Part 26: Lightning Bolts & Library Books
Part 24: Lightning Bolts & Library Books

We rested for the night at Dr. Andonuts' lab. Over caveman-served hot chocolate the next morning, Dr. Andonuts started talking.

A long silence filled the lab as we took in what Dr. Andonuts had said. Finally, Paula turned to me and spoke.

Poo nodded solemnly. We finished our breakfast and stepped out into the fresh-fallen snow. Moments later, we were skidding to a halt along a worn pathway. I blinked in the sudden brightness of the sun, and looked around. Dalaam was a beautiful land; lush green grass and blue skies. People milled about here and there, seemingly unperturbed by our entrance. Around us, clouds floated lazily, and I remembered my vision of Dalaam from when we had first met Poo. The entire kingdom was floating on soft, pink clouds.

Poo led us down a winding, zig-zag road to the edge of the floating island. There were, indeed, several black statues of large, humanoid rabbits blocking the entrance to a cave.

I dug around in my backpack for a moment and produced the wrought-iron carrot-shaped key we had found in Fourside. Shoving aside a brief flicker of confusion wondering what in the world this key was doing in Fourside, I advanced towards the rabbits with the key outstretched.

Suddenly the nearest rabbit statue reached out a stone arm and grabbed the key right out of my hands.

A smile crossed the faces of the group of rabbits, then they simply faded into nothingness.

The cave was narrow and slightly cramped, but the ceiling seemed impossibly high. Every footstep echoed and every word we spoke seemed like an explosion. Jagged cliffs were connected via worn ropes, which hung here and there. The air seemed to hum with a hidden energy, and I felt instantly that I was being watched. As I took in the cave, soft flashes of light caught my eye. They flickered here and there from no discernable source. Slightly nervous, we began to journey through the cave.

Suddenly a flash of light illuminated the cave not three feet away from us. A small tuft of fog drifted lazily by. As we watched it, it grew and expanded, until a small cloud was floating gently through the air towards us.

I think I made it angry, because two furious eyes popped out of the fluffy white cloud and with a crash of thunder, it shot out a crackling bolt of electricity, making me leap quickly out of the way. The bolt crackled into the sandy floor of the cave and left a blackened scorch behind. I quickly drew my bat and swung at it. My bat swished through the middle of the cloud, dividing it into two halves which blew about lazily. Electricity crackled from the disjointed cloud, and I whipped my bat around ineffectively, succeeding only in making the misty cloud swirl around like smoke from a cigarette.

Paula shot a quick burst of freezing ice at the cloud, causing it to condense. The swirls of fog drifted together into a thick mass of icy crystals, which finally became too heavy to float, and crashed to the ground in a thousand pieces.

Seeing as none of us really had any idea where to go, we climbed one of the long ropes suspended from the cliffs here and there. At the top, we found more soft lights illuminating the darkness of the cave. We also heard an odd sound coming from somewhere, as if someone was playing a flute somewhere very far away.

My question was answered as a long, snakelike creature appeared out of thin air. Its thin fingers gripped a flute, and its head was that of a humans', beard and all. It played a slow tune on its flute as it swayed in midair. I began to feel drowsy, and realized that the odd being was hypnotizing me. I tried to reach for my bat, but my arms wouldn't listen. My body grew sluggish. Around me, I could see it affecting my friends as well. Paula teetered on her feet, Jeff had drooped to his knees, and Poo was fighting his head as it dipped up and down, trying to maintain focus. My mind was still functioning, though, and I realized I had to fight back. Struggling through the haze of drowsiness threatening to overcome me, I set off a burst of PSI rocking, focusing on the new name Dr. Andonuts had given our powers to help me stay conscious. A painful shriek came from the spirits' flute as my bursting lights enveloped it, blasting it away. Released from the stupor, I shook my head and helped Jeff to his feet.

Undaunted, we continued on, and past a few more ropes, we encountered the tell-tale flicker of a Sanctuary guardian. Great, I thought, at least we didn't do all this for nothing. It would've sucked to come here and discover this wasn't even a Sanctuary.

