a long, hard object like a club, but it was a dingy white, dotted with little nicks and indentations, and it had a rough knob on one end, like a...

Startled, I dropped the bone. My heard thudding in my chest, I knelt down along with Paula and Jeff and inspected it closer.

Suddenly, a low rumble distracted us. A few feet away, our answer was slowly emerging from underground. A huge, hairy gray mole was digging its way out, its matted, filthy head appearing amidst a small pile of what could only be more bones. I felt sick. The moles had been eating the miners, and now Montague had sent us in to deal with it. The mole stood at its full height and laughed smugly.

Jeff apparently wasn't quite as paralyzed with terror as I was, as a sudden bolt of electricity from his gun had cut whatever the mole had to say next short. Growling angrily, it lunged, still smoking from where Jeff's attack had singed its fur. I shoved it back with a psychic attack and it toppled over, dazed.
I followed up with a swing of my bat, pounding its ribs a bit, before the mole was able to right itself. We were ready, however, and the three of us finished it off. It lay bloody and still atop its left-behind human remains.

Before we could even get started again, a second mole emerged from the hole.

With a remarkable sense of déjá vu, we battled this mole. He seemed exactly as strong as the one before, and as he lay battered and coughing, he started laughing.

As if on cue, another mole immediately burst through the wall. He bent over the body of the other two and glared at us.

I'm sure you can imagine how this went on. There were five moles in all, and one after another, they kept coming, each claiming to be the third strongest. Frankly, it was bizarre, and more than a little tedious. Finally, we had dealt a finishing blow to the final mole.

Exhausted, we trudged our way through the confusing tunnels and finally emerged into the desert. The sun was setting and the sky was a beautiful orange bleeding into the inky purple darkness of night. Gerardo Montague was sitting outside his shack gazing at the sunset. When he saw us, he toppled over in shock.

We began trudging our way back towards Fourside. At least with the day turning quickly to night, it wasn't as hot as it might have been, and we made it back to town without passing out. We flopped onto a park bench, utterly exhausted.

We were pondering what to do when a large backhoe came driving across the suspension bridge. With a noisy hiss it came to a halt and a slightly pudgy man in a hard hat came tramping toward us.

He thrust a dusty cloth sack into my hands.

He shot me a glare and traipsed off to his backhoe, and drove off towards the desert.

Distracted, I had almost forgotten about it. Inside the bag was a small wad of bills, probably three hundred dollars, and a glistening diamond, presumably retrieved from the mine.

We checked into a comfortable three-bedroom suite, and still feeling fairly dazed, I had my first shower in God knows how long. As I lay on the bed staring at the late-night news broadcast, I started to think about everything that had happened and the situation we were in now. How long had it really been since I left home? How long since my life was turned upside-down and my mind had started destroying things and every animal and inanimate object and most of the people I passed by was trying to kill me?
And now here I was, in Fourside, the biggest city in Eagleland, countless miles from my hometown. A hometown that I might not ever even see again, for fear of police action against me or my family, who still lived peacefully in Onett, completely unaware of anything that had happened.
My eye settled on the sleek black hotel phone on my bedside table. I hesitated for only a moment, then before I knew it, my fingers were dialing the number and my eyes were blurred with tears.

The next morning, a very refreshed-looking Jeff and Paula greeted me in the hotel lobby.

It seemed that Paula and Jeff had had a good nights rest as well, and we were all in high spirits as we walked across town to the Topolla Theater. Once again, we strode into the managers' office and asked about the Runaway Fives' contract.

She stopped abruptly as I produced the shining diamond and laid it on her desk. Her eyes bugged out and she stared at me in disbelief.

The look on her face told me she was lying, but it really didn't matter. She took out the contract from her desk drawer and tore it into shreds.

The Runaway Five's Farewell Performance - Featuring The Lovely Venus
Google Video / Backup

After the show, which was amazing as usual, we met with Lucky and Gorgeous outside as they loaded their gear onto their beat-up tour bus.

Lucky and Gorgeous shook mine and Jeff's hands, and Paula gave them each a hug before they puttered off in their van.

Next time: Ness meets an old friend and loses a new one! Don't miss it!