Part 27: Stratum 1: Promise Part 2 Boss: Kaelrunis
In ancient Valdia it was believed that sinners would be judged by the god Kaelrunis, who would not allow the unrighteous to pass to the afterlife.- excerpt, Legend Cycles of the Ancients
Judgment Day
Its amazing how much more powerful the Majin in Besek are than those we see on the outside. I have a feeling Kaelrunis will just be the first in a long line of powerful foes well face.
Video- Promise Part 2

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Ally Team:
Same group on our side as last map. I have some Majin ready just in case but I dont expect to need them, our group is pretty solid really and Kaelrunis aint shit compared to Otakuphant.
Enemy Team:
Were up against a pretty small and unimpressive enemy team when we really get down to it. Theres Kaelrunis of course, joined by two Laquo Magi, a Jade Sylph, and three Cursed Souls. Lets look at the new enemies.

Cursed Soul is an interesting sort of Majin. Its very vulnerable to Fire and Light, and is also taken apart pretty quickly by Slash and Strike attacks. It hits very hard for a First Stratum Majin, and can cause Diseases. Its quite easy to kill, though, especially for Olifens group.

The big man is kind of interesting. Hes vulnerable to Slash, Water, and Earth. Hes not particularly resistant to anything but Air, but he does have decent defensive stats. Hes got a spear-type melee attack, which is unusual for a large Majin. Dark Thunder is an area attack but is honestly highly unimpressive for all the fuss. If theres a First Stratum Guardian you can expect to capture the first time around its this guy, because Olifen can really take him apart.

The Majin are in an odd sort of cluster in the middle of the map. I could probably sneak around and totally bypass the Cursed Souls but I still need one of those so nothing doing. I want to hit them first and then clear out the two casters I have to deal with before Kaelrunis, no point being sloppy about this.
Tactical Objectives:
-Capture Kaelrunis
-Capture Cursed Soul

Olifen levels up almost immediately, not gaining any new skills. We push up a bit to lure the Cursed Souls in, but also get the near Laquo Magus. It uses its Terra II, and after doing so makes itself no longer a serious threat.

Olifen charges up and after a quick slash and a Pyro II from Marie the first Cursed Soul is already eating the sand. Logue moves up and softens up the second while the Laquo Magus continues to be a minor nuisance. Marie knocks off half of its health with an Aero for its trouble.

Otherwise, our attacks will not harm them.

In this case, Kaelrunis seems vulnerable to slash attacks.

Levatte tries to bring the second Cursed Soul into the red but ends up straight killing it with a Sacra, which wasnt really a bad thing. The third Cursed Soul starts advancing, and Olifen runs up to meet it, nearly killing it in a single blow. Logue finishes injured Laquo Magus off with a Fire Attack, leveling up.

No new skills for Logue, but thats not really a surprise. Marie ends the last Cursed Soul the same way the first one did, in fire. The Jade Sylph is moving up, though its not a serious threat at this point. A spell from Marie followed by one from Levatte takes the Sylph down, getting the little guy a level too.

Levatte gets Magusphere, which is pretty nice for Logue and Olifen in the long run. Now Olifens in good position to run up and slash Kaelrunis with his shortsword, breaking its Demon Aura.

Kaelrunis swings at Olifen for little damage and then starts running around. As well see, thats sort of his thing.

Well be seeing a lot of strange things here!
Marie scoops up the Jade Sylph and levels up, which is a very valuable level indeed.

She gains Aero II, which can cause the invaluable Bleed status on enemies struck by it. Well be using this quite a lot in the future. Olifen gets a good slash in, and Levatte proves himself almost useful by Fracturing the big guy with a Terra II. We throw some magic around and quickly take Kaelrunis down into the teens, also getting Komori a level. He gets the same Fortify spell that Levatte has.

Kaelrunis proceeds to lead us on a merry chase around the map. Were never able to get him properly cornered to land a Combo on him because of our relative speeds. Eventually I realize Im going to need to get him totally surrounded to do it.

With it Fractured, Im not even terribly worried about using Marie as the third point in the cage. His offense is pretty anemic in that state even on cloth.

A Majin with a Gods name ? What does it mean?
We had to chase him so long that his damn Fracture cured, but with his health so low it doesnt matter. We still get him Overkilled with a Combo from Olifen and Logue.

Battle Results:
Olifen 9->10
Logue 8->9
Marie 8->9
Levatte 7->8
Komori 4->5
Kaelrunis Lv 12
Cursed Soul Lv 8 x 2
Lapis Sylph Lv 6 x 1
After the Majin was defeated, Logue seemed to come to his senses.
Video- Promise Lead Out

Click For Video

The magic energy in the air is different here than what were used to.

So if youre not trained to control magic, itll have an effect on you.
If youre here for a long time, itll start to take a toll on your body.

If things are this bad for us, I can only imagine how they must be for her. She must be so frightened


The pathways of Besek are far more intricate than wed first realized.

The Count was out when we returned to Isapolis.

That weird fortune teller was back, though.

Shivan: It is neither light nor dark, neither good nor evil.
You are the light, but know that the light can be easily tempted by the dark.
Take this knowledge with you as you continue your journey, and be careful.
Komoris adopted kid wanted to come along, shes tougher than she looks it seems.

Nena: My adoptive father and I are on a personal mission
And youre searching for the Princess? I wish you luck
Ummm If youre going to fight the Majin, can I come with you?
Th-Thank you very much! I promise I wont slow you down!
Theres even people from as far as Stag here in Isapolis.

Velnor: A fugitive from my country is here in Besek Ive got to find him.
Irinas here to help us, seems we do have some support in the Council.

Irina: I have been assigned to investigate Besek by the Council.
Commander! Permission to join your ranks, Sir?
Yes, Sir! I am honored to serve with you!
Had another interesting chat with Mana, that witch we saved earlier.

Mana: Great! Miss Archaya has been very kind to me.
Im learning a lot from her.

So, since I told you MY story, why do you want to become a witch?
Mana: You know, you dont seem to be prejudiced against witches.

Mana: *sigh * Most people dont see things your way
But if witches were trusted enough to research the Majin more freely
I know we wouldve found their weakness by now and saved so many lives.

Mana: Yes, and I would appreciate any help you can give me, Mr. Olifen!

She doesnt seem like any real problem. Not like that witch Id heard rumors might be skulking in the area, anyway. We rescued someone else from Kaelrunis, I hesitate to think of what he would have done if we hadnt come along.

Shelayla: Hahaha, you are too sweet.

Shelayla: I wish there was something I could give you in return, but I have nothing

You must be tired. Please rest.
Shelayla: Thank you.
Would it be possible for me to stay here until I can contact my father?

Its nice to have such good company in a place like this
Shelayla: Hahaha, you are generous with your compliments.
I think I shall enjoy staying here, Sir Olifen.

Anyway, were getting ready to head back into Besek proper, Levatte thinks we should be close to a new area, which means were one step closer to the Princess.
- operation record, Commander Olifen