Part 11: Stratum 2: Redemption
Besek was reported to be far larger on the inside than the outside, so large that a desert greater than that of the southern continent could be found within it.- excerpt, Legends of Besek, Vol. I
The Broken Land
This desert seems to stretch on without end.

Video- Redemption

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Ally Team:
Ive swapped out Vivian in this map for Yuri. Yuri provides me with healing thats going to be most welcome because the Majin are about to become really nasty. One big addition is that Ares can now use Spears. This gives her reach and a new attack type.
Enemy Team:
Were up against a large and physically powerful set of Majin here. Weve got the standard Thiefler for stealing our chest loot, two Laquo Magus just like the last map, two Hecta Gigas, two high level Velox, and three Armatus.

Hecta Gigas are seriously nasty. Theyve got an attack as powerful as Terranus on the last map, are very resistant to Pierce and Light attacks. They have Fracture Attack and a special move that hits all the spaces they can reach. Fortunately theyre pretty vulnerable to most forms of magic and Strike attacks, and theyre ploddingly slow.

Armatus are actually much worse than the Hecta Gigas. They have attacks that can Bleed and Fear, theyve got fewer weak points, and they act much more frequently. Luckily for us they cant move very far, so theyre at least pretty easy to control. These Armatus are resistant to Air and Slash, later ones will be effectively immune.

These Velox hit harder, have Longbows, and a Bleed Attack. Theyre super annoying, especially since theyve got fewer weaknesses and a lot of Overkill HP. Still, compared to the Hecta Gigas and Armatus theyre a bit less scary, if only because they wont be one-shotting squishies.

Were going to deploy like this so we can push forward hard to catch the Thiefler before it reaches the far chest, which is consistently its target. Whether this is worth doing or not will remain to be seen.
Tactical Objectives:

Holy Atona, please guide and protect us.
Majin! You better watch out!

We push forward towards the near bridge. The near Armatus is very aggressive and will advance even if it cant immediately engage. Were going to need to deal with him somehow. We hit it with some magic and Glynne goes out to stab it. Were going to give him Slashing Art to mitigate its hits. Oh, and Reyna levels up.

Still no Class Change, though, and no real new skills. Just to get her extra EXP I have Yuri buff our melee groups magic resistance. The near Hecta Gigas advances to ineffectually flail at Ashley for minor damage.

Lets just concentrate on this battle!
We split some of our firepower onto the Gigas, though its much easier to bring down in principle thanks to its Strike vulnerability and Ashleys vast superiority. We keep Armatus tied down as best we can, we actually want to deal with the Gigas first.

We continue to pour down fire on both Majin. Hecta Gigas uses his special skill, Hecta Crush, which targets all four squares he can reach. We then pay him back by overkilling him. Meanwhile, the second Hecta Gigas starts advancing on the same side as the Armatus we have engaged. Ashley and Glynne are forward enough to cause the first Laquo Magus to engage too. We splat the Thiefler with a Sacrasphere. This is where I dont pay much attention and accidentally kill the Armatus with a spear strike from Ares. Theres two more, though, so its not that much of a problem. Ashley whacks the Laquo Magus who engaged in the head then moves back to help with the Hecta Gigas, which were slowly dragging into range to overkill.

I keep the pressure up on the Laquo Magus and get Ashley ready to bash the Hecta Gigas down. I actually send Ares towards the near chest now so she can pick it up and then get back into the fight.

Ashley takes the Gigas out. Ares reaches the chest, which has the incredibly awesome Fey Vest in it. This is Leather armor for females only with great stats and which provides immunities to fear and confusion and its going on Ashley immediately after this. We capture the Gigas and start moving Ashley and Ares back into the fight as Glynne spears the Laquo Magus like a fish, finally overkilling it. We push everyone ahead. Since Ashley and Ares are still catching up, Glynne takes the lead with a Slashing Art buff. Sadly this doesnt stop him getting Feared by the Armatus. Unfortunately for it, Ashley gets in range to hit it with a Sacrasphere, which Confuses it.

We pour firepower onto the Armatus to drag it down into overkill range, eventually causing Stein to level up. He doesnt really get anything out of the level, though, and hes starting to be in danger of not being useful. We got close enough to the Velox for it to engage, and it Bleeds Ashley with its attack. We cure Glynnes Fear and Ashleys Bleed and then finish the Armatus off with a Combo, leaving Velox all alone.

Glynne manages to level up after capturing the Armatus. He just gains stats, hes not quite at his next skill yet. Ares moves up to hit the Velox and gets a level herself, with much more effect than Glynne.

Ares now has Fearless Attack, which cannot be countered. Its pretty nice to have, a lot of these Majin actually do have a counter rate. Velox keeps shooting people with Bleed attacks with varying success, and eventually we pin it down with Ashley and Ares and overkill it. The far chest has a Flail in it, which is a decent one hand mace that is made totally useless by being male only. Needless to say when I found out I went through a bunch of trouble for that I was less than happy. Now weve just got the final island and a Laquo Magus, Velox, and Armatus. We push ahead and smash the Magus hard, quickly overkilling him and allowing our melee group to move on to the Velox. The Armatus moves in as well, and swinging at it makes Ashley level up as well.

