Part 3: Stratum 1: Innocence
In the days of ancient Valdia, one of the most powerful organizations in the Kingdom was the Church of Atona.- excerpt, Legend Cycles of the Ancients
The Librum Aurora
We set out today for Besek.
VIDEO- Ashley Lead In

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The Count was here. He had an odd sort of present for me.

Cant worry about it now. Glynne and I are meeting the third member of our team on the way, and if we dont hurry we might miss them.
- journal entry
Besek is not what I would have expected.

We met the third member of our group, the archer Reyna, on the way to Besek as wed been told. Shes a little strange, but seems reliable.

(Hold on a little longer, Master Leto. Were coming for you!)
Lets go!
Video- Innocence

Watch the Map With Commentary

Ally Team:
For this battle we have just Ashley, Glynne, and Reyna. Lets take a quick look at them.

Heres our main character for this story, Ashley. Ashley combines powerful physical attacks with surprisingly high magical power. Shes currently pretty lightly armored and vulnerable to most forms of magic, not that anything on this map is a particular threat to her. Besides her basic mace attack, shes also got Sacra I, a Light damage spell, Prayer I, a single target healing spell, and Summon III, which would let us summon Majin if we had any. Ashley is probably strong enough to solo this map, though that wouldnt really be worthwhile since we have to use Reyna and Glynne in every map on this story.

Glynne is Ashleys friend and retainer. Hes armed with a spear, which allows him to threaten a two square line in any direction from him with his Attack. Hes got better vulnerabilities than Ashley but his defense stats are a bit less solid, making it sort of a wash at this point. His physical and magical attacks are also less powerful than Ashleys. Glynne right now has Terra I, an Earth damage spell, and Revivo, a spell that cures a Mental type status effect from a friend. Glynne is pretty mediocre and I wouldnt use him if I didnt have to.

Reyna is the newest member of the group, as it were. Shes armed with a Longbow, which allows her to attack any square in a line 2-5 squares away from her. The farther the target is away from her, the less damage the attack will do. Shes got very weak defenses and is the slowest of our characters. She currently has the same Fire spell Thage had in the prologue, Pyro I, and a passive skill that gives her extra Fire resistance. Shes also the lowest level of our three party members right now. Shes not ideal, but if we can keep her safe her ranged support will be invaluable.
Enemy Team:
Were up against seven enemy Majin on this map. Theres three Caprus, two Apis, and two Nightwalkers. Lets look at them briefly.

These Caprus are very similar to the ones we saw in the Prologue. They have slightly higher stats and a passive skill that gives them a 10% chance of dealing a Critical hit when they attack. Theyre still very vulnerable to Fire and Light.

Apis are our first new Majin type on this map. Apis are a ranged type of Majin, attacking as though they were armed with a Shortbow (2-4 square range). They are also Flying movement type, which allows them to bypass the control zones exerted by our party and many bad terrain types. Flying Majin can be really scary, because its very easy for them to penetrate your lines. Fortunately, Apis isnt terribly powerful and is critically vulnerable to Fire.

Nightwalkers are the strongest Majin type weve seen so far. They have one cast each of the Dark spell Malus I, and are extremely resistant to Dark attacks. Theyre very vulnerable to Light, however, so we can nearly kill them in one hit with Ashley. We just need to be careful about that initial charge, because their Malus I is definitely the most powerful attack well see on this map.

The Majin are spread out all over the map, with the exception of a Caprus and Apis relatively close to each other near a Chest to our left. Were going to stay away from the Majin infield at the start and push hard at this pairing. Ashley goes on point, with Glynne behind and Reyna further behind and offset.
Tactical Objectives:
-Capture as many Majin as possible, ideally all of them.
-Get as much EXP as possible, especially for Ashley.

We shouldnt get too cocky, though!

Majin! You better watch out!
We start out pushing towards the Caprus and Apis to our left. Ashley gets in range to cast on the Caprus, so we take the first strike on it.

In return the Apis moves up and attacks Glynne and the Caprus attacks Ashley. We answer with an arrow to the Apis from Reyna.

