Part 24: Belch Harder
Part 22: Belch Harder

With our massive companion, we trudged through the desert toward the swamp that would lead us to the Deep Darkness. Just as the shore came into view, however, we ran into trouble.

Fortunately we were nearby a small canal where we could set the submarine in the water and drive through the swamp. Together, we hauled the submarine out of the dungeon and splashed it into the water. We climbed in, and Jeff began to pilot the submarine through the murky water.

Soon, we couldn't see out of the portholes. The water had quickly turned thick and darkened to a deep brownish-black color. The submarine slowed to a crawl as it sloshed through the swamp.

Jeff was silent. He seemed extremely focused on controlling the sub. I started to feel kinda bad about Jeff. Being the only one who knew anything about machinery or electronics, he always got roped into doing things like piloting helicopters and flying saucers, not to mention fixing everything in sight. Then we all put ourselves in whatever he had fixed or was piloting and just assumed it would be fine. He must be under a lot of pressure, with our lives being in his hands more or less constantly.
Finally, after a very tense half-hour or so, we felt the bottom of the sub scrape along the floor of the swamp. We surfaced, opened the hatch, and peered outside. The air was thick and humid, and a stagnant odor wafted across the swamp, which was shrouded in darkness. Monkeys scampered here and there, swinging through the trees or traipsing through the overgrown weeds.

We began to wade in the thick swampy waters as we pressed into the Deep Darkness. Before long, we were sloshing almost waist-deep in the thick muck, and it was so dark we couldn't see a foot in front of us.

She was right. I took the hawk eye out of my backpack, wondering how this was supposed to work. The hieroglyph had said that one with the hawk eye could pierce the darkness...I was starting to wonder if it was just a metaphor, when the hawk eye began to glow.

It quickly escalated into a blinding beacon of bright light. The last of the shadows receded, and we could see the swamp laid out before us. The light from the hawk eye faded and I stowed it back in my backpack.

The light helped a bit, but it didn't change the fact that most of the Deep Darkness was deep, nearly impassible muck. We trudged through, making very little headway and getting filthy in the process. As we sloshed through I noticed slight ripples and movements in the water around us. We were not alone.

Paula suddenly yelled out in pain and jerked backwards, nearly falling over in the sludge. I grabbed her quickly and noticed she was shaking.

We found the culprits, a pair of beady-eyed eels crackling with electricity. We had to dispatch them with psychic attacks, as the muck slowed us down way too much to dodge them or attack with our weapons.
Moving on, we found a bit of dry land at last. Here, huge, colorful plants had blossomed among the overgrown tangle of plants at the base of the thick trees. We were sitting for a moment, resting and eating some of the bean croquettes from earlier, when one of the plants sprung to life and whipped at us threateningly with its vines.

Of course, it was just a flower after all, and we beat into submission rather quickly.
We hadn't bothered cleaning the sludge off our feet and legs, because immediately we were back to wading in the thick swamp.
Suddenly, we caught a glimpse of something yellow and shiny in the distance up ahead. We trudged our way up to it, and realized what it was.

We managed to stay on dry land for a little bit longer, fighting off a few more carnivorous plants amid the bright greenery along the way. At this point, we had been trudging through the swamp for hours, and we were all pretty tired. We were also a little worried about getting stuck in the swamp overnight. It was starting to get dark already.
Gradually, we became aware of the swamp getting thicker, the muck at the bottom getting stickier, and our feet took a little longer to pry up each time we set them down. Our feet were now making thick sucking sounds as they rose up out of the gooey floor below.

Eventually we were slowed to a crawl as we laboriously yanked our feet out of the muck and inched forward. Soon after that, we were completely stuck.

And then, bubbles began to erupt up from the water a few feet in front of us. A horrible odor, the worst one so far, started to rise from the water. A low, rumbling laugh started echoing from somewhere. Then the water broke, and the laughter burst out loud and clear. Rising slowly from the murky waters, laughing mockingly at us, was Master Belch.

I went to lunge at him, but my feet were still held in place in the muck and I nearly fell over.

I felt the goo locking my feet in place start to rise. It was approaching my knees. Belch grinned maliciously. If he thought we were going down this easily, he was very mistaken.

I fired a burst of psychic energy at him. It buffeted him around but his gelatinous shape reformed. Paula did the same, and even as a blast of psychic fire caused his gooey hide to bubble and sizzle, he was laughing at us. Jeff's explosives met with similar failure. He absorbed the bursts into his body and seemingly wasn't hurt at all. Things were looking really bad, considering the muck was now up to our stomachs and still rising.
Suddenly a shape appeared overhead. A figure dropped down from the sky and landed with a splash beside us. It was Poo!

Poo's voice echoed as he unleashed his new ability on Belch. It was an amazing spectacle as dozens of blinding stars shot from Poo's outstretched hands and bombarded Belch with amazing force. His laughter quickly turned to howls of agony as he was blasted apart, bit by bit, by the exploding starstorm.

Boss Battle: Master Barf
When all of the shimmering stars had popped and fizzled out, Belch was obliterated, and our feet were free again. We all ran to Poo and threw our arms around him in joy.

And so, reunited with Poo, we continued our journey through the swamp.

Belch must have been waiting for us at the tail end of the swamp, because we only had to walk for about an hour or so to reach solid ground, where a dark cave was waiting in the cool gray rock wall.

Inside, we saw dozens of...people? They were small, green beings, with little thin arms and small, wide eyes that seemed to dart around reluctant to meet ours.

All of the little beings seemed to blush and scatter throughout the cave, hiding behind various objects, only to peek out at us a moment later.

The little guys weren't moving. We walked up to one and could just barely hear it mutter under its breath...

Stepping further into the cave we could see the little green people had a whole village set up in the cave, even a hot spring.

The little people simply averted their gaze and kind of shuffled their feet on the ground a little. I decided to take that as a 'no', and so we washed our feet and legs off in the refreshing hot spring waters.
Exploring their cavernous village, we were approached by one of the little guys who didn't seem to have a problem with talking to us.

Dejected, we thanked the talkative Tenda and stepped outside. We were about to teleport away when the receiver phone rang.

Suddenly the line went dead.

Before I could respond, the phone rang again.

Not bothering to respond, I hung up.

Next time: Ness storms the Stonehenge base! Don't miss it!