Part 45: Stratum 1: Ashes
The magic of Zalis, the Dark Realm, is hereafter forbidden in the Kingdom of Valdia.- Royal Proclamation, unknown year
The Wolf, the Witch, and a Child
Now where was I last time? Oh yes, Besek returned.
Video- Thage Lead In

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There was a human child inside Besek.


I think children should learn something every day. Todays lesson was about talking to strangers.

I hereby forge our contract of body and mind.

I mean youd think it was the end of the world the way he screamed. But thats still at least a week off.

Whats going on !?
Things got off to a really strong start I think.
Video- Ashes

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Ally Team:
Lets take a quick look at our core team. First is Thage.

Thage is our main character in this story. So the first thing to note about Thage is that she is totally immune to anything magical. No magic can hurt her nor land a status effect on her. At the same time, no magic can heal her, buff her, or remove something from her. Make sure you keep items around to make up for this, or youll be in some shit. Thage can use Staves and Librums from the start, letting her theoretically use any type of magic. More than that, in the long term shes at least A rank with every type of magic but Light, so shes actually awesome with every type of magic for the most part. Once Thage starts rolling level wise shes simply unstoppable.

Raki is a pretty special party member. Hes a Majin, but he doesnt follow the normal rules for one. He can level up and store actions like a normal character. Instead of weapons he gets a Claw and Bite attack, allowing him to do either Slash or Pierce damage. He cant equip armor either, which does kind of suck. Hes got Air magic and the awesome Martyr skill, which allows him to take hits for allies within two squares. Hes mainly vulnerable to Fire, Light, and Pierce attacks at this point.

Retica is an archer with healing and support abilities. Hes pretty vulnerable at the start but as he levels up hes going to get seriously powerful. For now we want to keep him back and safe so he can use his heals and plink away with his shortbow.
Enemy Team:
Weve got four level two Caprus and two Pyromotes here. Lets look at the lowbie Pyromote.

As youd expect, this Pyromote is nearly immune to Fire and Strike and very vulnerable to Pierce and Water. Its also pretty vulnerable to everything else, which is nice. Weve got lots of Pierce, so its easy to bring him down.

We want to keep our party together, we outclass the Majin but were outnumbered. The only way we can lose is if they can bring their numbers to bear.
Tactical Objectives:
- Get the chest
- Capture the pathetic Majin

This is Thages Tale and we dont fuck around here in Thages Tale, so we start the map out by charging Raki straight into the near Caprus and doing more than half its health. Retica then takes a shot at it too.

And then we blow the Caprus up with Thage. Boom.

We capture it then get ready to go for the next one.

We keep getting our positioning right to hit the next Caprus, no point taking hits we dont need to.

Now that everyones in position, we can get started on the next guy.

Beseks upper Strata prey on the mind and materialize it.
This place must be an illusion from my past.

Raki runs up and bites it, were going to use the same routine on this guy because we want some easy exp for Thage.

Retica takes a shot at it now too, taking it down to easy Overkill range.

But lets not make this more difficult than we need to.

Ill seize all the Majin. Thats why Im in Besek.
We blast this Caprus the same way we did the first. Then we start moving our party over to hit the side that has the chest.

The Caprus does move up and attack Raki, which is fine really, he can take it.

So that Raki and Retica can potentially get experience I have Thage burn the Caprus nearly down with a spell.

Pyromote moves up now too, and does quite a lot of damage to Raki. Its quite a hassle, especially since we need to deal with Caprus first.

They probably dont know what the Eternal Poison is

Raki finishes the job nice and easy on the Caprus, getting a level in the process. His stats and resistances improve a little bit, about what youd expect.

What else do you need to know?

Raki needs healing, so we do that now.

The Pyromote then casts on Retica, which isnt so good for him. Raki gives it a savage bite while Retica heals himself back up.