We get Glynne in a flanking position on the Caprus. Were doing pretty well so far, because these early Majin will tend to ignore us if were not close enough for them to attack. Speaking of Majin

These little things are triggered when different characters turns come around. Bosses tend to be especially chatty. Bonus points if youve already figured out how to translate Majin-speak, itll be easier to figure out later.

As much as possible we want to use Combos here, because it lets two people get the EXP for trashing these Majin. We hit the Caprus with a Combo from Ashley and Glynne and then move away so Reyna can Capture it on her next turn.

That certainly isnt magic they taught us in Valdia.
At this point the Nightwalker is in range, so it moves in and casts on Ashley. We return fire by hitting the Apis with a Terra I from Glynne and a mace strike from Ashley, Overkilling it. The second Apis then moves up and hits Reyna, whos not doing so well. I have Ashley heal Reyna, which causes her to advance to level six.

Ashley gets even more powerful than anything else on the map, and also gains a passive skill that allows her to evade Pierce attacks. Reyna hits the Apis with a Pyro I and then withdraws to safety, after which the Nightwalker moves back in to attack Glynne.

The Nightwalker and Apis have set themselves up perfectly for a spear attack from Glynne, so we strike them both. This causes Glynne to level up as well.

Glynne doesnt really get much out of level five, though. Hes got no new skills, just better stats. Anyway, now we get our first of many creepy mid-battle messages!

Wh-What was that voice ?
We then move Reyna out of cover to burn the Apis down with a Pyro I, overkilling it and gaining her a level as well.

Reyna just gains stats here, much appreciated but could be better. The Nightwalker moves up to attack Reyna, after which we overkill it with a Sacra from Ashley and capture both it and the Apis. We then push ahead far enough to draw in the second of three Caprus and heal Ashley up.

We weaken the Caprus with Glynne and then move towards the nearby chest, after which we finish the Caprus off with a Combo from Ashley and Reyna and capture it. The second Nightwalker moves up and casts on Glynne, who ignores it and opens the chest.

Medicine is a powerful healing item, and could potentially come in handy later on. Ashley moves up and hits the Nightwalker, who ignores her and continues attacking Glynne.

We push Reyna and Glynne over towards the last Caprus and finish off the Nightwalker with a Sacra, causing Ashley to level up again.

Ashley has lost her vulnerability to Wind, and in general has become overall even tougher. Meanwhile, on the other side of the map, Reyna engages the far Caprus from the edge of her range, which is outside of its attack range. This causes her to level up again as well.

Reynas gained a new spell, Pyro II. This has more power and a larger range than Pyro I. We then move Glynne up to keep Reyna safe, which draws the Caprus in. A Combo from Ashley and Glynne overkills the last Caprus, finishing them map.
Battle Result:
Ashley 5->7
Glynne 4->5
Reyna 3->5
Medicine x 1
Caprus Lv. 2 x 3
Apis Lv. 3 x 2
Nightwalker Lv. 4 x 2
We also save a refugee, Evan. Well see what that means here in a bit.
We triumphed against the Majin, but still were in a bit of trouble. Not only were we tired, but wed found an injured man on the battlefield. Fortunately, help was close at hand.
VIDEO- Innocence Lead Out

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If you let it get the best of you, well

We should get out of here before the Majin catch the scent of blood.

But still, I never expected to see HIM here.

I still cant believe a whole town ended up in Besek!

As it happens, Besek rests within the borders of my domain. When it appeared, it engulfed my fair town of Isapolis.

Ill admit I may have had to improvise a bit, but rest assured, Isapolis still functions as a delightful little town.
Id be pleased if you would think of it as your home during your stay in Besek. Youll find lodgings in Twilights Rest.

Oh, and one more thing, My Princess. Please dont misplace that librum I gave you. It is a priceless heirloom.
I believe youll find Besek a much more unforgiving place without it.
Now, please get some rest. I have a feeling your journey will be a long one. A good day to you all.
Glynne doesnt trust the Count, though Im not sure why.

The Count offered to show us around town.

Between you and me, they also serve as a primary food source for the Majin.

I hope you dont mind sharing your home with refugees. Who knows? Perhaps you might even befriend a few of them
I think youll find that people who owe you their lives can be more than generous with their purse strings Hahaha.

