Part 27: The Writing On The Wall
Part 25: The Writing On The Wall

We teleported to the grassy knoll just outside of the entrance to the strange Tenda's cavernous village. Stepping into the cool, mossy cave, we saw all the little green fellows looking shyly at their feet once again. Our footsteps echoing in the quiet cave, we made our way towards the back, where the only Tenda not afflicted by their overwhelming shyness was. We recognized him right away, as he spoke up and greeted us.

He led us over to a large, stone table, where a slightly taller Tenda with a large scepter was standing at the head.

I unzipped my backpack and brought out the book. I gave it to the Tenda chieftan, and his small, beady eyes immediately lit up.

The Tenda chief was calling all of the Tendas over to him as we headed for the hotel, which was certainly a hole in the wall.

We sat on the cool, hard floor and eventually nodded off to sleep.

In the morning, we woke up to the buzz of conversation. It seemed the book had worked, as little groups of Tenda had gathered and were chatting happily with each other. We approached the chief, Tendas waving at us all the while.

And so, we strolled about the cave, listening to the Tendas new-found social interactions.

Back at the chief's table, a cheerful Tenda approached us with a steaming teacup on a saucer.

I hesitated for a moment, remembering the 'coffee' I had back in Saturn Valley, but the little guy was just too cute. I didn't want to offend the Tendas, so I took a deep sip of the warm tea. I thought surely it couldn't be the same as before, right?
Oh, how wrong I was.
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Some time later, I felt myself being shaken awake by Paula.

The Tenda chief walked up to us, laughing.

He held out a large stone bowl, full of what looked like sauerkraut, with an incredibly rank smell wafting off of it.

The Tenda chief was looking confused at me. I didn't want to upset them.

I led my friends around the corner, waving cheerfully at the Tenda chief.

Digging in my backpack, I found an old thermos that used to have some lemonade in it. I poured the Tendakraut inside and sealed the lid tight.

We walked up to the big rock at the back of the cave. Next to it, a Tenda was flexing his thin, stick-like arms.

He hoisted the huge boulder over his head...somehow, and slammed it to the ground off to the side, revealing a rope leading down a deep, dark hole.

We clapped politely for the powerful Tenda, who was bowing and flexing his muscles. Then we climbed down the rope into the darkness below.

We found ourselves in a small cave dotted with mushrooms. A large, black rock jutted from the ground in the center. As we walked up to it, I noticed it almost looked like it had a face carved into its rough, rocky surface.

I guess I shouldn't have been surprised, after everything else that had happened on this journey. A talking rock really wasn't any stranger than a talking mouse, or a talking pile of vomit, or a talking bee from the future.

The rock grinned and didn't say anything else, so we continued on through the cave. Immediately we noticed a difference, as the ground here was soft, like soil, and the light was dim.

The little red monsters were gibbering and headbutting us in the shins. It was really more irritating than painful, but there were so many of them, we really didn't have much of a choice but to stomp them into goo and keep walking.

The cave was long and winding, and full of persistant little gobs.

The rock closed its stone eyes and spoke no more.

We wandered through the cave for a bit longer, and finally found ourselves before a familiar flickering light.

My friends nodded, and a short walk later, we stood before the second-to-last Sanctuary guardian.

A horrible metallic screech split the air, and a loud thud from above drew our attention. Loud, clanging footsteps announced the arrival of the Guardian, and we looked around to see what opposition we would face this time.

Suddenly, in a cloud of dust, a blocky, angular figure slammed to the ground before us.

The weird robot-thing squawked and swung a rectangular arm at us. Shards of rock flew everywhere as it slammed into the rock wall beside us. We scattered and fell back. The screeching being charged us head-on. I threw up a quick psychic shield over my friends, and the robot slammed into it. It pounded on the purple wall of energy for a moment, emitting a high whistling screech all the while. Suddenly it aimed its blocky arm at us and a strange beam shot out and pierced my shield, which abruptly shattered in a million pieces and vanished.

So we decided to go on the offensive. I charged the robot with my bat, the beat-up wood smacking off the metal surface with deep clanging noises, leaving small dents here and there. Jeff was leaving black scorch marks and tiny holes in the robot's casing with his ray gun. Poo ran up with me and began pummeling the steel creature with punches and kicks. Paula was hanging back, firing off charges of lightning bolts. One of her attacks hit the robot a scant few inches away from my face.

Suddenly I felt a heavy blow to the back of my head and I was lifted off the ground and sent flying. The robot had seized on my distraction and nailed me with one of its big, rectangular hands. Stars danced before my eyes as I skidded off the ground and hit the rock wall. I watched, upside down, as the robot seemed to laugh.
That was its downfall, as Poo took his opportunity to launch a powerful Starstorm attack while the robot's back was turned. With the wounds it had already sustained, the attack was too much for it, and its body burst apart in a rain of sparks. Paula ran over to me.

Boss Battle: Electro Specter
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Paula helped me to my feet, and I stumbled over to the junked remains of the robot, where Jeff was milling through the pile of scrap.

Jeff salvaged a few choice pieces of the robot, and we continued. We found another dark hole at the end of the cavern, and slid down it into what seemed like another world.

The cave was dark, except for a strange unearthly green glow emanating from the wall. It seemed to pulse lighter and darker with a slow rhythm, like a heartbeat.
As we got closer, we saw that the wall was coated with a layer of softly glowing moss.

Entranced by the glowing display, we walked on, to a large, open area. Something stopped me here, as the Sound Stone began to thrum in my pocket. One more to go, I thought.

Comedy Option

Up ahead was a large hole, like before. Without thinking, we started to slide down it. Still feeling somewhat strange from the effects of the glowing hallway, I was quickly brought back to reality when we dropped out of the hole and found ourselves freefalling in mid-air, surrounded by clouds, the ground nowhere in sight below us.
Next time: Ness hits the ground! Don't miss it!