I actually show her equipment screen here because there werent any real changes on the skill screen. Her elemental stats are so high because shes got Magus Def on. Velox actually gets itself into a position to shoot Yuri, who is hurt but actually in a pretty good position to level up later. Ares gets feared by the Armatus, which briefly foils the combo I hoped to set up on the Velox. Still, it can only delay the inevitable so long and a combo from Ares and Reyna sends the Velox into the great beyond as well. A Sacra from Ashely and a Sacra II from Yuri finish off the Armatus as well, causing Yuri to level. Even better, Reyna levels capturing the remaining Majin. No new skills for either and no class change for Reyna quite yet but still very nice.
Battle Results:
Ashley 17->18
Glynne 12->13
Reyna 10->12
Ares 11->12
Stein 7->8
Yuri 10->11
Armatus Lv 12 x 2
Velox Lv 12 x 2
Hecta Gigas Lv 12 x 2
Laquo Magus Lv 10 x 2
I dont know what Glynnes problem is recently, hes really on edge.
Video- Redemption Lead Out

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(What in the hell was I just thinking!?)

Why are you so paranoid? Its not like you

(*sigh * What am I doing ?)
We were silent all the way back to Isapolis.

Nena: I heard that Reynas really a man.
So if thats true, um, I was wondering
Which one do you like, Glynne or Reyna?
I want to know Whats it like to be in love?
The Counts helping try to keep the peace too.

They were glaring at each other right outside your lodgings.
I feared they were about to fight, so I stepped in to prevent it
Looking back, Im very relieved I wasnt attacked in the process ! Oh, my.
I wish mystic prophecies were less, well, cryptic.

Shivan: I see two lights, drawing closer together but never touching.
A darkness threatens to extinguish one of these lights.
You must remain strong and believe in your friends.

Velnor: Did you know that Reyna is a Oh, nevermind.
No, its nothing, really!
Leon actually had some great information for us this time around.

Leon: A Majin no ones ever seen before has been sighted in the next Stratum!
Its some kind of fire bird so get ready to be attacked from the air.
I also heard it has magical powers. Was that helpful?
Were getting ready just in case Leons intel is good.

Basil: Many lives have been saved because of you.
I am grateful, as it Count Duphaston.
Youve won the hearts of everyone in Isapolis. Were all glad youre here.

Muse: Whyd you join the Church, Ashley?
Its kind of strange that a girl like you is a Protector of the Faith
We were joined by a few new allies this time around. Irinas one of the Valdian Knights most skilled archers.

Irina:I do not mean to intrude in your affairs, but
Your comrades Glynne and Reyna Their hatred for each other seems dangerous.
But I suppose acting hastily could only make things worse. Good luck
Can my humble sword be of service to the Church?
Thank you. I look forward to our next adventure.

Irinas another solid mercenary, shes a healer/archer hybrid. Shes got some great support abilities and Im inclined to use her. Her best feature is going to be the Divinus skill she gets in a few levels, which cures any Status.
We also recruited a spear-Koona, who seemed concerned about something.

Ossa: Gninethgirf os!
Drah krow lli! Nioj I nac?
Daeha deeps lluf-f-f-f-f!!!

Ossas a Koona with a spear-type attack. He also has Earth magic but suffers from the standard Koona problems of not being able to upgrade equipment properly and having terrible magic resistances.
I had a suggestion for Evan, dont know if hell take it.

You know, I was thinking about your situation
If youre not sure what to do with yourself, how about joining the Church?
Evan: Me? Join the Church?
I highly doubt that the Church would be interested in someone like me.

You can start as an assistant in one of the smaller congregations.
Evan: Thank you
That is quite an offer, but I will need some time to consider it.

Feel free to stay here as long as you need to.
Evan: Thank you, Miss Ashley. You have been more than generous.

Evan: Well, Im truly grateful of course, I wish you and I couldve Nevermind.
Um, anyway, Zadikus seems to have finished with the boar earlier than I expected.

Did the board give you enough exercise? Wait, wheres the boar at ?
Zadikus: So, Im standin there, see, and the boar, see, he comes chargin !
I give him one good punch, and now hes on the ground, squealin and hurtin!
So now, Im standin there, feelin bad cause I just hurt this lil fella
Ill tell ya, though, that boar had nothin on me!

I guess you ARE pretty strong!
Zadikus: Aint that what I been sayin, Miss ?

Zadikus: Im countin on ya! No more of them boars!
Keikos still stuck here, Im not sure who can help her find a way home.

Have you found a way to return home?
Keiko: Hm, I dunno
Well, I dont think itd be written in any of the holy scriptures

Im a Protector of the Church, so I cant help you with any dark rituals
Keiko: Oh, I see.

Keiko: No, no, its alright.
Ill go ask some people around town.
I mean, I should find these things out on my own, right?

Keiko: Hehehe, dont worry.

Keiko: Alright, thanks!
Im already regretting saving Nolstein.

Nolstein: The stories of your beauty have not been exaggerated
How would you like to become my mistress? We are a perfect match.

Nolstein: To become my wife, you would need to be of noble birth.
But a pretty commoner has her uses as well, as Im sure you know

The Church has strict rules, even if I WAS interested.
Nolstein: You can always leave the Church.
You dont look powerful enough to really defend the Church anyway.

Nolstein: Of course! I can tell just by looking at you that your power is noth

Nolstein: GAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hes not going to be sitting right for quite some time, I might have gone a bit overboard. I almost wish I could have told him how wrong he was with the rest of his crap, but itd really be too much trouble if people did find out. Best to keep that to myself as long as I can
- journal entry