You are the one from my dreams. Then the stars were right, and this is the Let's Play.
Gods give me strength.

Oblivion, you say.
I do indeed!
Well, I'll be honest. Oblivion has a special place in my heart. A hate place. And I'm gonna take you there.
You hate this game?
Yes. It does a lot more wrong than it does right in my eyes, especially as compared to Morrowind or Skyrim.
Better get the mods out, eh?
Nope! We're gonna be playing through this shitshow just the way it was released, flaws and all.
Oh man, this game. I have so many things to say about it! Like the thing where-
Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We'll have plenty of time to talk about things as we come across them.
Table of Contents
- The Elder Updates I - Can you hear me, Uriel? It's me, Sterv
- The Elder Updates II - Khajiit Like To Torial, Part 1
- The Elder Updates III - Khajiit Like To Torial, Part 2
- The Elder Updates IV - Sterv: Cat in the City
- The Elder Updates V - Close your eyes and think of Oblivion combat
- The Elder Updates VI - As the Crow Flies
- The Elder Updates VII - I Can't Believe It's Not Hell!®
- The Elder Updates VIII - Quit Yer Kvatching
- The Elder Updates IX - The Ramble to Anvil
- The Elder Updates X - Yo Ho Ho
- The Elder Updates XI - To Crowhaven!
- The Elder Updates XII - An Inauspicious Knife in the Dark
- The Elder Updates XIII - Onward to Leyawiin
- The Elder Updates XIV - More Madgod, More Mazoga
- The Elder Updates XV - Whom Gods Unintentionally Give a Huge Advantage
- The Elder Updates XVI - Dark Fraternizing
- The Elder Updates XVII - Dark Derail
- The Elder Updates XVIII - Dark Doodles, Volume 1
- The Elder Updates XIX - Dark Doodles, Volume 2
- The Elder Updates XX - Dark Dropheadsmanship
- The Elder Updates XXI - I'm going to murder you to Dreth
- The Elder Updates XXII - Okay No Another Quest is Fine
- The Elder Updates XXIII - What do you mean Naked Snake did it first?
- The Elder Updates XXIV - Spire Sweet Spire
- The Elder Updates XXV - Cat Arena Helm
- The Elder Updates XXVI - Poor Old Thoronir
- The Elder Updates XXVII - These quests can eat a dick
- The Elder Updates XXVIII - Bruma is Terrible
- The Elder Updates XXIX - Road to Recommendation, Part 1 (addendum)
- The Elder Updates XXX - Road to Recommendation, Part 2
- The Elder Updates XXXI - Khajiit Hate to Cave
- The Elder Updates XXXII - Road to Recommendation, Part 3
- The Elder Updates XXXIII - Sometimes Dungeons are Okay
- The Elder Updates XXXIV - Road to Recommendation, Part 4
- The Elder Updates XXXV - On to Bravil
- The Elder Updates XXXVI - Quest of My Dreams
- The Elder Updates XXXVII - Road to Recommendation, Part 5
- The Elder Updates XXXVIII - Getting our Prioryties Straight
- The Elder Updates XXXIX - Kvatch Rocket
- The Elder Updates XL - Just a Bit of Progress
- The Elder Updates XLI - Hope you like books
- The Elder Updates XLII - On the Gateth Day of Christmas
- The Elder Updates XLIII - Gated Progression
- The Elder Updates XLIV - Bruma Beat
- The Elder Updates XLV - This Update is Gross
- The Elder Updates XLVI - Gearin' Up
- The Elder Updates XLVII - I'm a Champion
- The Elder Updates XLVIII - No Gates, No Glory
- The Elder Updates XLIX - Off To Cheydinhal
- The Elder Updates L - Skoomurder
- The Elder Updates LI - Khajiit Hate to Gate
- The Elder Updates LII - sutch murder, very stealth
- The Elder Updates LIV - A Spot of Thievery
- The Elder Updates LV - Thieving and Murdering
- The Elder Updates LVI - Dark Developments
- The Elder Updates LVII - Spooky Story Skeletons
- The Elder Updates LVIII - Wherein Sterv gets clawed at by Everscamps
- The Elder Updates LIX - MS Sleep Deprivation
- The Elder Updates LX - Resolution, Baby
- The Elder Updates LXI - No Chorrolation
- The Elder Updates LXII - Obliviennui
- The Elder Updates LXIII - Still More Guilding
- The Elder Updates LXIV - Inspector Sterv and the Case of the Unscrupulous Usurer
- The Elder Updates LXV - Reality check
- The Elder Updates LXVI - Aaaaaand Jump Cut!
- The Elder Updates LXVII - RP-Walking
- The Elder Updates LXVIII - Really though, Lord Rugdumph is the best
- The Elder Updates LXIX - Hist 101
- The Elder Updates LXX - Obliviend
- The Elder Updates LXXI - Into Madness
- The Elder Updates LXXII - Literally just a link to Crunchyroll so you can watch JoJo
- The Elder Updates LXXIII - In Stitches
- The Elder Updates LXXIV - Khajiit Like to Speak
- The Elder Updates LXXV - Duality is a Thing
- The Elder Updates LXXVI - Fungeons and Fashions
- The Elder Updates LXXVII - Progress?
Daedric Fanartifacts

Little Ampton drew a sketchy Sterv.

curiousTerminal fiddled with the character creation sliders...

...inspiring me to see what Sterv would look like if character voting had gone a little differently.

MSPaint Sterv was been cropped and immortalized by

Then curiousTerminal made his eyes wander.

Aerdan made what looks kind of like some off-brand European version of our hero.

curiousTerminal delivers again with what I can only describe as Radiant A-Eye.

InspectorSands' cat is Sterv.

Forgall gives us a peeking Sterv, which is not a kind of Chinese food.

I offer an explanation as to why my updates are slowing down.
MeccaPrime made a thing. We don't know why he made a thing, but he made a thing.

Nyan Sterv is a beautiful group effort from beru04, curiousTerminal, and MeccaPrime.

Ghostwoods had a horrible dream about our hero, and felt the need to share it with us.

Sterv's head, surfing on a shield? Okay, Sundowner.

Yes, Sundowner, I did take off my uniform.

kalonZombie drew a comic on the facial changes that come with vampirism.

This is your player character, courtesy of kalonZombie.

This is your player character on

Metaligatr has been responsible for two treasures in this thread: a very lucky Sterv, and an all-too-accurate representation of the player's role in the main questline.