As we prepared for battle, the lights grew dim, and suddenly a bolt of lightning shot down from the sky, and a brilliant flash of light blinded us. As our eyes recovered, we saw two smoke-like spirits, one white, one yellow, entwined before us. A low laughter filled the air as they swirled about to face us.

The yellow spirit swung its hand out and a violent blast of lightning came blasting out of his fingertips at us. I could feel the hair below my baseball cap standing on end as I narrowly dodged out of the way. We wasted no time attacking the spirits with a variety of psychic attacks. The spirits seemed able to weather any assault. Poo's Starstorm technique left them reeling, but within moments they were back to full steam, spitting out lightning bolts, blowing violent gusts of wind, and laughing madly. Jeff's explosives seemed to have even less effect, and his ray gun blasts were easily evaded by the wispy-thin spirits.

I was wondering what we were going to do about these enemies, when Paula decided to surprise us. Apparently she had learned a new trick somewhere along the way, because after dodging one of the spirit's lightning bolts, she aimed her hands at them and fired of a crackling electrical blast of her own. She must have surprised the guardian, because the bolt hit it head-on and it wavered in the air, its mask-like grin contorting into a pained grimace. Suddenly an idea hit me.

I slung my backpack to the ground and quickly began rummaging through it. I tossed aside a pencil eraser, an eraser eraser and the crinkled wrappers of two or three peanut cheese bars as Jeff's bazooka once again shook the earth with its explosions.

Finally, underneath a crumpled travel brochure from Summers, my hand closed on a small, metallic disk. Quickly, I stood up and faced the spirits.

My friends turned and looked at me like I was insane. As I expected, the spirits turned to me and shot off a terrible blast of electricity right at me. I stood my ground.

Paula knew what I was planning. I guess it made sense, after all, she gave me the Franklin Badge way back in Twoson. Here we were, on the other side of the world in a dangerous cave on a floating land, it was saving my butt again. The attack reflected off the badge pinned to my shirt and was sent streaming through the air right back at the amazed spirits. An ear-splitting crack split the air as the bolt coursed through their gaseous bodies, which finally disintegrated into nothingness. The soft light returned to the cave, and a door appeared in the rock behind the guardian.
Boss Battle: Thunder and Storm
Google Video / Backup

Tossing the erasers back in my backpack, I joined my friends as we stepped through the door and found ourselves walking on air...

Almost, anyway. A soft, spongy pink cloud stretched out before us, and as we stepped out onto it and looked around, we could see how it stretched around the rocky underside of Dalaam, supporting it miles above the earth.

I felt the Sound Stone in my pocket reverberate with another segment of the melody, which by now was almost complete. I could feel it; we were nearing the end of our journey. Beyond the Deep Darkness lay the Lost Underworld. According to the hieroglyphs, that was where our enemies were waiting. There was no way to put it off any longer. I had to go back to Onett, or we would never be able to save the world.

I was brought out of my deep thought by Paula gently tapping my shoulder.

A quick teleport later, we screeched to a halt in front of the Onett Library, in the familiar grassy green fields just down the road from my house.

I ducked inside the library, feeling extremely paranoid. My friends followed, and we began searching the shelves for the book "Overcoming Shyness". Of course, Apple Kid hadn't told us who wrote the book, and Onett's library was arranged by the author's name, so we had a tough time ahead of us. As we searched the shelves, I told my friends a little bit about Onett.

My heart sank into my stomach.

My friends looked at me, deep in thought. Jeff mumbled "sorry" under his breath, and went back to the shelves.

She giggled at that and her face turned slightly pink.

After what seemed like hours, we finally found the book. After my friends assured me the coast was clear, I stuck my head out of the library into the orange light of the setting sun. Moments later, we were gone, teleporting back to the shy Tenda's village with their salvation in my backpack.
Next time: Sippin' on Tenda Tea! Don't miss it!