Part 36: Stratum 2: Wanderers Part 3 Boss: Dahlia Queen
The Prince agreed, enchanted by the beauty of the Queen, and was dragged down beneath the earth never to be seen again. Remember, children, that even the most beautiful rose has hidden thorns.- excerpt, Grahams Grim Tales, The Legend of the Dahlia Queen
The Curse
Dahlia Queen had floated through the gate to the next Stratum, and an army of Majin had risen to fight for her.
Video- Wanderers Part 2

Click Here For Video with Commentary
Ally Team:
Same group of allies as last time, we want the healing capability and weve got plenty of firepower.
Enemy Team:
So in this map were up against three Gladelashes, a Jade Sylph, two of the same Acrida we met in Purgatory, two Aranea, and Dahlia Queen.

Dahlia Queen is a really interesting boss Majin. Shes immune to Water and Earth, resists Light, Pierce, and Strike, and is vulnerable to Fire, Air, and Slash. Shes got Water and Earth magic, can heal with Cura II, and unique among bosses she has a bow-like ranged attack. Shes even got a unique special to go along with it, the area of effect attack Blood Thorn. Our best bet for Overkilling her is Maries Pyro III, which will really clobber her. Id also like to note shes one of my favorite Majin designs.

We have the ability to deploy in the wings of the map, and we really want to take advantage of this. We dont want to have to deal with a bunch of Majin and Dahlia Queen at once, because she has brutal magic and group healing to support them if there are still melee things to run interference for her.
Tactical Objectives:
-Capture the Queen
-Kill some pawns too

We start out with an aggressive advance towards the Majin. We want to lure the near ones in so we can blow them up quickly and push on closer to the boss. The Aranea obliges and we immediately get started on it with Ares. Acrida moves right next to it, which is actually pretty great because its not even a melee attacker normally. If we move up into its face we can stop the near Gladelash from moving for a bit. Marie blasts both Aranea and Acrida with a Pyrosphere and Logue smacks the Acrida, taking them both to the health range in which we can Overkill them.

Ive heard rumors of a Falsin who was slain recently

Aranea backs off after its next attack, pretty standard for that type of Majin. Acridas not so lucky, though, and we char-broil it and scoop it up nice and easy. This lets us move up a bit farther and engage the Gladelash as well.

Well have to use a powerful spell, though.
I think weve got that covered. Anyway, we want to advance very cautiously here, because the Jade Sylph has engaged now too, and is about to be joined by the Acrida from the other side of the map and another Gladelash. If were not careful any Majin we bind will just get killed or Released. The Aranea ended up in a good position to be burned down, and burned down it was. I also manage to clip a Gladelash with the Pyrosphere, which takes it down to critical. Logue manages to level up after being hit with a spell from the incoming Acrida.

We then grab the Aranea we just bound. Levatte manages to level up shortly after, no new skills until next level but its always appreciated. Both Gladelashes now move in and start beating on Logue. Hes a big boy, though, he can take it. Luckily for me the Jade Sylph is more interested in casting on my back line. The Gladelashes put themselves in a terrible position to attack Logue, though, and we smoke one and take the other to critical health. Marie even levels up in the bargain.

She gets the Cast Speed II passive, which greatly reduces her recovery time after casting. Its incredibly awesome for her, as shes already a pretty fast caster. Now we snap up the bound Gladelash and start getting ready for the next Majin. Yuri gets a level too as we patch up our injured, though she also doesnt get anything new. Ive been weakening the Jade Sylph to get it into Overkill range with Maries Malus II, and Im also getting a Combo ready for the Gladelash. Marie finishes the first half of this quite admirably, taking the Jade Sylph out of the picture.

We capture the Jade Sylph and then fire the second part of the plan with a Combo from Ares and Olifen. We then start advancing on the Dahlia Queen, which draws the Aranea in as well. This gives us a perfect opportunity, and we throw a Pyrosphere at both of them to bloody the Aranea and break the Queens Demon Aura. Olifen catches a worrying amount of attention from the Queen and then the Acrida, which really scares me. I send Logue to just stab the Aranea to ensure hes safe. Now I need to desperately run my healers up to get him back to decent health.

Now I start throwing some heat on Dahlia Queen to get it down into the sort of range where we can Overkill it. I also keep some pressure on the remaining Acrida, though its got a lot of health left and its not a priority.

Only blood can fill my emptiness!!!

I end up needing to maneuver a bit more than Id like to ensure the last Gladelash doesnt get a chance to shit in my cereal by killing Dahlia Queen while shes bound but that I was going to Overkill her was never really in question, as soon as Marie took the field the fight against the boss as already over.

And when he becomes the dragon, hell show no mercy.

Levatte, can you take care of Logue? Please

Battle Results:
Logue 14->15
Marie 19->20
Levatte 13->14
Yuri 10->11
Acrida Lv 16 x 1
Gladelash Lv 15 x 2
Jade Sylph Lv 14 x 1
Aranea Lv 14 x 1
Dahlia Queen Lv 17 x 1
Kai & Kanat
I knew this would happen eventually, that Id have to explain things.
Video- Wanderers Lead Out

Click For The Truth

Why do the Majin keep talking about this dragons blood? Why did Logue go berserk!?
And whys he so worn out? Whats going on inside him!?

I dont have the right to tell you anything. Is it Logues business. Please understand
But YOU KNOW! Were on this mission together Dont you think WE should know, too?
Im sorry, I still cant.
Levatte is very perceptive sometimes.

