Part 5: The Elder Updates V - Close your eyes and think of Oblivion combat
Close your eyes and think of Oblivion combat
Hmm...I've got 169 Septims.

Hardly a fortune.

A Thieves Guild? I'll keep that in mind.
I kinda like the idea of the Black Horse Courier, but my biggest problem with it is that there's only a handful of stories, and they're only available from the Imperial City. That said, it's a good idea, so credit where credit's-
man fuck you Bethesda I wanted more Black Horse Courier

Oblivion's Not That Bad Points: -2

For now, though, I might just see how lucrative fighting can be.

That said, I should gather some information on the Thieves Guild if I can.

The Waterfront, eh? That's a good lead indeed, but for now I've got easier money to fry.

Hmmmm...? Are those two...sparring?

I think I'll watch.

Yes, by standing and watching these two people punch each other for about a minute, you gain 5 Hand to Hand points. I'm not about to complain about the boost itself, but who would even know to do that?
Oblivion's Not That Bad Points: -3

And what's this? Tough lock for some aspiring combatants.

Really gonna have to reach if I'm gonna pick this without being seen.
Thanks to the guards, you can only pick the lock on this chest without being seen by getting behind a crate and a pillar and interacting with the three or so pixels you can actually reach of the chest's corner. What the fuck, game?
Oblivion's Not That Bad Points: -4

Hah! No match for my patience.

Ohoho. Interesting.
That having been said, the Bands of Kwang Lao own. 20 points of Hand to Hand is a hefty enchantment indeed, and you can bet your ass I'll be using it.
Oblivion's Not That Bad Points: -3

And one of my favorite stories, too.

Now. Combat.

First, to grab my gear.

Yes. This helmet is better.
And, being Heavy Armor, it'll cover our need for raising Endurance.

Hey, I've seen this guy before.

Those beady little eyes, man. Rest assured we haven't seen the UGLY orcs yet, though.

Training from the Grand Champion would be a worthy prize indeed.


Okay, let's be honest here - I'm doing six Arena fights in this update, and I can't be assed to try and make it interesting. For those of you who want to see the fights, I've included videos. For those of you who don't, please refer to the update title. Here's the first fight!


The Basin of Renewal will heal you, but only after winning a fight. No need to sleep, I guess!

Ladies and gentlemen, the second fight.


Gotta treat your gear well.
It's worth pointing out that our Armorer skill isn't enough for us to repair enchanted gear like the Arena Raiment yet. Some day!

Surprise, surprise, it's fight the third! This is a fight to advance to the next rank, but the game didn't see fit to tell us about that for whatever reason.

That wasn't so hard.

Knock knock! Who's there? The next fight!

Awful lot of arrows being shot this update, and they're sending us hurtling towards Level 2.

Well, this could be interesting. Fight number five, start!

Or not. I guess they nerfed them to make it more fair.

I could use a rest anyway.

And now, the sixth and final fight this update! I HIGHLY recommend you watch this one even if you skipped over the others, since I manage to get down to some shenanigans.

Whoa, okay. Somehow by using Eye of Fear, this guy counted as an innocent. Things are gonna get interesting now!


Okay, I managed to fuck that up.

The re-fight went mostly the same, except my Eye of Fear whiffed, so no discussing that message we got just yet! Sorry, guys!

On the bright side, though, we can now level up!

First, let's check our vitals. Sterv is a squishy, squishy kitty.

And that's why Endurance is gonna be our best friend. Since it affects how much Health we earn when we level up, we're gonna have to pump that number up to get some respectable durability. I also want Sterv to be a better caster, so Intelligence and Willpower round out this level. Your Magicka pool is always twice your Intelligence score - nothing like the Health gains-per-level that scale with Endurance. Willpower, as you may have guessed, is just to help his regen along so we can cast more often.
One more thing: now that we've got that quest from Agronak, it's only fair to ask if we should stay the course and go to Vilverin, or go take on Crowhaven with our newfound stats? Voting will close in about three hours.
Cat Stats
Class skills
Block: 26
Blunt: 25
Destruction: 27
Acrobatics: 40
Light Armor: 41
Marksman: 33
Speechcraft: 30
Not class skills
Armorer: 10
Athletics: 18
Blade: 13
Hand To Hand: 21
Heavy Armor: 9
Alchemy: 21
Alteration: 13
Conjuration: 6
Illusion: 5
Mysticism: 10
Restoration: 9
Mercantile: 13
Security: 20
Sneak: 22
Those little bars in the corner of the screen
Health: 73
Magicka: 100
Fatigue: 175