Part 37: Valley: Stray Boss: Rondemion
Magical theory suggests that all entities have a Nemesis, a being both equal and opposite who stands in opposition of them. This has been found to be demonstrably true for powerful Majin.- excerpt, Legend Cycles of the Ancients
The Hero and the Legend
If youd told me what was going to happen today before we left Isapolis Id have laughed at you.
Video- Stray Lead In

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Its just like where we fought Morpheus earlier.

I was almost ready to abandon the search earlier. Even worse, we ended up in that weird space again.

Im not going to listen to your shallow reasons.

You have to leave me here. Theres more important things, and you KNOW that.

(What should I do ?)

As we searched the area, we met an unexpected guest.

(He has the same name as the Hero of Legend But Rondemions dead Is it just a coincidence?)

I wont let some mercenary talk to me like that!

Well, if no ones told you, Ill be the first. You arent worthy to lead the Knights.

I I know the truth!

I cant step down, though.

You dont just get HANDED the title. You have to EARN it.
And forget about those legendary heroes. Theyre all just relics now.

If you cant get away from that foolishness, youll never be a good commander.

Until you learn to be yourself youll never be ready to lead the Knights

Lets see what youre made of, Commander.
At that moment all I wanted to do was take this old bastard apart.
Video- Stray

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Ally Team:
Weve got the same team we faced Dahlia Queen with. Were going to need all the healing we can get here.
Enemy Team:
Were up against Rondemion the Hero and a group of Priests, Priestesses, and Acolytes. Recall that Acolytes are hard-hitting two handed attackers, Priests are light melee with Seal attacks, and Priestesses are healers with Light magic.

Rondemion is a serious threat. Hes got powerful greatsword attacks and his special skill can really wreck us. Hes not particularly resistant to any type of magic were likely to use which is nice, but he does have a solid defense against physical attacks. Ive got a little trick to use on him though, so stay tuned.

Im confident I can slog it out with the enemy here and am planning to just push up the gut. This may or may not have been a good idea.
Tactical Objectives:


Must be an easy way to run your life, boy.
Do you always wait for other peoples advice?

I shouldntve stayed in this post.
But today From now on
I wont lie to myself an longer!
Ill show you who I REALLY am!
Our first order of business is to lure in the nearest guys and try to put them down fast. We need to get something down really quickly because this is about to turn into a mosh pit really quickly.

Dont fear the Majin inside you, or hell consume you.

Marie set one of them on fire and Logue finished the job, getting us off to a good start. There is a Priest and Acolyte coming on one side and the other Acolyte on the other side, we need to be really careful about when they hit because their Wild Swing skill hits brutally hard.

We hit the Priest on Olifens side and the Acolyte on Logue and Ares side. Im hoping to wear either of them down to the point where I can finish them off quickly. Worryingly, the casters are starting to get in range to throw stuff at us.

The longer were bogged down with the melee guys the worse this gets, because the casters will tend to focus their fire when they all use the same element.

That Rondemion died long ago.

I make a big mistake and dont just blow up the injured Priest with Marie, I try to kill him with a Malus II but end up not quite getting it down, letting one of the Priestesses heal it back up with a Prayer II. Olifens taken a lot of hits but its just a matter of keeping his health up while we get things down to manageable sizes.

Now its up to the Knights to take on that responsibility.
It is their duty to resist corruption
Fame and glory alone dont decide who a man is.

Now the Acolytes come in and smash Ares and Olifen with their Wild Swing attacks. Im seriously concerned now that Olifen could get killed, Ares Im not so worried about because its not like I game over if she dies. I need to do something to deal with this serious problem.

But at least you arent lying to yourself anymore!
We give the Priest a good whack as we pull Olifen back a bit, though it doesnt quite die and gets a retaliatory shot in on Olifen.

Logue spears the Priest to death, taking another annoying and dangerous enemy down. Im really worried about the casters right now, so I just have Marie use an item to heal Olifen. Im proven correct, because all three remaining enemies go right for him. Luckily he manages to Evade the last hit anyway, keeping him well alive to be healed back up. I also throw a heal on Ares so she can get back to the fight next turn.

Logue gets Fractured by an Acolyte, always annoying. Olifen gets started on the last Priest but gets Countered, and after a hit from his Acolyte Im officially starting to get worried. I run Ares up so she can take some spells instead of Olifen, shes much more vulnerable and if shes got to die so he can survive so be it. Im sick of messing around now, and blow up the injured Priest with a Delirium from Marie. The Priestesses focus in on Ares as wed expected, taking her out but keeping Olifen alive. We heal up Olifen and Logue and cure his Fracture. I try to take down the most injured Acolyte with a Combo from Olifen and Logue, but when it doesnt quite die Logue is doomed to be dragged down by every single enemy focusing on him. Now, though, its time to strike back. Marie burns both Acolytes and a Priestess, killing the most injured Acolyte and putting the Priestess down low enough that Olifen can kill it when his turn comes back up. I also am able to throw all my firepower out this turn, because nobody is hurt. Marie smokes the last Acolyte, and the Priestess follows soon after to a slash from Olifen and an arrow from Irina, who levels up.

Irinas getting almost useful now, its quite good. Marie hits the last Priestess with a spell and then Olifen chops it down, leveling up in the process.