Refusing to kill a Majin is a severe offense. Helping a Majin is also a severe offense.
Those Majin told Sir Logue he was soaked in dragons blood
Im guessing he was exposed to dragons blood, and it infected him?

If I ever reveal what is being confided in me, may that be the final breath I take.
Could you tell us now?

I told them how wed gotten to this point.

But as Logue struck the killing blow, he was covered in the dragons blood, and it mixed with his own.
Ever since then, hes been tormented by the dragons curse
He no longer felt worthy of the Commanders post, so he resigned and tried to leave the Valdian Knights.
I managed to stop him from quitting, but he would not take his position back. And here we are.

Youve known hes been suffering all this time, and you havent done anything?
Whatve you been doing!?

Id had enough.

Ive had to sit by and watch my best friend suffer!
I tried everything I could to help him! ANYTHING that might remove the dragons curse!
But in the end, I couldnt do anything
I couldnt help him
Im weak! Im useless! Im not worthy of being Commander
Its almost funny how unfair life is sometimes

Judging by Sir Logues mental state, his curse is in an advanced stage.
His condition may not have progressed so quickly in Valdia
But the magic here in Besek its accelerated the process.

How do I make a choice like this? Why do I have to abandon one of the two most important people to me?

Komori: Nena is smiling a lot more these days
To be honest, I wasnt too enthusiastic about coming here at first
But now that I see how happy she is, Im glad we made the journey!
Ares seems to be getting a bit bored sitting around in Isapolis between battles.

Ares: I heard rumors about your librum
They say it lets you capture the Majin.
Mind if I borrow it? That sounds like a thrill.
Oh I understand.
If you change your mind, though, let me know.
This place is starting to get a little boring
Muse saw an odd traveler in town earlier.

Muse: I saw a very dashing man today! He was an older guy, but still
He was tall and had a great body!
Definitely gave off a tough vibe, but he also seemed very deep and complex.
What a handsome man Oh, dont worry, so are you!
Leon could tell something was bothering me.

Leon: I wonder whats bothering you.
Why dont you go see that fortune teller?
Sure, she might be just for entertainment, but at least itll be relaxing!
She refuses to read my fortune, even if I ask her
We got some more support, though.

Alexei: Keep your chin up, Sir! Come now, let us be happy!
Please, Sir, allow me to come with you! I can fight like ten thousand men!
Hahahaha! Excellent, Sir! Ill crush those Majin like grapes! Mmm grapes!
Im not sure what the Count knows.

Iryth and Basil have been worried about him. Myself as well, of course.
If he is ill, I can ask the Koona to prepare some medical herbs.
Mana actually confirmed that shes testing things on me now.

Mana: How are you? You look exhausted!

Mana: Would you like anything? I was hoping to try out my latest concoction

Mana: Y-Yes, what is it?

Mana: Oh, no, no, Im just happy that youre alright. Thats all!

Mana: Ahahaha ha

There were many things on my mind that were weighing on me, but now Im fine.
Mana: W-Well, Im glad youre feeling better.

It seems Shelayla was here to meet someone, but Im not sure who.

Shelayla: So what do I get to hear today?

Shelayla: Hahaha
Well, I guess its my turn anyway. Go ahead and ask me a question.

Shelayla: Thats a secret.

Shelayla: Dont worry. Ive already met the person I wanted to see.

Shelayla: I needed to see my life from a different perspective.
Im bound by the duties of royal blood, but I want to control my own fate.
I have to make an important decision, and I needed to be sure of myself.

Shelayla: Hahaha, wouldnt you like to know ?
Xiao Mei wanted to join up with us but had some kind of strange excuse.

Xiao Mei: Hey, do you have a girl with martial arts in your party yet?

But I guess I could use someone like that.
Xiao Mei: Golly! Then Im THE girl for you, Commander Hero!
This is gonna be great!

Xiao Mei: Oh no! Im not quite at your guys levels yet, though!
Ive been waiting for my big chance ! I couldve been a love interest!!!

Xiao Mei: Let me level up! Its not hard to do! Will you wait for me?

I decided to see if Nadesico had seen Lenarshe while she was in Besek.

Nadesico: Can I help you?

Nadesico: Who?

Nadesico: Hm I only remember seeing monsters.

Nadesico: Are you looking for this girl?

He name is Lenarshe. She is the Princess of my homeland

Nadesico: I see
Is she pretty?

Nadesico: Hehehe Come now, Commander, that isnt a difficult question.

B-But everyone thinks so! Im just doing my duty as a knight!!!
Nadesico: Hehehe
Christina is very frank about her opinions.

Christina: Worry not, I am fully recovered, Commander.

And please, stop calling me Commander.
Christina: Why? Is that not thy title?

Christina: That is a shame.

Christina: Thou art correct. Thou art unworthy of thy title.
A true commander realizeth his potential.
A commander who hateth being called one is surely not a commander!

Christina: Nevertheless, for thy sake, I shall continue to call thee Commander.

We saved a pair of kids from Dahlia Queen. From their skin tone and dress Im pretty sure theyre from somewhere in the Stag lands, not that it really matters.

Kai: Thank you for saving my sister and me.

Kai: Well, thank you anyways.

Free of charge.
Kai: Thank you very much. Well take you up on that.

Kai: Well pay you back eventually.

I would only be injuring my reputation as a knight.
Kai: But

Kai: O-Okay
I dont know what well be walking into next time we step out into Besek, last time we left a Stratum we ended up in that strange place. With any luck well meet the Princess again, and well finally be able to complete our mission
- operation record, Commander Olifen