Part 30: Hitting Close To Home
Part 28: Hitting Close To Home

Following the voice in my head, we teleported to Saturn Valley, a place we'd all missed quite a bit since leaving it so long ago. Poo, of course, had never been, but he didn't seem at all phased by the odd Mr. Saturns that paced here and there.

It didn't take us long before we realized why we were meant to come here. At the center of the valley, Apple Kid, Dr. Andonuts, Mr. Saturn, and for whatever reason, Gerard Montague were gathered around a large, silver contraption standing on the grass. It looked like a big, metal Mr. Saturn, with a small hatch set into the side. They turned, startled to see us there.

A bit nervous, we filed into the contraption. It seemed to be modeled after the Sky Runner, as it was a bit cramped inside. Jeff once again sat at the controls, pressed some buttons, and the machine whirred to life.

Suddenly a bright red buzzer alarm began beeping, and the whole craft started shaking. Bolts were rattling loose from overhead, and soon black smoke was pouring out of a vent, filling the craft.

We slung the hatch open and collapsed, our faces black with soot, in a heap on the verdant grass of Saturn Valley.

I was all too right. When we arrived in Onett, we found it much different than we remembered. Black clouds blotted out the sun and barely perceptible shapes flitted between them. The streets of Onett were deserted; no cars, no people, not even any of the crazy animals that had attacked me when I left home. Somewhere in the distance, sirens were wailing.

My hands clenched into fists.

I broke into a run, leaving my friends to catch up. All I could think about was getting home and making sure my family was alright.

It felt like an eternity as I sped to my front door. The entire path up to my house was just as deserted and dark as the rest of Onett.

The door was locked. I dug my house key out of my backpack and as quietly as I could, opened the door and let me and my friends come inside. I locked the door back, just in case, and took a few steps into the darkened living room. It looked pretty much how I remembered it.

A bumping noise behind the couch turned our attention there. Out popped my mom and sister, both looking suspicious. My sister was wearing a metal colander like some kind of helmet, and both of them were holding golf clubs up threateningly.

I ran and gave them both a big hug.

Poo bowed before my family, who seemed amused both at his demeanor and his name.

I looked down. I had forgotten about the tattered hole in my shirt. I didn't have the heart to tell my mom what had caused it, so I simply nodded, and ran upstairs to my room and changed shirts. When I came back, my mom was standing with a tray full of sandwiches.

Grinning, I took the sandwiches and stuffed our packs full of them.

I can't be sure, but I think I saw her give Paula a very short wink as we were leaving.
As we approached the summit of the hill behind my house, the sky became ever more threatening. Suddenly a beam shot down from above, and we dove out of the way into a nearby bush.

True enough, it wasn't harming the grass as it swooped back and forth. I looked up at the source of the beam, and saw a tiny silver speck in the sky, as if a UFO were soaring high overhead. Before I could open my mouth, the beam swooped over us, and a loud siren blared.

We scrambled out of the bush, scratching our legs on branches, but it was too late. We had been spotted. Already, strange creatures were being beamed down to attack us. Some of them were familiar, like the multi-tentacled creatures and the octopus-like robots, others were new to us.
None of this mattered at this point. The four of us together, combined with my new expanded power, were more than a match for these creatures.

A beast that seemed to be a gigantic eye on long, rubbery legs leaped at us. Its leathery foot hit me across the chest and shoved me down into the cool grass. It leered down at me, preparing to crush me underfoot, when a metallic clang rang through the air. Paula had slammed her frying pan so hard into the creature's leg it bent backwards on itself, and I scrambled to my feet. The eye-thing had toppled to the ground, and a quick swing of my bat left a splatter of green goo where the eye had been.

Meanwhile, Jeff and Poo were making short work of a clanking octo-bot, its whipping tentacles easily dodged by Poo's nimble feet, and its steel body filling with holes made by Jeff's ray gun. As it collapsed smoking to the ground, a shadowy figure blinked onto the ground before us. It was a Starman, shadowy black, with eerie glowing red behind its visor.

The robot gave a sort of choked, metallic laugh, and fired a blast of PSI fire at us. We were prepared, however, and we fanned out to surround the Starman, each attacking at once with our weapons of choice.

Sparking and disfigured, the shadowy Starman collapsed to the ground. I ran up, bat at the ready, to finish it off.

I didn't listen to another word it said, sending its robotic head soaring into the distance towards the library. With the Starman out of the way, our trek up to the top of the hill was unimpeded.

By now, the meteorite was quite cool, and I was easily able to reach out, break a chunk of it off, and stow it safely in my backpack.

We teleported off the hill and back to Saturn Valley, where we handed the shard of meteorite to Dr. Andonuts.

He shooed us away, as he and Apple Kid descended on the meteorite shard like a pair of mice that had just been given a new and exotic cheese. Shaking my head, I led my friends over to the Saturn's hotel, where the cheerful Mr. Saturn gave us a nice, big room free of charge.
We spent about two days in Saturn Valley as Dr. Andonuts and Apple Kid worked non-stop. A lot of the time, Jeff was helping as well, though he still seemed kind of awkward around his dad. The rest of us rested, enjoyed my mom's sandwiches, and practiced honing our psychic powers, doing our best not to set Saturn Valley on fire in the process. Finally, towards afternoon on the second day, Dr. Andonuts called us over.

Again, we clambered into the cramped silver shuttle. Jeff fired up the controls, and a quiet humming was a pleasant sound to hear compared to the violent shaking before. After a few seconds, the craft was ready to go. Jeff pressed the "transmit" button, and the craft started shaking slightly. Moments later, it was still.

Nervously, we stepped outside, and were shocked to realize we'd been here before.

It was simple enough to do-the area was a small cave, with nothing remarkable, aside from the odd silver spire and the aged, rusty wreck of the strange silver craft. Something was beginning to click in my head when the rubble moved slightly, and out popped a Mr. Saturn.

Deep in thought, we walked back towards the Phase Distorter, when an odd whooshing noise came from behind us. We turned and were shocked to see a third Phase Distorter materialize on the narrow shelf of land. Apple Kid and Dr. Andonuts shuffled out of it, and approached us.

There was a long silence as we pondered the implications of this. Finally Dr. Andonuts spoke again.

He trailed off, his eyes clouded and his face grave. He wandered to the edge of the cliff and stared pensively down into the abyss.

We were speechless, shocked at this entire turn of events. Poo had shut his eyes, apparently meditating deeply on the implications of this. Jeff was shaking a bit, and Paula had sat down, holding her head in one hand, looking deeply worried. I shook my head.

I nodded.

Somehow, we all crammed into the Saturn-shaped craft, Dr. Andonuts pressing the buttons to whisk us back to Saturn Valley. There, his Mr. Saturn assistants brought out an incomprehensible mesh of machinery attached to a long operating table.

Next time: The end of the road, a final confrontation, and an unlikely savior! Don't miss it (seriously)!