Olifen gets Evade II here, so now with skills and his accessories hes got 25% evasion. Now its time to deal with Rondemion, and I do it with brutal effect. I buff Olifen up, and then he runs up and uses a Curse Attack on him. Rondemion gets Cursed, and the battle is over as soon as it happens. See, Curse status means that you can never activate your passive skills and enemies will always activate theirs. Since Olifen has passive Evade, Rondemion can NEVER hit him as long as hes cursed. I pick him apart at my leisure, finishing him with an Everthrust because I might as well.

Battle Results:
Olifen 17->18
Irina 10->11
I dont know who that old man really was, but Im glad I met him.
Video- Stray Lead Out

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So whatll you do next?

After that, Im gonna find a way to break Logues curse.

I cant help you with the first one
But I might know something about the other.

I dont know how he knows so much about Majin and if it means theres hope for Logue I really dont care.

Then we must find the enemy of the Majin who cursed Sir Logue.

Rondemion left. Somehow I get the feeling well meet again, someday.

Levatte came through again.

The Princess is our priority. Dont worry about me

Besides, we need all the manpower we can get, or we wont be able to rescue Her Majesty.
So if you want to be of any use to us, we need to find that dragon.

For the first time in a long time, theres hope now.

Muse: I played Iryths game
But shes so crafty! I couldnt win, not even once!
The prizes are so tempting, though, so Im gonna keep trying
But I dont know if Ill ever win Argh, I hate losing
I wonder why the Koona even work for the Count.

Mih ekil tnod Anook
I think people can tell were all feeling a lot more hopeful.

Leon: Hm You look much better now! Resolved all your problems?
Im glad to hear that!
Steins been finding ways to entertain himself off the front lines.

Stein: She is full of interesting information. The Count knows how to pick his people.
Hahaha Ive been enjoying my time here.
This investigation is the most fun Ive had in years!
The Count seemed really interested that wed met Rondemion in Besek.

Ive heard rumors he was alive, and in search of that dreadful Morpheus
Perhaps hes come back for one final battle. What a grand spectacle !
Im glad weve got Yuri along.

Yuri: Whats the reason for my journey?
I want to live a life of purpose by helping people!
Thats it! Pretty simple, huh?
I think everythings starting to come to a conclusion. Manas going to need to leave soon, seems her teacher is sick.

Mana: Theres something Id like to talk to you about

Mana: My teacher has become sick and is bedridden.
I just received a letter to return home immediately.

Mana: Yes, Ive already started packing.

Mana: Well, my teacher is very old.

Mana: Wellllllll about 987 years old.

Mana: She was perfectly fine up until now, so I think shell pull through.

Mana: Well, she is a witch after all!
Shelayla asks a lot of really strange questions.

Shelayla: If you are of royal blood, you did not need to become a knight.
You could have chosen to live a life of luxury. What made you join the Knights?

And unlike my brother, I was never very good at academics.
Shelayla: I hear your swordsmanship is even better than Logues. Is that true?

The way of the sword just seemed like the only option I had, at the time.
Shelayla: Well, its better than having no skill or trade at all, right?

Shelayla: I think it depends on the person and their path in this world.

Shelayla: Oh, Im sorry. I didnt mean to lecture you.

Shelayla: My, my
I had to give Xiao Mei some bad news, unfortunately.

Xiao Mei: !?

Xiao Mei: Commander, you gotta remember to stay in character. Thats rule number one.

Xiao Mei: Well, nevermind, its okay. I slip up all the time too!
Now, in order for me to become the heroine of your party

Xiao Mei: Whaaat!? Why!? This was supposed to be my big chance!

Xiao Mei: But Ive been practicing my kicks all morning! You cant back out now!
After all, whats an adventure without a cheerful, stylish heroine!?

Xiao Mei: Nooooo!!! Come back! Ill settle for being a plucky sidekick!
Nadesico asked around about the Princess while we were out.

Nadesico: I heard a rumor about you the other day!

Nadesico: That you and the heiress are going to tie the knot!

Nadesico: The Princess.

Nadesico: It means get married in my country.

Nadesico: You are engaged, are you not?

Th-Thats not why I want to save her! My duty as a knight is to--!
Nadesico: Oh, youre so flustered! You must really like her!

Nadesico: Romance is a wonderful thing!

Nadesico: Hehehe Sayonara
I think I pissed Christina off. I mean how was I supposed to know?

Christina: Thou are too familiar, Commander.

Christina: Older!? THOU art the ridiculous one !

Christina: Thou calls thyself a noble!? Thou dost shame thy family!

Christina: I am Lady Christina Semper, of the immortal House Semper!

Christina: I saw thy father when he was a mere infant!

Kai and Kanat set out again today. I hope theyre staying safe.

Kai: Were recovering quite well. Thank you.

Wait, youre not planning on leaving, are you?
Kai: This is enough rest for us.
Please accept this as our thanks.

Feinnes Notes: Feather hat is a good accessory for casters, and well give it to Marie for now.

Kai: Just an expression of our gratitude, thats all.

Kai: I guess its time for us to go.

Kai: Dont worry about us. Well be fine.
Kanat: Thank you very much.

Were going to get some quick rest then head out to the Third Stratum. Its time to push even harder.
- operation record, Commander Olifen