You may not know this, but extracted Majin blood has a number of skill and item benefits.
Oh, and Im sure youll grow fond of their final screams as well. Hahaha

But if you ARENT concerned with the integrity of your comrades then youre in luck! Hahahaha

Miss Iryth is a crafty one, though. Dont say I never warned you

Is it possible those dreadful beasts have an ear for the fine arts ?
Do keep an eye out for them. Perhaps their music will one day fill these empty halls again
Well then, please make yourselves at home.
We met a few travelers who wanted to join up with us. There was a foreigner, Vivian.

Vivian: And youre from the Church of Valdia, correct?
A fugitive from my country has escaped to Besek. Im here to bring him back.
If we work together, we can both find what were looking for. How about it?
Very good. I can depart whenever youre ready.

Vivian is an interesting character. She can use both Rapiers and Librums, so shes got several attack types and can have a wide range of skills. Shes able to summon Majin, and has both the familiar Pyro I and Meta I, an irresistible spell. Shes decent at everything she does, but will likely fall by the wayside as we get better mercenaries.
Stein was also there. Id seen him once or twice before I think.

Stein: I am investigating Besek under orders from my Master.
A Papal candidate, eh? Id like to find out what the Church sees in you
Youre not Pope yet, so I dont have to follow orders if I dont feel like it.

Stein is a pretty decent caster that focuses on Dark magic. Hes also got access to support spells like Restore that cure physical status effects. Stein is pretty decent in Ashleys story, because we dont have anyone who can use Malus normally. Ill probably use him for at least a while.
I also met some nice people in Isapolis.

Muse: Im Muse and Im a dancer.
Hey, were about the same age! We should be friends!
Will you come watch me dance? Id be really happy if you did!
Oh, and I love gossip! We should get together and share secrets sometime!

Basil: Im only a butler, but my lord, Count Duphaston, ordered me to run this town.
There are reports of people lost in Besek, some even captives of the Majin.
If you find any, bring them here and Ill see that theyre well cared for.
Also, please let me know if you need anything.

Shivan: Fate has brought you and I together in this meeting.
You will face many difficult trials ahead.
Only be conquering yourself can you find the answer.
Victory within shall open a new path.
We will speak again when it is time. May the gods protect you.
My friend Yuri is here too, though shes busy with something else right now.

Yuri: Wow, what a coincidence for us to meet in a place like this!

Leon: Im Leon, the worlds greatest thief! Well, not yet, but Im working on it
Just leave everything to me! What ? You want to know the secrets of Besek?
Well, er, uhhh I dont think I should talk about it
Besides, I cant really do your job FOR you, can I?
You wouldnt feel any sense of accomplishment. But I can still help.
Im an expert at gathering information. Anything you need! Just come find me!
That man we saved from the Majin seems to be settling in as well.

Evan: I am in your debt for saving me, earlier.

Evan: A Protector ? Im surprised the Church trains girls to fight.

Evan: Is that so? I had not heard of such a thing
Isnt that a little dangerous for you?

Evan: I see
Well, Miss, I must ask a favor of you, presently.

Evan: Might I be permitted to stay here, just until I get in touch with my family?

Stay as long as you like.
Evan: Thank you, my lady.
It was a real stroke of luck to find this place. I have a feeling weve got a long way to go
- journal entry
Lets briefly discuss the services available to us in Isapolis.
Twilights Rest:
In Twilights Rest we can check the status of our characters, check their equipment, set our items for use in battle, and visit the refugees we have saved in Besek.
We can buy and sell items in the Uzaporium, as well as changing around our skills weve gained from sacrificing Majin and our equipment. Uzaporium will get better equipment in as the story progresses, and also when we sell Majin at the Traviata House.
Traviata House:
Here we can deal with the Majin weve captured in battle. We can Set them, allowing us to Summon them into battle, Sell them for GP, Grind them into Poison Points, which are required to Summon, or Sacrifice them to gain skills we can equip to our characters.
The Libertine:
Here we can play Stones of Fate, a mini-game that opens up bonus art. Ill show that off later on.