Part 26: Stratum 1: Promise Part 1
For example, the northern reaches of Valdia were once devastated by a terrible dragon known as Umbra. A group of Valdian Knights set out to slay the dragon, but only one returned- excerpt, The Fall of Valdia
Im not sure why, but this horrible place seems to bring back a lot of memories.

Maybe Im thinking about it because that mission changed everything
Video- Promise Lead In

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Theres no way they wont make you Commander, now!

But I guess the people in the North cant wait any longer, huh?

I still cant quite believe how things turned out.

If it was meant to be, Idve been promoted already. Ive been here for four years.
Theres no way Ill ever be a famous hero like Rondemion.

Listen, I really think you have what it takes to be Commander of the Knights one day.

(That was the last conversation we had before he left on his mission )
(Its odd how that memory came flooding back all of a sudden.)

For once the landscape of Besek was very unfamiliar.

This place may have been born out of memories.

If this place is just stolen from my memories, then how do you explain the presence I can feel here?

Logue was in bad shape, but the Majin werent going to let us sit around and have a break.
Video- Promise Part 1

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Ally Team:
Weve added Komori to our team, he provides some extra healing which is what we really need right now.
Enemy Team:
Were up against a pretty nasty group here, weve got two of the higher level Laquo we met back in Ashleys story, two of the now familiar Jade Sylphs, two upleveled Stelios, and two Laquo Magi. Lets look at the new Majin.

These are a lot like the Laquo Magi we met in Desert, theyve got Aqua and Terra magic. Their only really threatening spell is Terra II, which can fracture. Theyre pretty vulnerable to physical attack, but are less so to magic than a normal Laquo.

The higher level version of Stelios has gained a single cast of Cura I. Theyre just as vulnerable as the lower-level version, so kill them with Fire.

We choose this side to start on because itll let us hit the near Laquo and Jade Sylph with relatively little interference. Jade Sylphs generally take a while to deal with so wed prefer to hit them fast.
Tactical Objectives:
- Capture Majin. Theres nothing new here species wise, but two are new versions of old Majin.

We start out throwing some buffs around. Logue rushes up and hits the Laquo while the rest of the party advances a bit more cautiously. I get a Magus Def on Logue but totally forget that Komori is very vulnerable to Air. The Jade Sylph reminds me of this by nearly killing him with an Aero.

The Laquo moved back while the Sylph moved up, so were in a great position to whack the Sylph a few times to get it in Overkill range. The Stelios moves up as well but the Sylph isnt below the threshold that will lead to it being healed. Anyway hold on for more Logue going crazy.

Laquo rejoins the party, which is going to go very badly for it in a bit. Meanwhile Lapis Sylph becomes our first kill, falling to Levattes Sacra. The kid gets a level for it too, always useful.

Levatte gets Terra II this time around, which is actually not totally unwelcome. The power isnt amazing, but it can Fracture enemies so its worthwhile to use on tough foes. Stelios joins it soon after, we stab it with Olifen and then char it well-done with a spell from Marie in the same action, the sort of power a real caster can bring us.

Theres definitely something wrong with him!
I mean at least this party isnt so chill about things they should clearly not be chill about. That Laquos an eyesore, and Marie puts it out of our misery, getting her a level as well.

Logues moved up front again, and draws in the near Laquo Magus. It casts on him, getting him a level too.

Logue gains Fire Attack now, giving him a good option for vulnerable enemies. Meanwhile I start advancing the party while also scooping up the Majin with Komori so he can get the free experience. A quick stab from Olifen followed by a timely use of Logues new Fire Attack overkills the Laquo Magus.

Olifen charges the second Stelios, who counters somewhat pitifully and then runs away. Not far enough, though, because we overkill it with a spell from Marie. Were now down to just one Jade Sylph, Laquo Magus, and Laquo left. The Jade Slyph is first, and hits Logue with some magic. The Laquo Magus joins it, but fortunately hes got a lot of health to keep him going. We weaken both of them, getting them into good position to be overkilled.

Jade Sylph goes first, taken out by a Sacra from Levatte. He levels up, not getting a new skill this time but its still welcome. Logue whacks the Magus down to the single digits while the Laquo advances on Olifen. Marie burns the Magus down, getting another level herself but no new skills. Komori levels up while scooping up Majin, no new skills to report here either. I spend a lot of time now just setting up a combo to try and grab Komori some extra experience, because I want him to be more useful in the second half given how undermanned I feel at five.

A Combo from Olifen and Komori and its all over.
Battle Results:
Logue 7->8
Levatte 5->7
Marie 6->8
Komori 3->4
Laquo Lv 6 x 2
Laquo Magus Lv 7 x 2
Lapis Sylph Lv 6 x 2
Stelios Lv 6 x 2
Levattes senses were right on the money it seemed.

How very interesting Yes! I will play your little game!
I guess this must have been one of the Guardians he told me about earlier.

I havent enjoyed the taste of Falsin flesh in so long
How generous you are to offer yourselves to me!
I am Kaelrunis the Conqueror!
Puny Falsin! I will butcher your meat for my feast!

Fighting with Logue in that condition wasnt ideal, but we had no choice.

May Holy Atona bless our swords with her might!
We shall vanquish all evil, in the name of Valdia!
One thing was certain, we were in for our toughest battle yet.
- operation record, Commander Olifen