We whack it with Thages librum next to soften it up a bit more and get her some more experience. It casts on Retica one last time then pulls back, letting us unleash a Combo on it with Raki and Retica, who levels up. We dont see what he gets quite yet, its more casts of his Cura I and Restore. Even better, Thage levels up from capturing it.

Thage hasnt quite gotten a new spell yet, but itll be soon and itll be awesome. We get the chest, which has a Bard ring in it. Its a nice accessory that increases speed and air resistance. Retica heals himself up with his last cast, since hed certainly die if attacked again. Now we just need to deal with the other side. Raki runs up and bites the Caprus, which gets him hit with a Pyro from the Pyromote and then a relatively sad little slash from the Caprus. As the rest of the party advances he bites the Pyromote as well, taking them both down to overkill range and getting him a second level.

Were also getting close to a really useful skill for Raki, but thatll come next time. Caprus and Pyromote both hit him again, taking him down low. Its not going to matter, though, because both of them are doomed. Thage chars the Caprus and then Raki bites the Pyromote, finishing the map.

Battle Result:
Thage 5->6
Raki 3->5
Retica 3->4
Caprus Lv 2 x 4
Pyromote Lv 3 x 2
Retica doesnt seem to be a good learner, though.
Video- Ashes Lead Out

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Quit talking in riddles!

People are of no use to me, Raki. Lets keep going.
Im not sure why but he wanted to save this person the Majin had grabbed.

If were not going to help them, who will!?

Anyway it turned out not to be a hassle to help them.

But we dont know where to take them.

If hes going to offer hospitality of course Im only too pleased to exploit that offer to its fullest. Though I have to wonder whether hes thought through this whole lord of Besek thing.

Besek appeared in my domain, engulfing my fair town of Isapolis.

I have prepared lodgings for all of you at Twilights Rest. Please, make yourselves at home there.

Retica seemed to think I should treat our new friend with a level of respect hed certainly not earned.

You know, not all aristocrats are as nice as him

Our illustrious and trustworthy host showed us around the town a bit. The Koona who are working for him are all around.

Toma: Anook deen uoy! Suoregnad Beseks.
As a hint from professional to professional: Dont introduce yourself as a thief.

Leon: Im Leon, the worlds greatest thief! Well, not yet, but Im working on it
Test my knowledge! Just ask me anything! Hmmm the Eternal Poison!?
Well, er, uhhh I dont think I should talk about it
I mean, I could easily get it for you myself, but wheres the fun in that!?
You wouldnt feel any sense of accomplishment, but I can still help.
Im an expert at gathering information. Anything you need? Just come find me!
What a loser. There are some real warriors in town, much more reliable than Retica. Ares the slayer is around but seems to be resting from the trip still.

Ares: Oh, the Eternal Poison ? Sounds like fun.
We did find an old man, though. Hopefully he doesnt have a heart attack out on the battlefield.

Komori: Aha, so youre looking for something thatll make your dreams come true?
Im here with my adopted daughter, Nena.
Hey, would you like to hire us? Nena and I make one tough team!
All we need is food and shelter, and were set. Lets go slay some Majin!
I appreciate irony so Im particularly amused that were also joined by the Beast General.

Alexei: Im here to investigate Besek, under direct orders from the Council!
Your group looks a little thin How about bringing me along?
Hahahaha! Good choice! Now you have the Beast General on your side!
It seems someone in town got lucky and wasnt traveling with the band who was taken.

Muse: Im Muse, and Im a dancer.
I used to be in a traveling band, but I decided to go solo!
I like being alone. It builds character.
Im still inexperienced, but I hope you like my dancing!
Also I need to remember to make Retica pay for insisting we rescue this person.

Elizabeth: It must have been a delight when you realized who you were saving.

Elizabeth: I am the daughter of the famous Count Modle!
I will shower you with gifts!
Instead of that plain old dress of yours
Ill adorn you with lavish, magnificent gowns!

Then again, his continued existence is probably punishment enough.
- recovered text fragments