Part 20: Stratum 3: Perdition Part 2 Boss: Doom Shade
Many sages posit that the Majin known as the Doom Shade is the original source of tales of a so-called Grim Reaper.- excerpt, Legend Cycles of the Ancients
Fear the Reaper
The Doom Shade had no intention of helping us without a fight.
Video- Perdition Part 2

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Ally Team:
Were going with the same group of mercs as in part one, but Im going to bring a Chiroptera to start instead of Zerda because Im concerned Zerda would return before we got to Doom Shade.
Enemy Team:
Were up against three Scytodida, two Aquamotes, two Heeflers, and the Doom Shade himself. It should be noted that each wing of the map has one each of the generics, and then the last Scytodida and the Shade in the middle, because we can actually avoid fighting some of these guys.

Heres the big, bad, level nineteen Aquamote. Mister snail is now totally immune to Strikes and much less vulnerable to his weaknesses. Hes got brutal water magic and can heal and Release. Hes really a big deal, two of them can kill most of our characters very quickly.

Theres the big man himself. Doom Shades specialty is powerful Malus attacks. He will do terrible damage to anyone vulnerable to Darkness. His only real vulnerabilities are Light and Strike attacks. To make things even worse, hes got amazingly high magic defense. You cant see it here but not only does Doom Shade have 900 HP, we need to Overkill it by a whopping 360 points to Bind it.

Were deploying to the left side of the map. Our plan is to sweep the Majin on that side then sneak up the middle on the left so we dont have to fight the Majin on the other side.

We start out by buffing Ashley up. Ashleys now got the Regenerate skill from the first part of the map, so we can keep a speed buff on her and still have her regain health. Then we start pushing the party towards the group of Majin we want to engage. The near Scytodida moves up to engage us first, followed by the Aquamote.

I just want the right to choose my own path!
Now we start on bringing down the Scytodida. Well see plenty of them next map and already captured one so were not concerned at all with the Overkill on this one.

You WILL help us cleanse Ashley of her curse.

Ares ends up taking it out, leveling up in the process. She doesnt get any new attacks, which isnt a surprise. Now I get started on the Aquamote, who I wouldnt mind capturing actually.

If I hit him with all I have, it should do the job.
Ill have to use my most powerful attack!
So yeah, Ashley gets lucky on Doom Shade and only has to use her Punishment attack to break his Demon Aura. When we see our little buddy again in a later story things wont be quite so merciful. We keep the heat up on Aquamote, and since she cant do much to it Ashley gets started on the Heefler. She manages to Confuse it with a Sacrasphere, always amusing. Eventually Glynne and Ares overkill the Aquamote and Reyna just straight regular kills the Heefler. Now we start pushing for the middle of the map, and a rebuff on Ashley gets Glynne to level up.

Its interesting because Glynne is actually close to becoming better at Air magic than Earth yet he doesnt naturally get Air damage spells. Hes also shamefully weak to magic. Anyway, were getting ready to advance on the middle Scytodida and the Shade himself.

Im not ashamed at all!

Inexcusable! I must condemn them all!

How can you condemn us for being human!?
Doom Shades a dick to capture but hes kind of an okay guy. We throw everything weve got at Scytodida while slowly advancing along the edge of the middle to ensure we dont get any friends from the other side. We also have Ashley run up closer to the Shade so she can break his Aura. This causes him to start the show with a Malus IV, which doesnt do much damage to Ashley but does Curse her. We finish off the Scytodida with Glynne and have managed to get Ares and Glynne up into the main fight now. Rather than use Glynne to cure the Curse I use an item, and I end up storing Ares and Glynnes actions in position to attack when Ashleys turn comes up again.

We crack the hell out of him with this, but that also brings up another big problem. We dont do enough damage with a Punishment from the front to Overkill Doom Shade even if hes at one HP. Thats a bad sign really. Anyway I try to land a Bleed with Ares and a Fracture with Glynnes Terra magic but no luck on either end. A second round of this and a Fracture attack from Ashley is equally ineffective. The Doom Shade throws more magic around and advances a bit more into the middle, where even Yuri gets in on the fight with a Sacra II. This actually Slows Doom Shade, which is nice but hardly the status we want to hit him with.

