Part 30: Stratum 2: Serenity Part 1
The greatest mystery of Besek is the truth behind the so-called Eternal Poison said to be deep within it. No two sources agree as to what form the Poison takes or what it does precisely, but it surely is an item of extreme power.- excerpt, Legends of Besek, Vol I
Big Damned Heroes

Im concerned Levatte and Marie might be more concerned about finding some stupid treasure than the Princess.
Video- Serenity Lead In

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Weve come to Besek under the assumption that Her Majesty was brought here against her will.
But her reaction tells a different story. Not one that I expected at all.

What does the CHURCH know about the Eternal Poison?

I dont have a problem with them having some other objective if we have time, but our first priority will always be her.

I told you that the Princess is our highest priority. Everything else comes after.


Youve gone on missions with Marie before, right?
You should treat her a little nicer.

Im not sure when that would have been, and the Majin came before I could think it through.
Video- Serenity Part 1

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Ally Team:
Ive got Ares and I want to use her, because having three melee fighters is really helpful. I need to ditch someone and I end up going with Vivian, because Im still thinking Stein might be helpful. I again end up sort of regretting it because Stein is slow and has a terrible range.
Enemy Team:
Weve got a much more balanced mix of Majin than we had in the first step of Forest this time. Theres two each of Gladelash, Velox, Acrida, and a higher level Cursed Soul.

Cursed Soul gains Dark Attack and two levels in this map. Its elemental properties are very similar to what they used to be, and it works pretty much the same way. We hit it and then burn it the hell down. Just dont use Dark attacks or Pierce attacks on it, theyre not going to be very effective.

We deploy in a pretty standard sort of arrangement, our melee group is up front with our casters behind. Weve got three now, so we can block off our fragile characters much more effectively.
Tactical Objectives:
-Capture an Acrida


Hand it over!

We start out by pushing our melee group straight ahead. We want to keep them together so we can hit them with a group magic defense buff. Annoyingly, Logue gets hit by a Bleed from a Velox to the left and takes even more damage when the near Acrida casts on him. We heal him up and get him cured, and Levatte ends up leveling up.

Levatte doesnt get much here, and hes not even particularly close to a Class Change. Its annoying but theres nothing to do but try and get him levels wherever I can.

I love that little conversation. Anyway, Levattes about to provide us with some important information.

They say if you capture one, her master might come out
We might learn something if we t-t-t-try that
Weve already hit the Velox with an Aero II, and Olifen runs over and chops it with another solid hit. Meanwhile Ive moved Ares into a position to be shot by Velox, because hey free experience.

If YOU go crazy, you can be sure I wont care !
Velox is the first to go down after catching a bad case of dying after being set on fire, a tragic condition that seems to be afflicting a lot of Majin in Besek recently. Acridas making a nuisance of itself and Im really getting sick of it so its next on the chopping block.

We smash the Acrida for a bunch of damage and Stein manages to justify his existence for once by Freezing it, which will let us shatter it like an icicle once Logues turn comes up again. Now get ready for possibly the awesomest Majin taunting there will ever be.

Who wants to eat Falsin!? Who wants to kill Falsin!?

(I-I must fight to stay alive I must obtain it )
I love the image of the Majin getting together to get pumped up before they attack like some kind of football game or something. Gladelash advances to hit Logue, which is fine because we have Marie.

Thats the rule here!!! HEHEHEHEHEHE!
Olifen heads over to capture the Velox, and Ares softens up the Gladelash. Marie finishes it off, gaining a level out of the effort.

Logues turn comes up again, and now its time to take the first Acrida down. To be safe I use his Dusk Strike, and do horrific damage, easily Overkilling it. Olifen charges at the last Gladelash, doing massive damage with a sword slash. Then, things start to go all wrong. Acrida does exactly what Acrida did in the second step of Desert to Ashley, and Fears Olifen with a Malus I. This sucks because nobody but Olifen in this party can cure Mental status right now. Still, Maries in good position to burn the second Gladelash as well, and I do.

Even worse, Olifen gets Bled as well by the second Velox. I hit the first Cursed Soul with some magic from Marie, I want to get it down a bit before it engages. I also start pulling Olifen back to our lines to be healed and get his Bleed cured.

Cursed Soul comes in and hits Logue, but Im concerned Logue will kill it if he attacks. Ares swings instead, which takes it down into range for Marie to finish the job. Velox has broken into our lines and is shooting at Stein, though this isnt a real problem because it doesnt do that much. Acridas mostly run out of spells, thankfully.

Cursed Soul goes down to yet another spell from Marie, and Irina levels up removing Olifens Bleed. No real news from this level, and we already know what sorts of skills she gets. Now its time to get started on the damned Velox and Acrida. We start dragging it down, including getting our melee characters into good positions to attack them. Olifens Fear finally wears off, and we take Acrida down pretty low with a single swing.

Velox is somewhat vulnerable to Darkness, and I throw out a Malus II at it to weaken it. It works very well, so well Im already preparing to finish it off with a second one. I set up Ares and Logue to Combo down the Acrida, I want Olifen to get the chest while they finish it off. When they do, Logue levels up and gets his Class Change.

Consumed barely won. He gets Strike Evade this level, and what we cant see is that he now moves one more square and can equip Spears. He now threatens a pretty wide range, which is nice. The chest ironically has a Greatsword, which he could have equipped if wed gone Enlightened. Velox gets dropped by a second Malus II, and Stein levels up capturing it. Now all weve got to do is engage the last Cursed Soul, get the chest, and then capture an Acrida to finish the map. Cursed Soul takes some magical heat and then goes down to a Combo from Ares and Olifen, getting Ares a much-needed level. Even better, Marie levels up from a throw-away buff, getting her Class Change as well.

Marie gets Pyrosphere this level, which gives us a long-range area version of Pyro II. Its more much needed firepower and lets her be even more brutal than before. Her INT stat is crazy high now and will only get higher as we go on. The other chest has a Staff with Cura II on it, which is going on Levatte as soon as possible. Now we just need to capture an Acrida and the map will end.
Battle Result:
Olifen 12->13
Logue 11->12
Marie 11->13
Levatte 9->10
Stein 7->8
Irina 6->7
Ares 7->8
Acrida Lv 11 x 1
Cursed Soul Lv 10 x 2
Velox Lv 9 x 2
Gladelash Lv 8 x 2
As Levatte predicted, capturing one of those Acrida Majin drew out their master.

Kaelrunis was just the first powerful Majin, it seemed, and Im sure this Manti Gigas wont end up being the last.

No way were we going to lose to some big cockroach, though.
- operation record, Commander Olifen