Part 22: The Elder Updates XXII - Okay No Another Quest is Fine
To Kill a Shadowscale
Ahh, a job well done. I believe I SHALL take a rest. All this murdering is beginning to feel like work.

Excellent. This is just what I needed. Surely Scar-Tail suspects nothing; I can take this task at my own pace, do some things for ME.

First, I will put in some time at the Mages Guild.
Okay No Another Quest is Fine

Fancy. A bit cramped, but fancy.


I'll just be taking these, for myyyyyy...

My, errrr...


Yes. Plausible.

And this must be a...gathering room, of sorts.

...oh! As long as I'm among mages, I should ask about THAT.

Hmmm...he looks like a Falcar.

This is all very suspicious. I should be prepared for anything.

Hmm. Instead of using a Feather spell, I'll just store my equipment before heading into the well. The ring can't be heavier than a set of Dwarven armor.
I can't see Feather being very useful as a spell, unless you're of the mind to re-cast it and keep it up. Seems like a bother.

This could be useful. And fun!
Gotta have my Water Walking.

And...what is THIS?

Let's give it a try.

Seems to let me make things move. Amusing, but I have work to do.
Telekinesis allows you to push, pull and generally wave items around. There's one or two ways you can use this to your advantage, but it's not a useful spell at all - it's pretty much just there to show off the physics engine. That was a big deal back then!
...anyone else feel old now?

Now, I'll just cram my armor in here and go see Deetsan.

Buoyancy only gives you a piddly 5 points of Feather - not nearly enough to be helpful for this quest - but it is a free version of Water Breathing, and one that manages to be more magicka-efficient than what you can buy from vendors. Handy!

Now, let's see if we can't find this ring.

...yup. This sure is a well.

Wwwwwith a dead body in it.

Hmmm. Vidkun, I presume.

...nnngh. This thing weighs a ton. No wonder Vidkun died down here.

Oho. I'll be taking that.
Annnnd there's a Nirnroot down here. How very missable.

Back to the guild hall.

I'll just grab my things first...

...and head for the basement.

No recommendation here.

A locked drawer? Peculiar.


Black Soul Gems are a most interesting item indeed. They're the only type of Soul gem that can hold the souls of humanoids, which are always Grand. Unfortunately, these quest-specific ones can't be used to trap delicious NPC souls, and we need them to finish the quest anyway.

Now, I'll head to Leyawiin. From there, I can make my way to Bogwater. I don't know if I feel like any more contract killing, but I should honor my obligation to Teinaava before anything else.

After that, I need to figure out what's most important.
Not pictured: picking up leftover Black Bows from Telepe and turning them in for a bit of cash. Anyway, we've got us a vote! There's a number of things we could do at this point. We could start the Mehrune's Razor questline, check out Frostcrag Spire and do more Mages Guild stuff while we're at it, do shit for the Fighters Guild, claw our way through the ranks of the Arena, continue doing assassinations, initiate the Knights of the Nine questline, or take a bite out of the Main Quest before we reach Level 10 and cause the world's enemies to get that much more swole. I'm sure I may have forgotten a thing or two, so don't be afraid to suggest other things as well, so long as it's a thing that's been mentioned in the LP thus far.
Cat Stats
Class skills
Block: 38
Blunt: 26
Destruction: 42
Acrobatics: 51
Light Armor: 68
Marksman: 44
Speechcraft: 30
Not class skills
Armorer: 33
Athletics: 33
Blade: 31
Hand To Hand: 39
Heavy Armor: 39
Alchemy: 52
Alteration: 34
Conjuration: 35
Illusion: 23
Mysticism: 30
Restoration: 29
Mercantile: 19
Security: 33
Sneak: 36
Those little bars in the corner of the screen
Health: 137
Magicka: 168
Fatigue: 223
Shiny, clinky gold: 5,846