Im not a Valdian, so maybe I dont understand

She allows me to feel this feeling.
A false god who shelters his herd from emotion
Thats a god who robs us of what it means to be human.
But whenever Im afraid
Thats when I KNOW my faith in Atona is well-placed.
Now Im trying to throw everything I can at Doom Shade to weaken him. Yuri manages to level up from a buff, getting the powerful healing spell Prayer II in the process. Annoyingly, the AI activates the Aquamote to come over and support Doom Shade. I send Reyna over to start on it but stopping it from healing entirely is going to be nearly impossible. It does indeed manage to get a Cura II off on Doom Shade, which sucks but does give us a last chance to land a Bleed or Fracture on it.

Irina manages to kill the Aquamote, getting herself the Water Attack skill in the process. Its pretty nice if were up against something weak to Water. I manage to get Doom Shade down into the forties, and go for the gold with Ashley and Ares. Sadly, Im just a bit short on Overkilling him. Doom Shade is definitely one of the hardest Majin in the game to capture, so Im not surprised I missed it this run. Ill be doing Ashleys story again, and I should be in a much better position to capture it then because Ill not use Velnor at all and instead use Alexei.

Battle Result:
Glynne 19->20
Ares 18->19
Yuri 14->15
Irina 13->14
Aquamote Lv 19 x 1
A light engulfed the area, and afterwards
Video- Perdition Lead Out

Click For Video

Does this mean Im free of the curse ? Free of HER?

I know she was a monster, but still I almost feel bad that the other me had to go in such a horrible way

There has to be a connection between that curse and why the Majin keep calling you Izel.
What do you think?

I dont think Im the only one qualified to become Izel

Im positive theres at least one other person who could become Izel. Maybe thats why she tried to convince me to leave

The Count seems concerned about the activity in Besek.

I fear something is about to happen Please be careful.
It seems the Koona also know somethings wrong, they tried to take refuge in Isapolis earlier.

Leon: All these Koona crowded into town at the same time it was really strange!
The Count had to convince them to leave.
But I wonder what had them so upset
Shivan is definitely the real deal.

Shivan: The taint that you carried with you has been washed away by the light.
Continue traveling down the path towards your destiny.
May the gods protect you.
Nobody has any really solid details as to the Majin that guards it but were approaching the end of the Stratum.

Basil: He lies in wait, deep within the next area.
He shows mercy to no one, devastating all who dare to defy his will.
His greatest joy is perpetuating evil and suffering in the world.
Please take care.
I hope we all manage to live long enough for me to see Muse dance in the real world.

Muse: My goal is to become the worlds greatest dancer!
One day, Ill dance my way into the hearts of everyone in the world.
Im still in training right now, but I know my dream will come true someday!
When I become famous, Ill get you backstage passes to all my shows!
Shanglon was feeling better, I think hes wisely evacuating Besek.

Shanglon: Thanks for letting me stay here.

Shanglon: My wounds are better, and I already feel bad for staying this long.

Shanglon: Thank you, but I really should be moving on.

Shanglon: Hahaha, that would be something but Ill only be a liability.
I think its better for us all if I go alone.
But please take this.

Feinnes Notes: Dragonscale is a set of really great leather armor, Glynnes going to get it right away.
Shanglon: Thanks for everything.

Im positive Parjavas not human. I dont know what she is but again its definitely not human. Not that Im judging.

Parjava: Hahaha
What a modest young lady.

Parjava: In return for rescuing me, I will grant you one wish.

Parjava: Yes, anything at all. Take a moment, and think carefully.

Parjava: I can see there is one wish you care deeply about.
And I have the power to make that wish come true.

I cant accept your offer.
Parjava: If thats the case, please accept this gift instead.

Feinnes Notes: Sage is a good Staff, and comes with the Meta III skill. Its got some serious power.
Parjava: I am sure well meet again, and when we do, Ill grant your wish then.
Were getting close to our goal, I can feel it. If the Majin are really going to sacrifice Lenarshe, then theres no choice but to move forward as fast as we can. If we cant save her
- journal entry